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Do you need answers about life's important questions? Questions about love, romance, your spouse, cheating and infedelity? Questions about money, your career

or job?

sent to you by email if you wish free

minister j mcfall

802 s.w. 6th street

corning ar 72422

no charge card orders please

over 20 years of service in readings and spells

for a short time I will tell you how to do a tarot spell just 5 dollars email free, regular postage add 3 dollars or I will do for you just 25 dollars

Are spells evil and connected with the devil? - In a word "NO". May ill informed people associate spells with Witchcraft and with that the image of the devil or Satan. Witchcraft is in no way connected to Satan or Satanism.

When performing a spell there are a few points to keep in mind:

This is not like Harry Potter or Charmed or The Craft. You cannot do a spell and "poof" your results appear immediately. You need to make an effort after the spell is cast. If you are requesting a new love - you have to get off the couch and go out. Mr. or Mrs. Wonderful is not going to show up on your door step. If you need more money or a job. After the spell - play the lotto or actively look for a job. The Brinks truck is not going to randomly stop at your house.

You will get out of the spell what you put into it.

If you are not focused and you are just messing around - you will get scattered results.

Like anything else in life - you get out of a situation what you put into it.

I will tell you how to cast a spell other then tarot just 50 dollars or do it 100 dollars

big readings 65 dollars up to 20 or 30 pages

get a one card reading now ten cents email free regular postage add 3 dollars

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we all have needs in life and magic can help fulfill those needs.

hate, fame, revenge . . .


What is a spell? - A spell is a ceremony with words, oils, herbs, candles, etc...first used to remove the negative atmosphere that surrounds you and then focuses in on a specific desire or outcome.

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johnny mcfall

web sites and services for entertainment only sorry no charge card orders please send birth information, payment get the service

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