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The Tales of Sanri

The Tales of Sanri are a small series of stories written by me. You will see them displayed on many Fan-Fic websites under the names Crystalwolf and Windsong. Those are my other two names on the internet.

The Tales of Sanri are stories about Zira's Past and Future. They begin with the story "The Wind Lifting the Sand" (uncompleted), which is a story about why Scar and Zira look different from other lions. It tells where their parents came from and tells of their journey to the Pridelands, and what Sanri means in desert pride language.
The second story starts when Zira (Sanri) is a cub. It was the original story, and is titled simply "The Tales of Sanri". It tells a story from Zira's cubdom to when the outsiders were exiled, leaving off where Simba's Pride starts.

Between the second and third story, there is another tale, a tale that takes place in the middle of The Lion King, when Scar is king. It is called Scar's Empire.

The third story starts where Simba's pride left off. It is titled "The Long Trail to Power"(incompleted). It tells of Zira's survival of the river, and her planning to avenge Scar and take over the Pridelands herself.
I hope you enjoy reading these, and I like comments, you can just email them to me. I am going to get the other two stories online soon, I just have to get them out of my old webTV storage. I also have pictures at my online fanart archive- click here to see it.