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Last time on Power Rangers Zeo: The Return, Zack was freed from Zedd’s spell by Zordon, meaning the Zeo Crystal was now fully complete and there were seven Rangers joined together. However, freeing Zack, took out a lot of energy from Zordon and his life is now incredibly short. Meanwhile, Rita and Zedd still have the Phantom Ranger and control of the Dragon Zord and White Battle Zord. What will they do with them? Next in Power Rangers Zeo: The Return……..


In Rita and Zedd’s Palace, Zedd sat on his throne, his fingers tapping away on one of the arm rests.

Zedd: "Curse that Zordon! He has freed my White Ranger from my spell. Now there’s another Ranger to battle."

Rita: "Have no fear my darling Zeddy, Zordon’s spiritual life is almost at an end, and we still have control of the Dragon Zord and the White Battle Zord."

Goldar: "Not to mention the Phantom Ranger!"

The Phantom Ranger still hung from the wall he was tied up on. He had gone into his invisible form on several occasions, but he was trapped. There was nothing he could do.

In the Power Chamber, the Rangers looked on as Zordon, in his spiritual body lay on the Chamber’s floor. His time coming to an end.

Billy: "No! We can’t lose you again. There must be something we can do."

Zordon: "I am afraid there’s not Billy. Have faith in yourself. I will be forever watching over you."

Billy: "NO! There has to be something!"

Tears welled up in Billy’s eyes.

Billy: "Alpha, you must know. Is there something we can do?"

Alpha: "I’m sorry Billy. But there is nothing we can do. Zordon is here in an afterlife spiritual form. I have no idea on how to begin even researching it."

Billy: "There HAS to be a way!"

Billy walked over to the Power Chamber’s computer. He wiped away some of the tears from his eyes and began to tap in some commands. The rest of the Rangers stayed huddled around Zordon.

Zack: "This is my fault. If I had been stronger against Zedd, none of this would be happening."

Zordon: "Do not blame yourself Zack. My time was always running out, there is nothing that could change that."

Zack: "But it doesn’t help. We need you Zordon, we can’t beat Rita and Zedd without you."

Zordon: "Yes…….you…can. You were able to stay united when Tommy was the Green Ranger and I was not around. The Earth was protected from Divatox when I went back to Eltare, and the Space Rangers protected Earth whilst Dark Specter held me captive. You just have to believe in yourselves."

Karone then looked to the ground in shame.

Karone: "It is my fault. I assisted Dark Specter in your capture. If it wasn’t for that day, you would still be alive."

Zordon: "Karone………… were not…..yourself then. You were Astronema, under Dark Specter’s influence. You did not know what you were doing……. Please, all of you do not…….. blame….your…….."

Adam: "Zordon? Alpha what’s happening?"

Zordon’s body rolled around the floor in agony. His body began to fade in and out.

Rocky: "Alpha, what’s going on?"

Alpha: "I……I don’t know. Zordon?"

Zordon’s body finally stopped in its movement. The Rangers feared the worst, but he then he opened his eyes again.

Zordon: "No….. it can’t be!"

Tommy: "What? What can’t be?"

Zordon: "I’ve just had…… had a vision into the fut…… future. The Universe is in great danger."

Adam: "Why? What’s going to happen?"

Zordon: "The….."

Just then the alarm went off in the Power Chamber. Rita and Zedd had sent down Goldar with the White Battle Zord to attack Angel Grove.

Alpha: "Aiyaiyaiyai! Rangers, you must go."

Billy: "But what about Zordon? We can’t leave him. He may not be here when we get back!"

The Rangers agreed.

Zordon: "As Power Rangers, it is your duty to protect the Earth. Now is the time to do so. Go……. I….. I will be fine."

Zack: "We have to, if only to get back my zord."

Tommy: "Then let’s go. We’ll be back Zordon."

Tommy and Adam: "Its Morphin Time!!"

Karone: "Zeo Ranger One, Pink!"

Rocky: "Zeo Ranger Two, Yellow!"

Billy: "Zeo Ranger Three, Blue!"

Zack: "Zeo Ranger Four, White!"

Adam: "Zeo Ranger Five, Green!"

Tommy: "Zeo Ranger Six, Red!"

Jason: "Gold Ranger Power!!"

The Rangers landed in Angel Grove, and were met by Goldar who had jumped out of the White Battle Zord.

Rocky: "Leaving the zord unattended Goldar?"

Adam: "We can just go in and take it."

Goldar: "Not likely. Putties get them!!"

An army of Zedd’s putties appeared, and went after the Rangers.

Tommy: "Oh man, we don’t have the time for this."

Billy: "Can anyone get to the zord?"

Zack: "Not with these Putties in the way."

Jason: "Then we’ll have to take them out."

The Rangers charged towards the Putties…….

Zordon: "…….Alpha…."

Alpha: "Yes Zordon."

Zordon: "Please……Please bring up an image on the screen. I must see the Rangers triumph over evil one last time."

Alpha: "Right away Zordon. Aiayiyaiyai. Please hurry Rangers."

An image was brought up on the viewing screen. Jason was battling Goldar whilst the other six Rangers took on a swarm of Putties. Adam jumped up into the air, and did a split kick, hitting two Putties in the chest, causing them to vanish. Karone was knocked down by a Putty from behind which was then quickly destroyed by Zack.

Karone: "Thanks Zack."

Zack: "No probl…. Look out!!"

A Putty flew through the air and hit Zack in the ribs after Karone ducked out the way. Billy ran in with a forearm which made the Putty explode. Goldar then knocked Jason to the floor.

Goldar: "Give it up Gold Ranger. You can’t win."

Jason: "No Goldar! It is you who can’t win!"

They exchanged blows. Each one causing a minor explosion. Finally Jason knocked Goldar down with a tornado kick. He was then joined by the other Rangers who had dispatched the Putties.

Tommy: "Zack, you go and get the White Battle Zord, we’ll hold Goldar off."

Zack: "Right!"

Zack ran off and leapt up into the air.

Adam: "Its over Goldar. The White Battle Zord is ours."

Zack landed in the cockpit of the White Battle Zord and took control.

Zack: "Yes, the Zackman has got his own zord."

He moved it over to where Goldar was standing.

Goldar "You may have won this time Rangers, but you will not win when it matters!"

Goldar then vanished, heading back to the Palace. Zack sent the White Battle Zord to the Zeo Zord Holding Bay. The Rangers then teleported to the Power Chamber.

Billy: "Alpha, how’s Zordon doing?"

Alpha: "Not good Billy. There’s little time left."

Billy: "If Goldar hadn’t attacked, I may have found a way to save him, but there’s just not enough time now."

Tommy: "We understand Billy, there may not be a way to save him at all anyway."

The Rangers walked over to where Zordon lay, his breathing had become noisier and each breath was harder for him to do.

Zordon: "…..Rangers……. You…… You did well. You have grown………as people and are a fine example……to the world."

Alpha: "From my calculations, there is only a few minutes left."

Adam: "Wait, Zordon what was it you saw?"

Zordon: "What I saw, is something which could cause the……. The end of…….of the Universe."

Tommy: "What is it?"

Zordon: "Lord….. Lord…….Zedd will……be… able……to…….."

Karone: "Alpha, what’s wrong?"

Alpha: "He’s almost gone Rangers, look."

Zordon’s body was starting to fade again. This time, it took longer for him to reappear again.

Zordon: "Lord….Zedd will…….get….."

Zordon’s body then faded away. The Rangers waited for him to appear again but he never did. They all had tears on their faces as they realised the truth. The legacy of Zordon had finally come to an end………….