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Between the Past and Present Tense

Here it is. Perhaps it will evolve? Don't hold your breath.

(everyone should get gmail)
AIM: justohsorad

If you got to this site through a search engine, and there aren't any frames, click here .

It's different. Have you noticed? If not, you're a moron. Several pages have been tossed into the abyss, many pages are completely redone. For example. you'll notice there are no more oneliners, bumper stickers, or phobias pages, and no guys and girls section. This is because I hated them. You'll also notice that the quotes section is different (finally, and Thank God). There's a new look, although the link colors are slightly inconsistent (it wasn't important enough to go back through my entire webshell and change it), which I like okay for now. Once I get the motivation to learn style sheets it will probably change, and for the better. On the to-do list is the God section, the rest of the quotes section, the Buffy area (not to be confused with Area 51, although I'm sure Buffy could be of assistance there), the lyrics section, and a brand new section, books, movies, and video games (although you'd waste your time to click on the link, there are only titles in effect right now. Exciting? Sure. The free time next semester is daunting, but this seems like a worthy task to fill my days with.
Signing off, your fearless leader
ps plus I changed the name, my contact info, and the front page. That part I figured you'd noticed if you've gotten this far, but it's better safe than sorry.
A whole spankin' new page up! it out!
Finally, an update! Not that, you know, anyone comes here. Regardless, Anna Nalick lyrics are now up at the Poombah . Hit it up, it's terribly terribly awesome.
Yo! A brand new link! is up! Ch ch ch ch... check it out!
First update of 2005. Not that that has any relevance to your life. Okay, so there is a plethora (that's right, a plethora) of new lyrics under the Grand Poombah page in the lyris section- check it out, yo.

I learned my HTML from Slacker's HTML

ps I shouldn't have to say this but if I developed anything on this site personally
I'm intelligent and vain enough to label it as mine-- therefore, you can assume that
if I don't say it's mine, it's not.

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