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- Greedy
- Kul
- Viscious
- Disciple
- Sign
- Blaz
- Random
- GG
- Ace
- Msj
- Jad837
- Sneek
- Scv


- TryOuts
- ProReplays

I know its been long time since update but to be honest not much going on tourney with Phillipines fell threw, they never gave date or even try to arrange the tourney.A few XGs will be playing at WCG in a few weeks.So goodluck to XGs_Kul and XGs_Jad837 as well as myself XGs_Greedy. New Recruits are XGs_Receri XGs_TheEnd.The 1.10 patch really screwed up all Zerg replays so all the gosu replays with zerg are gone.Fucking blizzard!!lol Well thats it for now GL HF GG

Well sorry for not posting as much not much to report.I broke my middle finger on my right hand so playing has been very hard and painful T.T but me dont worry about Greedy one hand Is all I need keke just playing.Well have fun Goodluck. Z(''z)

Hi XGs good news we have a tournament with philippine team in the next week or two.I am not sure on how the tournament will be played or when just yet I think it will be 5:5 tournament with each player limited to 2 games each.Right now XGs players Are XGs_Blaz, XGs_Sign, XGs_Kul, XGs_Greedy, and XGs_Jad837.However these are probably going to change since the tourney is around 2 weeks away and some members have not yet been told of this.So XGs players will need to practice up especially on other maps.More news about this will be posted soon.GoodLuck XGs (o")=O

Sorry havent updated I got the flu..:'( but anyway not much to post added some replays and thats about it.I would like to see the new recruits on more if your not on whats the point right? Get on or stay off..Thx -.-v

Ok sorry I cant update everyday I have been busy.New recruits of XGs are XGs_Maggot, XGs_ZergBoy, and XGs_Flash everyone welcome the new recruits.It is important for new XGs to become active and become known to all XGs players.Im not sure how the recruiting will go but if it keeps going like it is I think a tournament will be a must to eliminate the lesser skilled players.So Im not sure if that will take place as yet but we will be discussing it.I posted some replays and since I was not on as much this week Ill ask for more.Msg me if you hae replays you would like to see posted.I think that is all for now.

Todays new recruit is XGs_Markpopo so, Welcome Mark I will add all new recruits to members page after they have played on XGs name for awhile.I also added first part of Jad837 strats more to follow.

Welcome new recruit XGs_Zergboy he like Oneill is from the phillipines so have fun gaming with him.I put up some replays from WGT blaz played,and couple more XGs replays up.XGs is Still looking for couple more recruits so if you know someone that fits the skill and manner send him for tryout.

I added more replays today,some Pro replays.New XGs_ recruit is XGs_Oneill so everyone welcome her,she is the only female in XGs and is really nice so have fun with her.

Today I added some Pro replays and will be adding more when I get little more time.Sorry if updates go a little slow right now its hard to keep up since I am the only one working on site right now.Anyways will add more when I can.

I posted new replays and will be posting more soon.If you want me to start posting Pro replays let me know.New recruits will not be listed until they have been in clan for one month.

I finally posted some replays so check them out.Be sure to send me replays so I can post them.Also I need someone to write the history page,since I wasnt around when XGs formed.I was thinking of adding Pics to profile so if you want your pic in profile send me them.

Welcome to XGs website.New XGs are XGs_Viscious and XGs_Disciple.We are currently recruiting Good zerg and terran players to join.If you would like to try out come to clan XGs- west gate.Around 10pm east time for tryout.Also Welcome back XGs_Kul back a couple days and still kicking ass.Gosu


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