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"I am a Woman...I am Fearless...
In a World of Diversity...
I will go My own Path...
And you will hear Me...
For I am Woman"

"Welcome to Women of the World Vote Page. This site has the list of WOTW members who are in competition. To help promote our members vote request...we at WOTW decided to put this site up to help them in their endeavour.

If your a member of Women Of The World who's requesting for a Vote. Please EMAIL me and put the Subject "Vote Page List" and submit me the URL to your page where you're asking people to vote for you together with a 150x150 size button for me to link to your vote page.

If your listed in the WOTW - Vote Page...Please take this Badge and proudly display it in your website.Put a link to This will help you and your WOTW friends to inform other people of your request for a vote. "

"Click Next to go to Vote Page Members List"

"This Set was made by Tamy Brazell (Elegant Expressions/Elegant Creations ©2001-2002). None of this set should be taken, copied, altered or reproduced in any way shape or form without expressed concent from the owner. Site was created by Raven of Women of the World.