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Realm 2 Witchcraft Welcome. this site Is based on the art of witchcraft. witches haven never and never will worship the devil. do not judge us by what roumers you hear. There is witch in every woman. you can still belive in god and be a witch too. before you go asking about spell's to cast on people to harm, them remember the three fold rule. whatever you cast comes back three times worse or better. if you cast a spell to help heal the sick you will be un-harmed. if you cast a spell to harm someone you will be harmed three times worse. a woman who was a witch cast a spell to brake a boys arm. he broke his arm and the very next day she fell out of a tree and broke her arm. she had it in a cast for the summer. do only spells that others can benifet from. that it all i ask of you before you begin your journey. you may beging this jourey and decide to turn back because you are afraid of what is not known. that is your choice. but you can go on and find many wonders with the works of magic. be open. ignore rude comments from people who are rasist against the godess within others but be careful. open up to the godess within. I welcome you, to the world of witchcraft. I also have another thing to say. HARRY POTTER. it may be neat and exiting but that is not the way of real witchcraft. yes there are wands and cloaks but real wants are not small teeny sticks containing a single unicorn hair or phenoix feather. they are small branch like things about as thick as a marker and as long as your keyboard. the are made of a special tree, and they have a chrystal or quartz on the tip to contain light magic. you use wands mainly for casting circles, there are few spells that require a wand. if you are luckey enough to get a wand dont try things like alohomorah or jelly legs curse, i garuntee they will not work. Yes there are ways to open locked doors, but there are no such things as jelly legs and leach belching or slug belching like Ron Weasley. dont waste your time with these silly things. ask people that have site's listed in my "links" area that I will soon have up. I will have an online shop for items that you may need or want for your practices. e mail me if you want to get tips on the crafts. I will soon have a spell section and I will also have a "diety Doodad" part, :) that will be for info on diffrent gods and godesses, untill then, Blessed be and be your pathway clear of dangers! Realm 2 Witchcraft today I will be explaining about your "Life Path". Imagine this, There is a long winding Path-way leadign forward, If you wish to be a witch/wizard you follow this path, If you do not wish to be a Witch or wizard i advise you turn around and leave this site as well as the path, I want you to close your eyes now, consentrate on seeing a long path that you cannot see what is ahead, focous on making your imaginary you step onto the path, keep walking, Now, after about a long time of walking you come across a fork in the path-way. you can choose straight ahead, left, or right. See yourself choosing the way that you scence is the best for you, here you will meet others on there first fork, you can choose to go on in a group or with one other person, or go on alone, you have made your choice, then, if you are male, a handsome god will seep out of your head if you are felmale a godess will come to rest on his/her feet before you, you will smile and welcome the stranger, the "stranger" is your god within, He/she will Tell you his/her name, and he/she will give you an ELAMENT, Elaments are powers you recive at every fork as well as a TOTEM ANIMAL. there are Meany Elaments, Fire, Water, Rain, Hail , Lightning, Thunder, Summer, Fall, Spring, Flight , Levatation,Invisability,Healing, harm, Protection. there are also the "RARE" Elaments which are rarely given out, there is Storm. storm is a mixture of thunder hail rain lightning and snow. storm is very rare but it is also very usefull, In some of your forks ahead you will come across demons, Jiant animals, and other dangerpus obstacles you will have to beat, with storm, the lucky few can summon there storm power and sap, frighten or even destoy there obstacle in one hit. storm is very rare so dont get your hopes up that you will get it. another "RARE" elament is Darkness, Darkness is mixed with thunder, shadow, sadness, and revenge. this is a very trickey elament to controal, there is only one record of anyone having the elament of darkness, and that wizard was merlin, he rarely ever used it. another "rare" elament is foucous-demridious. no witch or wizard has ever has this elament ever. this is a combanation of invisability, Shadow, phsychic-mentality, transformationg-major(transform into anything you want), duplication, and time travel. No oone in history past present or future has ever had this elament. dont go claming you have it because if you do a gory group will try to "suck" it out of you. if you do have this spectaculair power keep it to yourself for the good of yourself and others. I will explain more later, right now Im beging a "spell/maditaion" area. do not attempt any of these spells without contacting me first PLEASE. Untill then, Blessed be and be your pathway free of dangers!


Spells and Rituals
