Chapter 4

"What, what do we need...?" Xander was still panicked, he dialed Buffy's dorm phone and quickly looked to the watcher as the phone rang.

Giles complied. " We need four people…. And some …well…it's complicate…" He was cut off.

"Yeah! Hi Buff! Gosh, I'm glad you're at the dorms…Anya, shes…"

Giles stood slightly annoyed and tempted to pluck the phone right from the boy's hand. But knew better and just stood there and waited for his turn.

The slayer voice could be heard through the phone, she sounded tired. "Xander, it's 11:24 at night, what happened to Anya? What's wrong?

"A demon…something…your going to have to ask Giles' about it. I'm the one calling though, and I'm calling in to say that I want you to come with me to chop this thing up into little bit-sized fish and chips parts."

"Wow, hold on Xander, let's not go all 'first blood' here until we know what's what. Where are you?"

"Magic shop, I brought An here when it happened."

"Ok, Ok put Giles on…"



Xander rolled his eyes and reluctantly gave the old British guy the phone. The watched just smiled, as if he had won a battle, plucking the phone from the lad's hand and looking a head of himself as he talked. " Buffy?"

"Right here Giles…what happened, why is Xander so wigged?"

" He was there when it happened and I believe it may have shocked him a bit. He seems very willing to go out and kill this demon himself. As for Anya... she's, well the point is she's alive but we'll need to work fast. If Anya is going to survive this were going to have to do a…well, a spell to find her soul again."

"Ok, then I'll get Will and we'll come on over. You have everything you need for the spell in the magic shop right?"

"Well, yes…. and no."

"Giles, you not making this easy… remember, me blond?

"Yes, quite…. what we need are specific people to do the actual spell itself. This particular spell requires ummm…" He flipped through the pages of an old book rapidly. "Umm, yes, here. 'The four, two of blood through which the power flows and two of normal blood whose power lies within."

She took a long long pause. " A huh…"

The watcher sighed. " What it's saying Buffy is that we need four people… two need to be supernatural. For once I don't need you to fight, I need you to focus…for Anya sake."

"OK, so I got the deal, you me and Will and Xander do the spell and Wa La…Anya's ok?"

"It's not that simple."

"I hate it when you say that…"

"We'll need two supernatural beings."

"Yeah, me and Will, what's the prob?"

"But Willow doesn't have the kind of power you do Buffy, hers doesn't lie within the blood, her power as a Wicca lies within. Her and I will be the two mortals and you will be one of the powerful whose power lies within the blood. After all, you were born with these powers, it would seem logical."

"OK OK, but I'm still a little fuzzy on getting everything. If it's only me, you, and Will…then who can we get with ' power in the blood.' that can do it too?"

Chapter 5
October 10th, 1874

With one fist raised, William ran forward and stuck the man's right cheek with a powerful crake. Who ever it was, fell to the ground below and hit his head on the corner of a coffee table near by. The idiot hadn't even seen it coming; he was out cold and going to be that way for a while. Now what about Lila?

Lilith was still crying behind the other side of the bed unknowing of the circumstances that had just occurred not two feet away.

William shook his hand and walked of to her swiftly, he was kneeling beside her in an instant and laid his hand out on top of hers gently for reassurance and comfort.

At first Lil nervously pulled away, still thinking it was the man who had assaulted her. But once she saw who it really was, she cried out in joy and wrapped her arms around her loves neck. She held him as close as possible as if she'd die if he weren't touching her.

Then, as suddenly as she had grabbed him, she pulled away and promptly slapped him across the face. William, at a lost for words, only sat there with his head turned a moment before looking back at her. She spook harshly. " You have any idea'r who you just hit William?"

He rose and eyebrow and began to speak with the same amount of force she was giving to him. " I think I hit the pillock who should be beaten to a bloody pulp because he laid and hand on you!"

"No, you've just hit the most wealthy cotton mill owner in this entire town..." Her eyes brightened up and she smiled as wide as she could. "…and I couldn't be happier!" She hugged him again, this time making it last only a tad longer.

William didn't know what had just happened with the slap, women were so unpredictable and odd sometimes.

Lily's emotions where mixed and she didn't know whether to be mad or insanely happy, she choose do act upon both. Her tears ran down her cheeks and absorbed into his vest. She started to whisper. " He's the one I told you about... Robert, and if he finds out who you are..." She pulled away and looked him in the eyes. " Oh William, he's got such a horrid tempter. He'll most likely shoot you at this rate. You've got to get out of here before he wakes up from that... wallop you gave 'em."

"Not without you. Damn it Lily, come back with me to London!"

"I...I...can't...I..." She looked back and forth between the man on the ground and her love, her gaze finally landing on her only true love, William. "Yes, I'll go." They embraced each other again, this time quicker then before and stood up together hand in hand.

Behind the bed, Robert was almost back to full conciseness. His eyes slowly blinked a few times, his fingers twitched.

The young boy smiled and nodded his head towards the window. " Come on. Let's go."

Lilith nodded, looking back to her drawers and thinking how offal it would be to just leave all of her clothes to never be worn or seen again. She couldn't bring them with her? She reached out, gesturing that she wanted to go back and get some things. "Can't I just...?"

"No Lily..." He pulled her with him. " We'll can send for them later, now we have to..."

"You're not going anywhere." A voice spoke up, it was deep, and it wasn't Williams. Robert stood to his feet from behind the bed; his hand was to the back of his head as he got up. The dark haired man hissed as he pulled his palm away from the back of his skull, his eyes stared at the bright red liquid that was staining his palm. He looked up again with piercing eyes at the two.

Panic-stricken, that's what Will was. In that instant his hand grabbed Lily's and pulled her behind him into the safety that would block her from any kind of attack. He wanted to run, his heart was racing and his face was hot from the adrenaline rush, but none of that would matter of her couldn't get away. William stepped back, his eyes never leaving the hold he had with the other man's eyes standing directly in front of him.

Lilith squeezed Williams hand tightly once for reassurance, but it only acted as permission, permission to follow his instincts. As much as he would have loved to stay for an introduction, he turned his back and he ran. The blond pulled Lilith behind him by the arm as he turned on his heel and sped forward into the backyard without warning.

It was all a blur really, if he hadn't been so scared he probably would have seen the error of what he was doing. If he had learned anything from he's eighteen years from living on this earth, it was that the only thing you can trust is your heart. His heart may have been stupid but it was certainly trust worthy and it was telling him to run the hell out of there.
Love wasn't brains after all, it was blood, and it was apart of him.

The couple ran fast into the yard, Lilith was a fast runner but not nearly as fast as William and he pulled her along like a little child. His fingers tightened around her hand as he began to see the road not far away. Like before, a wild crake sound was heard only this time it was in the sky above them. It made William winched at first before he realized what it really was. His first clue that something was wrong was that Lilith was slowing to a halt. He spun his head around and nudged her arm forward looking to her concerned; and she was smiling. Smiling? She stood still in the wet grass with a relived look on her face before collapsing to the ground. Her head hit the wet grass; face pointed up to the sky and stilled, a look of clarity evident in her eyes.

Will only stood a moment not sure as to what to do, and then he too fell down to his knees next to her. "Lily?" He uttered, putting a hand to her waist not sure as to what had happened but having some vague idea, he didn't want to believe it. The Idea was simple and frightening and was the last thing he wanted to think of, so he ignored it, now no longer panic stricken but in denial.

Robert stood, frozen as a statue, a gun held up in the air by his side. He hadn't meant to do that! It was an accident; he had meant to shoot the boy, not her. He ran back into the house...there was still time to call a surgeon.

The small girls eyes opened, but only slightly. They were shifting back and forth between William and the starry night sky beyond him. She opened her mouth, the blood from her wound spilling out into the ground beneath her. Her heart was slowing ... it had never done that felt weird, she spook so soft. " Will, I never got to..." but she didn't get to finish, her heart had stopped and her expression went clear as her voice disappeared into the wind. She stared past him, her face frozen and no longer looking at anything, not even him.

He was in denial, he shock his head and whispered. " No ... no. 'Lil." He shook her shoulders and pulled his hand up, his finger were red. He looked at them a second and then back to the dead body before him. His voice got louder. " Lila? Lily?" He shook her one last time. " Lilith!"