Chapter 7

It was one in the afternoon when Watcher, Slayer, and friend all sat around the magic shop sluggishly, save Buffy who hopped onto the counter top next to the cash register to sit. She was reflecting on the earlier evenings events and, to say the least, wasn't to happy about them. "The guy was way creepy Giles, he was abnormally fast for a vampire too. He stood there and just knew I couldn't take him...I guess. I can't believe I lost 'em."

Giles nodded, in agreement with his pupil."You said that, um, he said it wasn't… um... 'his turn'?"

She nodded solemnly "Yeah, said he was going to play by the rules. Stupid English…dumb…guy." Giles raised an eyebrow; Buffy looked him in the eye and retaliated for her comment. "I mean him Giles, he was a rude annoying guy. And that punch hurt!"

Xander looked up from his seat, his attention only diverted because of the thought of harm coming to one of his friends, also the girl he still admired and sometimes hid behind. "He punched you?"

"He was from England?" Giles, ignoring Xanders comment.

She answered both questions."Yes, he hit me… and yes, he had the accent." Her eyes lit up again. " Hey, Giles, do you know him?" A slight amount of joke in her tone of voice.

Giles looked up between the top of his glasses and walked forward, carrying a small book." Buffy, as lively as you think my social life is, I rarely associate with the undead."

Xander smirked, eating his apple, his legs hoisted up on the center table. "Except Spike, you lived with him for a while. Oh and there was that time back in the 70's for ya right?"

The watcher need'nt look from his book to answer this question."Yes, and thank you ever so much for bring back both of thouse remarkabally painfull events Xander."

Buffy nodded, once again thinking of something that could help. "Hey Giles, you don't suppose that Spike would know him do you? He does follow the demon rumors around these parts."

Giles nodded, fixing his glasses and looking to her. "It's worth a go, but its most unlikely Spike will know this new chap. Even if that ill-mannered bleached vampire knows this other vampire you encountered last night, he'll only lie about it. It's probably mere coincidence this vampire is here and from England."

Buffy hopped off the table " Oh, please Giles, I think Spike would know him, he's almost as creepy. 'Sides, this doesn't just strike me as your normal newly risen vampire bent on killing the slayer and traveling across seas to do it. He seemed smart, trained, possibly even an assassin? Just throwing out ideas like thouse knife he threw at me."

Xander swallowed hard. "Knives?" He muttered shocked before taking his feet off the table at Giles glares, and taking another bit from his red apple.

The slayer continued. "I mean he seemed like he was almost toying with me."

The watcher spook up, " What ever the case Buffy, I do think you should use much more caution over the next few days until we can find out who this new vampire is. If I had a name for him I could look him up in one of my books, if he's as clever and old as you insinuates he is, he'll be in the watcher diaries I'm sure."

She nodded "He's defiantly older Giles, but I'll ask around, see if I can beat his name out of anyone." Thinking about one blond vampire in particular.

The watched nodded, walking towards the back room. "All right, then I'll see you tonight."

"OK, bye Giles" She rushed to the door, purse on her shoulder and opened the door, bell ringing.

"Bye Buffy"

Xander nodded in the air and tried a farewell," buh ph'uffy" He was still eating.


Another bright sunny afternoon on the Hellmouth, could things get any worse?

After a loud bang on the mausoleums one and only front door, the lock unhinged itself from the frame and Buffy stepped inside, her sights going directly to the vampire sitting in the chair just in front of the television. He didn't look up, his paper still in hand. " Answers my bloody question…"

The slayer wrinkled her forehead in confusion before walking up and standing before him. She paused a moment after he didn't return her gaze and snatched the paper right out of his hand.

"Hey!" He looked up, sighing. "You know, instead of pinching a blokes personals, the polite thing to do would have been to ask first. Then again, I wouldn't give it to you anywa…"

" I need information."

"Buy your own paper then." He grabbed at the paper.

She threw it aside, she didn't need him to be distracted right now." One, you didn't pay for this anyway; and two, I don't need information I can get out of the paper. It's about a new vampire in town, heard anything?" She put her hands on her hips.

The vampire watched this, a cunning smile placed a moment before answering." Lots of vampires in town pet, what makes you think I'd give up my own kind? Oh, money…" He reached for it.

She pulled the bills away." Spike, he's got black hair, jacket, and I met him last night."

" Doesn't ring a belahhowww!" She pinched his ear making him stand.

" I mean it." The slayer threw him to the side to stand up straight. Her voice was harsh, as if she wasn't going to be tricked this time. She always sounded pissed, but now she sounded…

"This fella's got you scared slayer?"The vampire rubbed his ear.

She crossed her arms." I don't know what you're talking about."

" Yeah he does, your scared…wouldn't have hurt you too much to show a bit of fear now and again around me you know."

" I was never scared of you."

He clutched his heart mockingly. " Ow, harsh, hurt more then your grip. You should use your mouth more often luv."

" I could make it hurt more with my fist if I don't get some information out of you... quick."

" I don't know anyhow ow ow ow OK! Names Tommy, he's older then me, that's all I know."

" Thanks."

Chapter 8

New York City: 1977

The sound of a subway car could be heard loudly, even in a second story apartment building of the finance district, the frame of the windows rattling every so often as one would pass. The owners of that apartment didn't seem to mind too much; there bodies had been dragged to the river front and dropped into the water weeks ago so they really couldn't hear the train anyway. Drusilla had very much enjoyed tying weights to the bottle of the young couples feet, insuring they would sink to the bottom and stay unnoticed. She had had a fun time doing it too, the only trick was to get the couple to have invited the blond gentlemen and petit lady into there home in the first place. But, once that had been accomplished, it was only a matter of drain and drop. Another subway train passed beneath the vampire couples feet. Spike could only complain as he paced back and forth in the living room. Dru was in her own room, resting. It was day out; the shades covered the windows of the living room so Spike had nothing to fear. The train kept waking him up, so now all he could do was pace, his chain necklace and safety pinned black tank top jingling as he stepped back and forth.

When the train has passed again, the noise of the vampires chains were all you could hear, that and the noise of the phone ringing. Spike stopped mid in step, hand folded behind his back as he then proceeded to walk to the phone. It was probably a call for the late occupants, no one knew or cared that Spike and Drusilla were in America. He really didn't have to pick up the phone, but he had nothing else better to do. Besides, actually talking to someone seemed like the most opportunistic was of getting rid of his boredom.

The phone stopped it's ringing as the vampire picked up the receiver. "What?"

"Dominos pizza, I got a large cheese, extra sauce."

"I didn't order any pizza you nonce!"


He recognized the voice… that and the smart alic tone. " Tommy? What yew doing call'in me?"

" Well, I'm not calling you cause I want to."

" Figures, knowing you your probably calling me for money or because you got something wooden pressed to your chest. What's new with you? Still playing lap dog to the Malus?"

" Not as much as customary, I should have gotten the assignment to the slayer activated now, but someone else got it before I could. Just thought i'd call to tell."

" Hum, oh well, who ever it is will probably dust anyway, who's the unlucky bloke who got the assignment?"

Tommy laughed a moment over the phone. " Yew."


"Yeah mate, you, slayers in your part of the world. She should be somewhere close by in New York, my suggestion, get it over with quickly"

" Now, you know that's not the way I work Tom."

"I know, fine, take your time. All I got to say is that the Malus wants her dead and you got fives years. The usual."

" I won't need 'em."

" Yeah, Dru still with you?"

" She's sleeping in the back."

" Is it day there?"

"Yeah, but I was awake, bloody subway cars. Can't get a descent spot of shuteye 'round these parts. Only wanted to come to America to see Woodstock, heard it would be fun, lots of treats and all. But then Dru said something about lady liberty, so here we are. How'd you find me?"

"Doesn't matter. I was hoping to finally get out of London this year but they got me helping with the paperwork. Maybe I'll catch the next slayer com'in."

" That is if I don't get that one too…" He snickered lightly, walking into the middle of the living room and sitting down in the nicely furnished black leather chair. " You know, I've spent over 20 years training with the Malus now and I still don't understand why, in over one hundred years, I've only gotten assigned to one slayer, they finally think I'm ready?"

" Spike, your ego is getting in the way of your brain again. Your not the only vampire out there; or demon for that matter. The Malus isn't apprehensive with how they die or who kills 'em, only the fact that there dead quickly. The quicker, the better, you know that. Anyway, this shouldn't take to long, the girl just got called. Her home is…um, at the corner of Smith and Weston, take a left and it's the second story of the building Hardinsburg, apartment two eleven. Be glad you in the neighborhood, luck I s'pose."

Dru voice could be heard in the back room " Spike…"

Tom snickered. " Sounds like your lady predicaments aren't only with slayers mate."

" Piss off, it's getting dark here, she's just now waking up."

" I guess, oh well, be sure and die this time so I can have a go at this new bird, right?"

" Not likely, she'll be dead soon enough."

" Why so confident? You haven't faced one for a while now. Hope you haven't lost your touch."

" It's not about the moves, It's the way you find them."

Dru again, she was getting up. "Spiiiike…."

Tom didn't care; he was to intrigue over what his partner was saying. " Wait, what are you saying?"

" Just take my word for it… I'm going to let you go Tommy. Thanks for the tip, I'll try not to dust."


Chapter 9

"And, your sure Spike said 'Tom?'" The watched paced back and forth; he had finally found something that night concerning this new vampire, although, if what Buffy was saying was true with the description and name, this chapper was a member of the Malus. He brought the book forth and put it next to her on the table she was sitting on, to which he promptly scooted her off.

She rolled her eyes and stood up straight, glancing at the old photo from the late 1900's "Yep… that's him… who is he?"

" He's from the order of Malus…"

Willow looked up from her laptop, she was doing more class work and needed the break anyway; besides, she knew the answer to this one. " Oh, the Malus, I've heard of them…" She looked to Buffy. " They're an order of vampires…. very hard to get into the club and even if you are a vampire and get in, you have to be one of the better fighters to get appointed to the slayer. They're main purpose in life is to kill the slayer."

Giles cleaned his glasses so he wouldn't have to look her in the face. " Yes, Willow and thank you ever so much for ruining what little thrills I have left in life in knowing that I know more then the younger generations."

The red head looked back to her computer continuing to type. " Sorry Giles, you finish, I don't know everything about them after all."

" Well, you've summed it up pretty well…"

Buffy raised her hand. " Ok, wait, I don't get it, if these badies are only concerned with killing me, why haven't I heard of them before and why haven't any of them come?" She looked to Giles. " Giles, when I said you could send the Order of Teroka after me, I wasn't serious."

The watched shook his head in disproval. " No, no Buffy you misunderstand. There are many different… um, cults and, um clubs, if you will, located all around the world, some devoted to evil, some devoted to good. The watchers council is one for good…" Buffy scoffed noticeably, Giles continued. "And… the order of Teroka is one of evil. The Malus is another of Evil… only it's mostly in-crippled with vampires instead of assassins, demons and the likes. They're… a... well, they're like the yang to the watcher councils yin." He chuckled lightly at his own dry humor. Looking up and seeing no one was laughing as well he coughed and continued. " Well, anyway, to get back to the point, the Malus is strict, very strict and will only send one assign every five years, as is my understanding."

The Slayer looked back and forth between the witch and the watcher. " But, then why haven't I seen this assassin before Tom?"

" Well, Buffy, considering your aptitude in learning and your skill level being as high as it is, I believe that you may have already run into this assassin, although not aware of it."

" They have a ring?"

" A what?"

" A ring, you know, like when I got that order of Teroka guy, he had a ring."

" Oh, no, this group doesn't have any distinguishing marks or symbols they go from, which is why we have had such a hard time in the council tracking them down."

" Hum, seems very un-spirited of them. So, any of the vampires I have duster over the years could've technically been that one assassin and I wouldn't have known about it. But now that this Tom guy is here, and we know he's a member… does that mean it's been five years… or does that just mean he's the first?"

" Well, you have been the slayer for a number of years now… six in counting if I do say so. So, it's most likely he'd be the second."

The slayer suddenly thought of something." Oh oh wait…" Willow looked up to Buffy who had suddenly developed vocal cord. Giles glanced as well putting his glass back on. "Remember what he said to me the other night? He said, 'it wasn't his turn; he'd play by the rules and wait.' It means that the other assassin is still in town; his or her 'times' not up. Who ever these two assassins are, we know there are two of them at least here. Should be a good fight."

Willows sighed and sloughed in here chair. " Buffy, I wouldn't get to excited, I mean, as much as I've read about this club, well, these vampires train for years and years only to come up against the slayer. They're purpose in life is to kill you, and every five years they try again and again until they get it done. Now that we know there are two in town, it isn't something I'd be happy about."

Giles moved forward. " Well, according to lore and some of the earlier volumes I have on the Malus, it seems that if one assassin fails and doesn't comply with fulfilling his job, (killing the slayer) then the second assassin assigned will not only kill the slayer the first assassin didn't, but will also kill the first assassin."

Both girls looked to the watcher, confused. " Huh?" They both muttered in unison.

He rolled his eyes. " What I'm saying is that the second assassin will kill everyone and anyone who gets in his way. If the first one wasn't bad, the next should be ten times worse."

Buffy nodded." Oh… well, we'll deal when we come to it."

The watcher didn't seem to understand." Your not worried?"

"Maybe a little."

Willow spook up." Buffy, you went up against this guy before, and he was fast and you didn't even see him, what makes you so sure?"

" I'm not sure Will, I just… I dunno, you're right, I should keep on my toes, have a plan and a strategy for taking this guy down." She looked to Giles. " This Tom guy said a couple of days and It'd be his turn, that means I should expect a vampire to be trying extra hard to kill me for a day or so?"

Watcher nodded, " I would think so…although, we have no idea who this vampire…"

The bell above the door rang. His footsteps gliding over the wooden floor, no one paid attention to him.

"…Is. I would think that the best thing or us to do is wait until he or she makes there move on us."

" At least we agree on something Rupert…" Spike stood in the center of the room, hands in both pockets of his duster. He cocked his head to look at Buffy once before looking back to Giles. " Gotta hand it to you watcher, you and the councils got quit a library on the Order, even bios on some of the older members at that." he scoffed moving forward.

Buffy stood and uncrossed her arms as she blocked his path from Willow and Giles. "Spike, I got all the information I need from you, why are you here now?"

" Because I don't think you can take this wanker on yourself luv." he stepped forward, not a breath of air between them. " You want to best this bloke and not get dead, your going to have to learn a thing or two about what you can do with those limbs of yours… you need my help and for once, and I'll give it to you."

She squinted. " Why do you care, shouldn't you be happy this guy is after me, or should I say two guys? Considering the reputation of this little club, I'm guessing I'll be dead by morning."

" One could only hope," Sarcasm. " But, remember, I owe you, and I don't fancy letting another lad kill you before I can get this chip out of me skull and have a go myself."

"Seriously Spike, I'm not buying it…why don't you just leave and we'll keep you on our call list."

"You won't be able to kill Tommy without my help Buffy…"

"What's with the formalness in names William? He a friend of yours?"

He bent in, his lips an inch from her ear, his breathe cold as he muttered the words. "A partner."


He stood up against the wall; Buffy was leaning against the dummy in the back workout room. After he had whispered to her his relation with Tommy they had gone straight back, she was determined to find some things out, but she had neglected to tell Giles or Willow in the process what they were doing, they sat in the front.

" Ok Spike," the slayer started. " I want answers… you said he was your partner. So it means you work for the Malus, which means, you're an assassin?"

" And one plus two is th…"

" No, Spike, I mean it, when you came to Sunnydale fives years ago I thought it was to cure Dru."

"It was, but the challenge of a slayer is nothing to pass up." Buffy raised an eyebrow and he sighed in defeat, figuring he'd have to spill everything. " It was part of the deal, alright? To get the information on Delack, I had to make a bargain to kill you. I agreed and now, either I kill you in two nights, or Tom will do me in as well as you the night of next."

" I'm not buying it, you've lied to me before and now you're a member of some macho vampire club, which you didn't even bother to tell me before when I questioned you. For all I know this could be another one of your lame-o tricks."

"It's not! I've saved your life before Summers and I've helped you out with your squeamish's. Being what I am and you being what you are I can understand the buggering problem with trust but…now you need me, and I'm not here to bloody kill you." His eyes soften, truth. "I was before," His shoes suddenly became very interesting and he looked down at them. " And I tried, but I couldn't, I never could kill you. Even though you fought well and kept me back, if I had stuck strictly to business and not let myself be diverted by your beauty or your banter…" He looked back up. " If I hadn't tried to savor the moment and gone for the quick kill, you would've been dead long ago."

" Ok, fine, I get it, you want to help, which besides being noble of you is kinda weird. But, I'm going to ignore the killing me quick part that you said and go to the… you think I'm beautiful?"

He scoffed, rolling his eyes and looking to the side. "Bloke would have to be blind, deaf, and daft not to see that. But that's beside the point pet, you know what your problem is?"

" The blood smelling perfume I must be accidentally putting on each day to attract vampires?"

" No, you lead with you left foot."

" So?"


Willow glanced p to Giles. "So wha'd ya think they're talking about?"

The watcher shrugged. " Hopefully Spike has more information." They both looked up to the back room as a loud bang was heard, sounds of heavy fighting taking place. "Hopefully Spike hasn't lost his head."

At this, both bookworms ran back to the doorframe of the workout room, stopping when they saw the sight

Spike kicked wildly in the air before landing on his feet again softly. Buffy only tried to trip him to which he jumped over and punched at her face promptly. He threw his punch an inch from her face, missing contact but still getting the point across that he had made a hit, he smirked lightly. The slayer scowled a moment before punching out again.

Using his vampiric abilities, he dodged this and quickly spun around her left side grabbing her into a light headlock from behind. " Hey!" She yelled, fidgeting out of his grasp. "Look Mr.…speedy vamp, that's cheating."

He shrugged, "You really think anyone's going to care weather you play fair? 'Sides, if you hadn't forgot, you're a little stronger then I am. I may be faster, but get a punch off luv and that won't matter for very long... or 'avent you gotten that yet?"

" You know, fighting with you isn't fun!"

"Ach Hum!" From the doorframe, Giles made his presence known. " Buffy…?"

Willow too looked on with curiosity. The Slayer stood up straight, running a hand through her hair. "Um, Spike was teaching me a move… find anything else on this Tom guy in your books Giles?"

The watcher shook his head, getting back into research mode. "We have an extensive biography on Tom and his past life…much of it not useful. Although, as for the first vampire that will most likely be coming for you first…well, many of the newer vampire members of the Malus we don't have any information on at all. It's likely because they wouldn't be good candidates to be called to fight the slayer." The watcher looked to Spike, pointing the conversation to him. " We think there might be another assassin in town, the one before Tom, you don't know any…?"

" No." Buffy stepped forward. " He, um, he's given me all the information he has. Spike doesn't know anything else…but he's offered to help…" She glanced to Spike knowingly, raising an eyebrow. " Right?"

The vampire nodded. "As rain."

Giles sighed. "Alright, um, Buffy. You might start thinking about patrolling. I'll continue to see if I can find anything else on this Tommy fellow." Giles turned to go back into the shop. He was glad that she had found a suitable fighting partner… finally. Both he and Xander were no match for her any more, but why Spike had volunteered was something… unexpected, he had his doubts. His ribs on the other hand told him to shut up and stop complaining about it, they were getting a rest from getting kicked in once a week.

Willow stood there a moment alone, still looking in. "I'm going to get back to the dorms Buffy, be careful, I'll see you later tonight so we can start the studying."

Buffy rolled her eyes noticeably at the mention of studying. "Ok Will… later!" When the redhead left, Spike turned to Buffy giving her a smirk, a playful look. "What, she said, walking past him and giving him the innocent routine.

He turned and watched her walk past him "You lied to your watcher…"

She shrugged. "I've lied to him before, then again, that didn't end well."

The vampire shook his head looking to the blue mats on the training room floor. " No, it was better that you did luv. The watchers council and the Malus are mortal enemies at best. Cats and dogs, Montague's and Capulet's, demons and vampires, vampires and…"

Buffy looked up. "And slayers…?"

He nodded, and then shook his head quickly, getting on with his point. " Yeah, well, I'm just saying you did good by lying, is all. Now, let me see your left hook pet."

She sighed and took two steps, hitting his palm with her left hand, not really trying, something still bothering her. " Oh… I got a question."

" I've got an answer."

She nodded and hit harder the next time, putting her other hand up in its defensive position. "Well…Giles said he didn't have any information on new vamps in the Malus Order. I'm thinking, since he's already read your bio from before anyways, that means the Malus isn't mentioned."

The vampire quirked an eyebrow. "Your point being?"

" Well." Punch. " It means you're new. How long have you been Mr. Secret agent?"

He snickered lightly, his palm getting raw from the hitting. " It's not like I'm bloody James Bond pet. I studied with them for five years, left, came back, and continued for another fifteen."

"So, you've been training and practicing for twenty years then?" Punch.

He nodded. " You know, the local schools 'round these parts are doing wonders…" Sarcasm. Punch. "Ow!"

"Annnnyway, if you've only been with them for twenty years; one, why did they send such and inexperienced vampire for me to fight and two, if your twenty years, how long has Tom been with the Malus over you?"

"Inexperienced, I've killed slayers before you know?"

"Well, my point is that you're not that old."

" Hey, doesn't mean I can't take my own… or you for that matter."

She shrugged a moment, taking another punch, ignoring the comment. " What about my other question, you going to answer that too?"

He rolled his eyes for dramatics and looked to the side, taking the punch with his shoulder to steady himself. " Yes, Tom's older, maybe a century, I'm not sure but I think he's been with the Malus almost three times as long as me. When I first came to the court, the main quarters of the members club house, he was there."

" So your saying that he's… he's more experienced… and he could probably kill you if he wanted to…and me?" She stood up straight, stopping the punches, her face tangled with a blanket of wrinkles, both of confusion and worry.

He nodded, standing up himself in a proper position. " Possibly. It makes sense; he knows more, he's smarter, quicker. I don't know how his strength matches up to the slayers but almost certainly he could best me. I've never beaten him before. Don't lean on your left foot so heavy Summers."

She nodded, looking to her feet then back up to the bleached head. " Ok, so this Tom guy, you two used to be clos… work together?"

" Yeah, he taught me a lot of moves, not all of my moves mind you but the bulk of them, the basics. The ponce used to be just like he is now when he was human, he was a fighter, professional one too before vampirism." He looked to her, seeing the worry in her eyes. "Which is why I'm going to help you, I won't let you fight' em alone."

She looked up. " But I'm not alone, I got Giles, Willow, Xander… I got friends and they help and care for me. I can't lose with them."

"But alone?"

" Alone I die, and have before. But in all, for me at least, I've learned that dieing only makes you stronger. If Tom had come and you hadn't have been here… I dunno, we would have managed I suppose…but I'm glad that you stayed, we couldn't have done this without you."

"I'm not doing this for the group Buffy, it's for you, only you. I don't want to see you dead, as appealing as some fangs and bumps on your head would be I'd rather have a very alive slayer bantering on with me then a corpse. We'll see if you can handle Tom in the end." He sighed and got back into fighting position. " Ok, now, I'm going to do something… I want you to mimic."

" I want you to mimic" She gave him a cute smile.

" Bloody brilliant slayer…"