Haunted Places Of Pennsylvania


« z » **Adamstown**
Main street-A variety of ghosts walk the streets of this old Pa dutch town.These include the phantoms of headless pigs by the old Echtenach distillary,a black puppy, that follows people for a block or so,Two women, weiss fraa, and schwatz fraa, are also seen in the central district. The town is on the border of Berks and lancaster counties, 12 miles SW of reading on US hwy 322

Inn at Maple Grove- Lighting a fire in the fireplace here seems to perturb an indian buried beneath the hearthstone. The indian was lynched for showing affection to a white girl, he was strung up in what is now the main dining room. Albertis is in lehigh county, 15 miles SW of allentown,off HWY 100, the hotel is by doe mountain Ski area. Phone:215-682-4346.

« z » **Allegheny Mountains**
Chesnut Ridge-Some investigaters believe that vthis mountain ridge is the doorway to another dimension.This area has attracted an unusual number of UFO sightings and other strange creatures. 500 sighting from 1988-1990 alone.HWY 711 parralels chesnut ridge and I-80. The Pa tpk crosses the middle of the area near pittsburg

Ceder Crest College- A ghost named Wanda haunts Butz Hall. She is said to have commited suicide in 1956. Afterwards her ghost was seen walking the halls by students and custodians. Allentown is on I-78 and the NE extension of the penn TPK. Ceder Crest College,100 college drive,allentown Pa 18104. Phone: 610-435-1723
King George Inn- The ghost of a woman and small child dressed in 18th century style clothing have been seen walking from the entrance hallway. A baby crying has been heard in the kitchen and near the old well in the basement. Just outside allentown on HWY 222, (near Dorney Park) King George Inn, Hamilton Blvd. Donrneyville,Pa 18104. Phone: 610-435-1723
Magnolia's Vinyard- Magnolia Evans was the daughter of a union majot general,who came across a wounded confederate soldiar in the vinyard behind her home,She nursed him back to health and fell in love with him. The two agreed to meet after the warbut he never returned.Her ghost is seen at the bank of the jorden creek, where she was to meet her lover. Magnolia's Vinyard restuarant, Phone: 610-395-1233
Muhlenburg College- The ghost of Oscar Bernheim is seen in the attic , basement,rear garden,and 3rd floor bedroom of the Bernheim house. Phone: 610-821-3200
Widow browns Inns- A ghost named marvin haunts the stockville restuarant , the wescosville is haunted by an invisible presence in the dining roomPhone-610-766-7500

« z » **Altoona**
Baker Mansion-When elias baker denied his daughter marriage to marry a common millright, anna refused to marry any other and died a spinster in 1914.Years later museum employess's put a dress on display inher winter bedroom, the dress moved by itself as well as the slippers Blair country Pa,at the junction of US 22 and 220, The mansion is now a private residence

Holy Trinity Church- During a service here in april 1989 the eyes of a life size statue of jesus closed, its eyes opened again after the Mass. On the ohio river 16 miles NW of pittsburg on HWY 65. Phone: 412-266-4049
Mad Anthony's Restuarant- The ghost of a little girl haunts the attic room. Phone:412-266-9730

« z » **Bartonsville**
International Eatery- And unidentified presence called "veronica" Pike county off I -84 The restuarant is on HWY 611,bartonsville, Pa,18321

**Berks County**
Hawks Mntn Sanctuary- Many fantastic phantoms haunt this historic peak. A man by the name of Schambecker operated an inn from there home wich is in the nature sanctuary, in the mid 19th century. He is said to have killed and robbed many that stayed there.
***Side Note*** (I've been to the cemetary to look for his grave, and could not find it,also had no ghostly encounters there) The mntn is between Ecksville and baily's crossing in berks county.Schambacher is buried in new bethel church cemetary)
Old BirdsBoro Bridge- For over a century the ghost of a women in a viel ahs appeared to drivers hear.She has been said to try to coax people to the other side, and even points some drivers to continue to the now nonexistant bridge This is near baumstown, on the south baumstown rd at the sharp turn that leads to HWY 82
Witches Hill- What we call today crop circles were called Hexan Danz by the Pa dutch. They were said to be made by dancing witches. Thier phantoms along with strange balls of light have been spotted here, on the hilltop called HexenKopf.
***Side Note*** I was here two holloweens ago, didnt sense or see anything strange
Follow hexenkopf road along the bluff wich over looks stout valley, between Virginville and Windsor Castle in Willianms township

« z » **Bernville**
Haag Cemetary-the apperation of a women near the tombstone of George D Fahrenbach. Berks county on HWY 183, north of blue marsh lake.

if you are reading this, it means that some ill fate befell me on Friday the 13th. maybe my arms were destroyed in a thrasher accident, making it difficult for me to type.

« z » Saturday, Smarch 14th

if you are reading this, it means that some ill fate befell me on Friday the 13th. maybe my arms were destroyed in a thrasher accident, making it difficult for me to type.

« z » Saturday, Smarch 14th

if you are reading this, it means that some ill fate befell me on Friday the 13th. maybe my arms were destroyed in a thrasher accident, making it difficult for me to type.

« z » Saturday, Smarch 14th

if you are reading this, it means that some ill fate befell me on Friday the 13th. maybe my arms were destroyed in a thrasher accident, making it difficult for me to type.

« z » Saturday, Smarch 14th

if you are reading this, it means that some ill fate befell me on Friday the 13th. maybe my arms were destroyed in a thrasher accident, making it difficult for me to type.