I LOVE COFFEE . So here i am giving my beloved coffee the respect it desreves , and i have reserected for all coffeee fiends alike this shrine in wich you can pay homage to our beloved been

Drink Me

did you ever try to refrain from drinking coffee ? i believe it has mystical powers that psychically channel you and just reapeat , You need to drink me , i am good, drink me, Come get me , drink me drink me , I dont know about you , but i cannot refuse

No other addiction compares

You can have your crack!! Gimme gimme lots of Coffee,

No other addiction compares

a coffee 'zine

Coffe Universe


Coffee Freak
And a Test , How much caffiene have you had today ?

Test your Response time!

Click on "Start" first, and wait until the background color changes. As soon as it changes, hit "stop!"

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