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Welcome to Washu Nation
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Mission Statement:
Washu is the greatest!!!
About Washu Nation
Washu Nation began in 1999. It was founded by Jonathan McNeill, Josh Rice, and Gregory Shanks. Since then we have grown, not much but we have grown. Washu Nation's wish is for all to not necessarily like Washu, although it would be nice, but for all to at least to know who Washu is.
Nation News:
Clayton High School has recently started an anime club. Most of the students in this anime club are DBZ(Dragon Ball Z) fans or just watch the mainstream stuff on Cartoon Network. Although, Tenchi Muyo could be considered mainstream it is still far more advanced and elegant than anything like DBZ or Pokemon, the cursed evil thing of death.

I am currently trying to update the Nation News, with no help from the other webmaster, but it should be up sometime.
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