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Welcome to my Warhammer page. Right now I am working on a Vampire Counts army, and have approximately 2,000 points worth of models.
The Army List can be viewed here.
My High Elves are pretty pathetic, but existant nonetheless.
The Scenery section is here.

8/8/02 Site constructed. Necromancer, Zombie, The two Blood Dragon on Foot, and the Skeleton pictures are uploaded.
8/9/02 Uploaded scenery pictures, and created Scenery section. I finished the statue piece of scenery, which can be viewed here. This piece took about 4 hours total, and it looks pretty good. No painting recently.
8/10/02 A lot of gluing together figures. By having a lot of zombies come out of the ground, and using the empire militia box, I have 35 Zombies. Score! And I only bought 1 box of zombies! I have my unit of 20, almost fully painted (4 left) and I just assembled 15, to use as a new unit to raise, or, reinforcements.
8/11/02 Yay Hobby Workshop! I just found out that Hobby Workshop has a 30% discount on games-workshop stuff! Hurrah! I'm going to update my wishlist! Ive painted more zombies and a couple skeletons today. The night is young, I plan on painting a few more later.
8/12/02 I bought a ridiculous amount of vampire counts stuff from hobbyworkshop. Over $100. Oh well, it was my well earned money, and it's a good cause. ^_^ Hurrah for money.
8/16/02 I finally assembled all of the core units in the newly updated Vampire List. It has 16 Skeletons with hand weapons, 20 with Spears, and 19 Zombies. Hurrah. I ran out of flesh ink, so, I can't paint any more skeletons. V_V. I'm going to buy some more this weekend though.
8/17/02 Yay! Shopping Spree! I bought some movement trays, 10 dire wolves, and 4 bases of bat swarms. Hurrah for me. And I bought some more flesh ink, so, I can paint my skeletons.... to the max! ^_^
8/18/02 Dire Wolves are so easy to paint. I finished 8 today. One is completely based and everything. I also painted a few skeletons too. Yay flesh ink.
8/20/02 YAY! The stuff just came in. I'll be painting and glueing my ass off. I found out that each blister of fell bats has 2 in it, not one. 8 fell bats I have... Oy!
8/21/02 Painted my banshee, and uploaded three pictures. I ran out of super glue, so, I can't assemble my grave guard. V_V. or my fell bats. or my bat swarms. But I have assembled 5 knights. My black knights look great. ^_^
8/25/02 Score. I have a whole lot of core finished. 20 Skeletons with spear and shield, including full command, 16 Skeletons with hand weapon and shielf, with full command, 20 Zombies with standard bearer and musician, and 10 Dire Wolves. Hurrah. I painted about 1/5 of a necromancer. I might finish him tomorrow. I have his sword, hands, face, hair, and the first coat on his underjacket painted. For future reference: I plan on writing all of my painting instructions and everything under the pictures of my miniatures. Look for it in the next week or so. I also plan on adding a tactics section.
8/26/02 I finished painting my necromancer. I'm in the process of adding the painting instructions and things under the pictures as I'm writing this. I also plan on adding pictures of the full units to the site.
9/7/02 I haven't accomplished anything recently. Sue me, school started again. I have two fell bats painted right now. On my to do list: put in faux water in my scenery board, start the second part of it, paint two more fell bats, buy more flock, buy a new box of skeletons, and some bases. And some green stuff. I have plans for making armoured skeletons, it looks pretty damn easy. I'm using knight arms and stuff, and armoured arms. And armoured bodies. They look fine.
9/18/02 I've been painting, yay. I finished the wraith, the mounted wight lord, some random zombies, and three fell bats. I have a fully painted 1,000 point force, with enough reinforcements and such. Hurrah. ^_^. I will take pics this weekend, in all likeliness. I also updated the vampire counts part of the page, saying what I have painted right now. Check it out... those are all definitly painted/based right now.
10/9/02 I have 2 very cool scarecrows made, to be used as merc ogres. I'll get pictures taken up before I butcher them with a horrible paint job ^_^''. I updated the vamplist. Also, I painted two armored skeletons. I need to buy some bases to put them on though.
11/7/02 I've had the urge to start a chaos army. I know, for shame, Zachary. I have 10 chaos warriors that I got for free at a Games Workshop store, and have them all equipped with hand weapons and shields. I'll buy two more boxes, and add 5 more to there, and have a unit of 19 chosen (nurgle. woo, go nurgle!) with a hero or something in it. Sounds like a good beginning.
11/17/02 I painted and uploaded (in that order ^_^) a Chaos Warrior of Nurgle. I think he looks splendid. Took me quite a bit. Yesterday I got the Hordes of Chaos book on eBay, for 12 dollars. Super Excellent. I'm on my way. I added a Chaos Section . I've found an excellent site, GC Minis and am planning to order things from there. Christmas is pretty soon, so I'll probably be able to get most of them.

Warhammer and the Warhammer logo are copyright Games Workshop .

All written material, and painted miniatures belong to Zachary Roberts