
All alone on this earth
With no one to hold me while I cry;
The same salty tears I've shed since birth,
It seems lately my cheeks are never dry.

Alone, By myself in my shallow mind,
Someone like me I shall never find;
Alone, never a smile to grace my face,
Never shall I leave this place.

You see, I had to deal with a broken heart (times two),
You'll never fathom the pain they have put me through;
And then came the day my best friend died unexpectedly
My mind it pleads, "Why did it have to be her? Couldn't it have been me?"

I've never felt I was good enough,
Until I was introduced to drugs and alcohol by a friend
Became addicted and just couldn't get enough of this stuff,
But then I realized the effect it had and how it could bring my life to an end.

In these eighteen short years, I've been through some real rough times
And although the thoughts have entered my mind,
I'd never go through with suicide because I have stopped and realized,
That there are plenty of reasons for me to fight this fight and not fall behind.

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