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Welcome to "Victorian Nightmares, Age of Innocents" If you are a person that likes to jump from one clan to another, please don't waste your time any further. If you are looking for a clan to stay in for a while please by all means read on.

All members are required to meet a certain line of requirements in order to become members and/or join.

Membership requirements are as follows:

1) All members must be lvl 15 or higher in order to join. This includes all member alts. Also, you are only allowed two alts in this clan.

2) All members must be fine with the idea of pk'ing [person killing].

3) We would like only serious RPG [Role-Playing-Game] players. This means that if a clan quest or meeting is being thrown our players actually take part and show up for the event. We are seeking people who want to play and have a good time, one's that can and will actually be in the game! If you cannot be there, please do not ask to join this clan/family.

4) Members are required to help other members. As this is a group game, it becomes very hard for the Founders to do all the work. We will expect that all our members play as a team. If someone ask's a question and you can answer it, plz do so. Don't wait for the Founders because we will not always be able to be there just as none of you will be.

Leadership requirements are as follows:

1)Must be able to help clan members when needed.

2) Leaders MUST attend all clan meetings.

3)Will go on clan quests regularly.

4)Donates towards bettering the clan and has a fair good amount of knowledge on travelling to places.

5) Has no problem with pk'ing [person killing] and over all is trust worthy and has earned there position not bought.

Please do not hound us about becoming a leader, if you want to become a leader just let either Maso or Strike know and we will consider it. Becoming a leader within this family is a privilege not a right, nor can becoming a leader be bought. We will dicide and let you know. Also, there will be no other founders, please don't even ask for that position.

Though we prefer to have players that know their way around the game, we do relize that not all members will be able to. So if any members are lost in an area just simply ask over clan chat for some one to help you [clan chat is #messag, Ie: #plz some one help me I am lost and don't know my way..]. Or you may wish to check a map website, maps can be found at Clylemnestra Thief's Den

For those who have never played "Night Mist" before, you may download this M . U . D [multi-user-dungeon] at the Night Mist web site. We look forward to your future service and participation in the clan/family and hope that your participation betters all the members.

days I shall await his return!