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Pressed into the innermost parts of our minds
Are there things that we've left behind?
Are there things that were never made right?
We can't face them ----not until night.


Too painful to remember , hurt to deep
Our minds suppress those thoughts to keep
Then sound asleep in our beds,
The memories and past flow thru our heads.


Sometimes bringing the dead to life.....
A husband reunited with his wife....
Allowing him to hold her just for a while
So comforting, he wakes with a smile.


It all felt so real, but reality shows its face
It was only a dream, not a real time or place
Confirming , though, we have nothing to fear...
Cherishing the things inside that we hold dear


In our dreams we face our fears.
In our dreams we shed the tears.
Tears that were never allowed to flow
Things of which we never let go.


For everything there really is a season
And everything that happens is for a reason
Dreams must serve a purpose somehow
Traveling to places where we are allowed


To feel the things we felt as a child
To release some anger we've held for a while
To say goodbye to a passed on friend
And to know that there is never an end.
To our dreams....

  *by Vicki Clay McFarland 2001