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Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
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Welcome to the begining of the End...

News & Updates

Saturday, July 20, 2002

Sorry to all members and future members, but right now I'm still trying to find a job so I can get my life back on track and to buy a cable modem so I can get uGc back on track. Right now I'm on a 56k modem off of a laptop, so you know this is not going to kick it. I'm going to try to keep everyone posted and try to run a little from this computer. Well, thats all for now. Everyone take care and I miss you all.

Tuesday, June 25, 2002

As you all probably know that I'm moving so the site will not be updated that much until I return online. Since I'm here now and not on the road yet, I will try to update as much as I can before I leave. Plus I'm making some changes on some of the pages. So look for those in the coming future.

All uGc Members if you want to try out for Tha MF Teams & or HeF please be at the meeting this week.

Wednesday, June 12, 2002

I haven't updated in a long time as you can tell, but I'm going to try to fix that. So check back for updates and so forth.

All uGc Members check your e-mail.

Monday, May 27, 2002

I've been away for a bit, I've been having life problems like hella. But everything seems to be getting a little better so lets see if I can get things going again.

Here is Whats New & Updates:

1. Items List
2. Member's Page
3. Tournament Layout

Thats all for now. UgC will be recruiting once again soon, when I get things caught up.

Monday, May 13, 2002

Here it is Tha Tournament Layout. Every Sunday after the Clan Meeting there will be 6 matches if you miss your match you automaticly lose. Then you will have to wait until the next tournament.

Saturday, May 4, 2002

All I did was, I updated the members page as in points, character stats, etc... Yesterday I designed the schedule for the Ultimate Tournament. So that means today I will be checking my e-mail and adding members to it. Plus I will be working on the member profiles a little today. Well, that is all for now.

Sunday, April 28, 2002

Here is it the new layout.

Here are some new things:
1. If you have a profile on this site it must be updated 1 a week (by check-ins). If your profile is 7 days old you will receive 1 strike, get 3 strikes your out of UgC.
2. We will be having Tournaments again real soon.
3. UgC will have an Award System soon. The reason for this is so you can get noticed.

If you are not active and or you are a Private 1st Class or Private you will not receive a profile on UgC's site. The reason for this is: Private's are new recruits, this is to get your clan character built up and to show me that you really want to be noticed and you really want to be in UgC. Private 1st Class is to earn points and to show me that you are active and loyal. So why would I make a profile for members that might turn around and drop out of UgC and or get kicked out. Thats it for now, LaTeR PeePz!

Sunday, April 28, 2002

I finally got all the main pages done =) Now I'm going to work on making member's profile pages. Well, thats about it for now. LaTeR

Saturday, April 27, 2002

I decided on making UgC's site look a little more like a Diablo site. There are going to be a lot of changes on this site. Like: more organized & maybe your own webpages on the site. Plus almost every member in UgC that is active is going to probably get a promotion. Well, I'm off making the other pages.