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Hello! Welcome to the website specially designed and dedicated to the members of the Tan Family (esp. Xiao Gugu/Yiyi) --- The Tan Family's Website. Do take a glimpse at our big family tree under 'profiles' Down here is our family photograph taken in the Changi Airport --- Beautiful Ladies and Handsome Gentlemen with Poise.

       (above): A family photo taken in the airport.

1) SARS is no longer a problem in Singapore... (yes! finally!) but we still have to watch out for our personal hygience... make sure that the virus has no chance to extend it's claws over the nation again. Believe it or not, we will be fined / punished if u spit into a dustbin openly! We have spit it into a piece of tissue paper, wrap it up and throw it into the bin.. (troublesome hor?) HAHA! So take note!

2) There's a recent outbreak of SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome)in Singapore that left us disoriented and disorganised due to the sudden and abrupt closure of Schools up to JC level for 1 week! The closure of school will be extended for another 1 week till the 16th of April. SARS had sparked Singaporeans with fear as there are 6 people who had succumbed to the virus and it is still increasing. So everyone.. do take good care of yourselves!!!

NEW: Chinese New Year photos uploaded in the gallery! Go take a glimpse!

Up coming events for March and April:

1)Its a boy!! She is giving birth to a boy!! Hurray!!

2) We are going to have a new comer in our tan family soon as Xiao shen/jiumu is pregnant..!~!Hurray!~!

3) Reginald and Lycias' grandfather (Tracy's father) had just past away on 17/3/03 at about 1a.m. Although he had left, he will always be in our hearts as a wonderful grandfather.

Being oceans apart, xiao gugu/yiyi is trying hard to focus on her studies while missing home
Miss her too??? Drop her mail at then! :D

         (above): A shot taken during Christmas 2001. PS: Note that someone's not there *heez* 

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