Every room has a group of people that visit there on a regualr basis. All on at various times of the day, depending on where in this big world you all are. This page is to bring all of us just a little bit closer. Also to let the visitors of this room know a little about the people that chat here.

This site is in the building stage. Lots of things wil be added hopefully and all suggestions are welcome. If you chat here often and want to be put on the list of regs, please e-mail me at astrivampyr@yahoo.com. I'll respond as soon as possible. Also I'm looking for any one interested in submitting a work of fiction. Be it a story or a bit of poetry.

Are you ready to enter?

Let your journey begin!

Oh yeah..~S~ There is a guest book too ~S~ Please take the time to leave your words of wisdom or just a hello. This is a good place to leave ideas for improvement as well ~S~