Currently under much construction...still.
'Ello and welcome to the Isles of Unknown where you may find many adventures awaiting you as well as many dangers. The Darkness which once plagued and very nearly consumed the lands is now begining it's return. The long forgot shadow from the Danzebar Darkness War have awakened from it's prison of sleep and is plotting it's reveng. Shadows are lengthening, whispers are heard in the Depths of Tuvaren Castle, darkness eternal descends. There is trouble,...
Yet since that has to be written, let me now let you enter into the land, or rather, enter into what of it is currently created. First off and out of Character 'tis The Hall of Fellowships, the entrance to many of the fellowships(other sites) that I've found within this and other lands. You may find some things that are helpful, cool,...disturbing, odd, and etc. there.

Secondly, there is the port town of Yaruzi Village upon the coast of the Kariara Bay. In which one shall sooner or later be able to travel to the other parts of the Isles of Unknown,... *Note: Since I've yet to even create much else o' the Isles and the story and such, there tain't much in Yaruzi village, ah well,...*

Given the current condition of this site, if anyone has somehow or other managed to find a way to here there is now this changelog of sorts, tellin' of updates and the like for the Isles.
(Jan 19)- Wrote more with Cierun in Hyth, rewriting History introduction. Set up Temporary Forum in Tarin's Inn.

(May 30)-

Need to finish editing and updating of history and all the site,
Find another server then angelfire as to be able to create a forum and such,
Update actual appearence of site (Get a hold of Skraz),
Draw images for the site,
Begin actual story for it,...

*Thanks to for log coding and for site coding*