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~Rp Lengeth~

Triple H,Michael Cole,Shane McMahon,J.R,and Jerry "The King"Lawler

Y2J and the rest of the wwf

None but on raw following backlash I will be the WWF CHAMP!!!!!!!!!!!


142 lines

[:Start of Rp:]

WWF's House Show Music begins to play as its time for another great wwf house show.Pyro begins to shoot off and bang bang bang bang its going everywhere then a rocket like pyro shoots down and hits the stage as the pyro calms down.The Cameras begin to go around looking for the crazyiest most noticeable fans in the crowd.Everyone is holding up signs for their favorite superstar like Steve Austin The Rock and of course Trish Stratus.JR and King are reviewing their script as the cameras cue them to begin talking as the show finally begins.

Jim Ross:Folks welcome to another great WWF live event this is "Good Ol" Jr here with my partner and good friend Jerry "The King" Lawler.

King:JR Backlash is going to be a exciting event WWF Title Match involving Kevin Nash With Stephanie McMahon in his Corner The Undertaker With Vince McMahon in his Corner Stone Cold Steve Austin With Shane McMahon in his corner.Also there is a number one contenders match featuring Y2J and a mysttery opponent who we now know is Triple H you do not want to miss backlash.

JR:Yes it will be,but I wish Vince would of not of told who Y2J was facing. I was getting a laugh of seeing Y2J going on looking for his mystery opponent.Asking Everyone in sight and also getting thrown through a window by kane,but you know thats y2j like i always say.Never mess with the big red machine.

King:What do you mean JR.That was not Y2J's fault that he got thrown through a window.He was just minding his own buisness and going around looking for who hes going to face at backlash you know you would do the same thing Jr.

JR:Your right king I would do the same thing but I wouldnt offend the people im asking like Y2J did to kane.How would you like to be called a Big Red Retard.So Kane did the only thing he could think of doing he took out jericho and let out of the steam.Its funny though he could of just waited and be patient,and he wanted of have to go through this,but I guess he'll never learn.

King:Shut up Jr now speaking of Triple H I wonder if we will see the game tonight.If Triple H shows up tonight I know they're going to be alot of people wanting answers from him,and maybe we'll get a interview out of him.I guess time will only tell if we see the game or not hopefully we will.

JR:Yes they're will be alot of people Triple H for interviews,but I just hope they're not to pushy cause im sure Triple H isnt in the joking mood hes gotta get ready for Backlash and for Jericho who I know he will want to get his hands on.Just think if triple h wins and goes to be the wwf champ what a way to start out in the wwf.Thats Sunday though and we have a show to run.Well lets get the action started.

Then all of a sudden the titantron flashes on as a black limo is pulling up in the parking lot the fans go crazy with curiosity as the limo just stays there with no one getting out.

JR:King Who is that in theParking Lot? I Don't recognize that Limo! Who is it King Do you know?

King:No J.R. I Don't know Who it Is But Whoever it is Has To get out of that Limo Sometime Right?

JR:Yeah That is True. But I Guess we'll Find out Soon Enough. Lets Just Sit here and Wait. The Car Door is Bound To open Some Time!

King:Hey JR Do you Think That Limo Could Be Puppies!?

JR:Jerry Do you Think Of Anything Else Besides Puppies?

Jerry "The King" Lawler : Nope. I Love Puppies! And I Love...

Whoa! Hold on Jerry The Door is Opening....ITS TRIPLE H!!!!!!

Triple Arrives in The Arena

JR:King the game is here we got what we wanted.I wonder what the game has instore for us tonight

King:Yea we did JR.I bet you theg ame has something big instore for us I guess we will just have to wait and see.

JR:If I were Y2J I would be watching the monitore because he knows what triple h might say.My question is and I bet you its alot of other questions what does triple h think about his match at backlash and a shot at the WWF Title

King:I think Triple H is ready for a shot to be the best.I think he doesnt sweat the game because as you know he is that damn good.Man I cant wait till Sunday

JR:Neither Can I King its going to be a great wwf pay per view.Im sorry folks we have to cut to a commerical




NFL Monday Night Football

Lugz Boots & Shoes

The WWF comes back from a commerical and Triple H is seen walking down the hall with his luggae.he then stops and turns and sees shane mcmahon's locker room.Triple H turns the nob and walks in on a very surpised Vince Mcmahon

Vince:Hey have you ever thinked of knocking.Never walk into my lockeroom without knocking.Now what do you want?

Triple H:I just came here to tell you something.I didnt want this number one contenders match I wanted to become the true wwf champion.Work myself up from the bottom to the top,but I do thank you for the oppertunity

Vince:Your welcome and your right I should of let you work yourselve from the bottom to the top.I just needed a good match so I just thought it would make a good match and people would pay alot to see it so your welcome

Triple:Laughs,you didnt actully think I was being serious.See you made a big mistake putting me up against Chris Jericho.Im sure your wondering why well the reason is after my match at backlash after the smoke clears you will have me as the number 1 contender,but you will have one less guy of the roster because I am going to prove to chris jericho what a legend really IS!!!!!!

Vince:Thats what I want to hear.Maybe after this me and you could become good friends.I mean I am your boss and you do work for me I aient such the dick I potray in-front of the camera.What do you say?

Triple H:Laughs Again,I would never be a friends with a dick like you.Yea your right you are my boss and you have power of me but dont let that get to your head.If you ever doing anything that could injure me I will take you out vince I dont care what you do to me.As your little saying Goes Dont Cross The Boss Well Vinnie I have a new one for ya.DONT CROSS THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Triple H walks out of a stunned vince mcmahon's lockeroom and proceeds to go to his.

Triple H begins to walk to his dressing room he finally gets there.He sees Michael Cole waiting for him and gets a pissed of look on his face because he knows what he wants.He walks up to Michael Cole and he says yes as the interview begins.

Michael Cole:Triple H what do you think of your match against "The Living Legend" Chris Jericho

Triple H:What do I think of the match.Well what I think of the match its great.Its gives me a chance to possibley shut the big mouth of jericho up and to become the wwf champ.See I respect Jericho and his carrer,but he has no right to call himself a living legend.I mean how many times has he got beaten by the same guy I mean I laughed my ass off when i saw what kane did to him.So what do I think of the match its a good way for me to prove why they call me the game

Michael Cole:Those were some pretty strong words you said about what your going to do to jericho.To Vince dont you think your being alittle not to try to be mean or disrespectful full of yourself.

Triple H:Full of myself?Listen here Michael everything that comes out of the games mouth is nothing but the truth do you understand me boy?Now I wasnt being full of myself people always try to take me out but they never get the job done.Well I am going to get the job done against jericho I am going to make sure even if I lose he doesnt go to raw.You know why I can back up these words because... I am the game,and I am that damn GOOD!!!!

Michael Cole:I know your the game but are they're any doubts in your mind that you may lose this match.I mean jericho is a great superstar and a challenge for most guys

Triple H:Well Michael im not most guys.Most guys cant take all the pain I take they just wose out.I have been through alot more then most guys now I know there are a few that have been through alot more then me people like Terry Funk and Mick Foley those two are the reason I got in the buisness.See just to respect them I am going to be better then they will ever be I am going to have the most flawless carrer ever.Now back to the subject the game fears no one including that little bitch jericho.I dont sweat anyone especially not jericho for all I care I think he should jump of a brige and spare all of us from his lame clothes and fucking ugly haircut.So Cole theres your answer and thats all the time your getting from the game so get away from my locker room!!!!!

Michael Cole walks off and under his breath says hes right hes not like most guys hes a jerk.Triple H hears him and says

Triple H:What did you say Michael Cole did you call me a jerk?

Michael Cole walks back to where Triple H and says

Michael Cole:Yea I did call you a jerk but im not telling a lie.You are a jerk just like some of these people I conduct Interviews with so next time I interview you get a better attitude geez...

Triple H:You ever wonder why everyone is always rude to you.The reason is because you are annoying.I have never met anyone as annoying as you and if you ever get smart with me again.I will show you what pain is all about.

Triple H then kicks Michael in the stomach and delivers the pedigree right on the cement floor.Triple H stands up and puts a smirk on his face as he walks away and goes into his lockeroom.

Jr:What the hell is triple h's problem.Giving Michael Cole a pedigree just for standing up for himself.

King:Well JR Michael Cole should of not gotten smart with Triple H.He should of done was in the rocks words Know His Role and Shut his mouth.To me Michael Cole practically asked to be pedigreed.Never get smart with the game hahaha man that was so funny.

JR:Whatever King I think Michael Cole was right about one thing he is a jerk. I want everyone to hear that triple h is a jerk that I think that should be fined a great deal from giving the pedigree to a wwf staff member.Damn have to go to another commerical


WWF Raw for X-Box

The Scorpion King

