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Good friends are like stars..... you might not see them all thetime, but you know they're there


hunny i miss you so much you have no clue. Ive known you since 6th grade and weve had the best time ever since. I was always able to come to you with my probelms even if we wenrt exactly speaking at the time. We have been there for each other during the best times and the worst times. Its scary that weve all grown up so quickly .. it seems like yesterday when we were gettin followed around the libary, or takeing those extra long walks home with julia lol Tennis lessions with joe, or that birthday party at your house when i made you watch chucky. You always had my back "your so cuter than her" lol and were my eyes when i wasnt around. I couldnt imagine life without you by myside. Remember .... our kids have to get arrested together lol. I love you hunny.