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This page is devoted soley for my baby, Autolycus. He has made such a big impact on my life since he was born, I'm not quite sure how to explain it. After the last two were born the day after Autolycus and his sister, Stinkerbella, he started to really call out to me. Things were starting to fall apart for me and everthing just seemed to suck major arse. This little kitten gave me something to look after and care for and love, and he loved me back. That's what I needed, and what I still need. No other boy can bring a smile on my face quicker than my little kitten, Autolycus. Thank-you Baby, for coming into my life.

Autolycus Pics

Auto's Siblings dream on pic1 pic2 Pic3 pic4 pic5 pic6 pic7 pic8 pic9