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You will have to excuse the mess here....I am in the process of categorising all the images that I am planning to put on this site. There are some images here already, so please, feel free to browse, though, do come back, as hopefully soon I will have this site complete.

This page has now been split in two....This site will now only consist of gothic/ horror and fantasy artwork, and may be accompanied by a few others..... My personal part has been sent to: HERE.

This is due to the rapidly growing number of artworks that i have and no longer can i fit it all on one site without driving visitors, please enjoy....

If anyone has any artworks that they wish to add to this site, or know of anyone that does, email me.

This webpage is written in the font Papyrus. If you don't have this font, you can get it HERE. Otherwise, this site will default to the Times font.

If you have any comments or suggestions for this page, please add an entry to my guestbook....

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If you wish to comment on this page, or just say 'ELLO! you can Email Me!!All comments are welcome...

This page was created on 19th October 2001

Product of Nat's web design © Copyright 2000 - 2001.
