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Welcome to the Crimson Wolf Tavern .
Welcome to the Crimson Wolf Tavern .
We are located  2 miles from Rhydin City along the Trade trail with the Eastern Providences. The main  Tavern area has rooms for rent for Five gold a night includeing a  small breakfast .
The bar has nearly every drink that is avaliable with the exceptions of Soul Wine and Virgians  Blood.
While here in the Crimson Wolf please follow these simple rules.
1:: No fighting  The owner does not like it and neither does the tavern itself
2:: Keep the magic down to  vital  uses   such as defense and saveing people from death.
3 No stealing The Crimson Wolf follows the tradition  of amputating  the theifs hand  if caught.

Aside for these few rules please enjoy your stay.

((rules for rpers tavern is sentiant and will fling any one fighting from it  across the trade road into a fairly large fairly cracked boulder, granted you can come back in with no problem but it happens regardless of  what  you try my tavern Mods so keep it in mind it also regens any damage delt to it and absorbs any spells flung against it  its learnd from previous mistakes))
This is the compound behind the Tavern itself it is not accessable to the clientel.
A:: the Crimson Wolf Tavern main building  this houses a kitchen the rentable rooms and the Tavern itself.
B:: Supply  room for the Taverns stock
C: Storage shed for the ground Care and  repair items.
D::The Training Dojo   large areana  floor  as well as seating area  for spectators as some training equipment.
E:: Hot springs house , this building contians sevral Natural  hot springs One large spring and some smaller  springs as well as  a few sectiond off private springs .
F:: Guest rooms for thoose  who are invited to stay
G:: Main house for Jerrad and Misty  De'Chante  there are a few spare rooms  liveing area and  a small meeting hall if TFS has need of meeting there, as well as all the other comforts of home.
This is the Symbol on the door sign as well as the Tavern owners Sigal  as shown on the coat of arms hanging over the fire place next to the mounted head of a blue dragon that tried to destroy the bar some time ago.
This is the common room with stage ont he far wall next to the stairs  the bar and the kitchen and store room along the top and a massive fire place on the left  with a pair of couches  infront of it  the rest rooms are located up stairs at the back of the hall way past the guest rooms  each guest room has its own wash room and such so no need to share