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If you want Dead Poets Society...


This is Tex's society... well, poetry at least.

Here's the deal folks. I do not profess to be a poet, but I do like to ramble, so I figure I may as well ramble in writing. Enjoy.

NEW! This is free verse... I think. It's got no structure and it's basically me letting my brain say what it wants.

Where to start. So many things. Such stuff, people stuff. trees. i have a tree in my yard, it has apples. This is lame. but i don't care. caring is great. it gets you friends. i'm glad i have friends. this is juvenile. is this how my brain works? i hope not. on a superficial level of nothingness. i hope my candle isn't burning my room down. i bet that would get me grounded. hehe. "no tv for you kid". pfft. stupid tv. it rots the mind. i think reading is the greatest. it gives you life and stuff to consider. like, what is life? why bother thinking about that or trying to figure it out? we're here. i hope i figure that all out later. hopefully there is a later. i'm not going there right now. i need to change that. i keep lying and saying i can't, but there's someone telling me i can and i know it's true. there's so much beauty in that knowledge. i can't let it go. that would be wrong. so wrong. so much loss. wow. sigh. i've got nothing.

OMG! Wow, I hope that didn't scare anyone. Lol. It was creepy. I sounds like a crazy! Don't start emailing me asking about my tortured soul now. I know what it all means and it's good stuff. That's all that matters.

So hard to trust
Easy to let go
Easy to screw up,
Hard to repent.
When things go wrong,
Life is thrown off.
Return is so easy
And blissful
But the present
Has more to offer
... all lies.

My brain is like a machine that won't turn off always running running so fast like a factory that isn't producing although there is mechanical movement and energy there are no thoughts maybe there is input missing someone give me thoughts so I can be that is all I ask there must be more than this emptyness and air I know there is.

To love
To absolute
Which cures
And enlightens
And purifies
And creates
Such joys
Which were
There is
Right now
There is
Further introspection.

Sitting here peeling off the mask,
searching for that beauty.
I had it once... before I knew it.
Then I changed.
There is so much ugliness in knowledge.

"Teardrops are rain from the soul."