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Literary Stuff According to Erin

Well, as some of you know, I love to read. Not like, the comics, which is fun, but boring stuff like Shakespeare and Hemingway... Hemingway is my hero. But, alas, I think D.H. Lawrence is taking that position. So, my intention here is to discuss some of the stuff I've read and like. I'll also give my own little views on why I liked it, or my own interpretations in terms of poetry. (Ya, I'm one of those freaks that reads peotry for fun too!) So, enjoy. Again, if you want to submit something, let me know. I'll try to get it up here.

NEW!! Alrighty, I finally finished Women in Love by Lawrence. Here's a little thing I came up with in response at 12:30 at night.

The story is much like Klimte's "The Kiss". It is all warm colors, closeness, and intimacy; yet there is a shock to it all, a feeling of being ill at ease. As in the painting, there is the blissful part of the embrace, but there is so much discomfort and awckwardness. The characters in the book are constantly this way. They strive to discover them selves through others, which essentially is what we all do. We want that perfect portrait of Klimte's. Once we find that one who gives us that discovery, we are complete. We no longer need "The Kiss". We've moved past what we wanted and found more. We have so much more then the surface level companionship and bliss. WE have our soulmate, the completion of our soul on this earth. (I could bring spirituality into this, but I'm too tired right now.)

So, that's my thinking for now. As usual, I don't know if it makes sense, but deal. Lol.

So, here's a new book entry. My all time favorite book. For Whom the Bell Tolls by Earnest Hemingway. It is beautiful. He's such a visual writer, that it's actually a sensual read. I found I was able to envision the smells, sites, and pain of the whole thing.
It's set during the Spanish Civil war and it follows a group of rebels living in the mountains. They are attempting to counter the attacks. (It's late, so this may not be completly accurate. I'll have to fix this later!) Anyhoo, the twining of the characters and plot it amazing. The ending is beautifully tragic. A good read. It's long, but I finished it in two days of intense reading. BUY IT NOW!!!!!

Ok, I'm reading Women in Love right now by DH Lawrence, so I'll start with that one.

The book is set in a small coal mining town. It focuses on the lives of a group of young adults, mainly two sisters. It vividly depicts the setting of the story and the mind set of the people. The back says it's about the relationships between the sisters and their men, but I find it to be more about their thoughts and ideals.

It has been said that this is his greatest work and I've only read one other book of his, but I am thoroughly impressed. I'm only half way through and the book is amazing! It hits on a lot of areas that are pertinant to this day and age, which is really nice. There's nothing worse then reading something that you can't relate to.

As for subject matter, the topics discussed are very neat. The characters are in constant debate and Lawrence seems to say just what I think is true, especially in relationships between men and women. I believe that ultimately, men are meant to have the dominant role and women are to take on a more submissive one, but I also believe that we are trying to reverse those roles at times. I believe that men get tired of being in control and sometimes they say, ok, here's your chance, you be in charge. Like wise, I believe that even when women are comfortable as "subordinates", they want some power. Women in Love tackles this theme and says it right out loud. It's nice to know someone pretty well known supports your ideas! But that's only the surface. I recomend buying the book if you are the type that likes to write in the margains or if you just really like something that makes you think.