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About TaNiS

Updated - Dec 07, 04

I've had this list for soooo long, just been updateing everytime i do a webpage lol. maybe someday i'll find a better one.

Name: Joshua Birman
Nick Names:Josh
Were you named after anyone? Yea
Birthday:Feb 22 85
Age: 19
Grade: High-school Grad
GPA:uhh i dont remember. close to a 4.0 i think
Height: 5'11
Shoe size: 12
Hair color:Brown
Eye color: Green
Siblings:Sister 21
Last CD you bought: Eminem
Last movie you saw in theater: DodgeBall
Last movie you rented: 50 First dates
Do you have a bf/gf/crush: newp
Favorite movie:Lord Of The Rings baby!
Favorite singer(s)/band:Eminem,D12,Kid rock,Lifehouse,Nickelback,Nelly,Godsmack,offspring,Green Day,eve6,Boston,Creed,Linkin park,Aerosmith,Fuel..ect
Favorite lyric of the moment:um none?
Current book:The Elfstones of Shannara
Have you ever smoked?:Yes
Do you do any drugs?:No
How many people are on your buddy list? 17
Who's your favorite relative? Why? Don't really have one
What's your favorite sport? Baseball, or football
How long are you in the shower? umm? 15 mins maybe?
How often do you take showers?lol everyday
Worst Fear: To die, without making my mom proud
Favorite color: Yellow!BRIGHT YELLOW
Best feeling in the world? I'll tell ya when I find out=P
Worst feeling in the world? being sick,broke, and down. all at the same time
What CD is in your CD player right now? None
Do you have a job? no
What college do you go to or want to go to? Devry, once i get out of the military
Do you believe in heaven? Iffy/kinda
Do you believe in Angels? Iffy/kinda
Do you want to get married? maybe
Do you want children? maybe one.
What's something you do that pisses off your friends?
What is your favorite music video? don't have one
Do you have any stuffed animals? no
Do you have any bad habits? yes
Silver or gold: gold baby
Where do you wish you could be right now? Basic Training for the Marine Corps
What are you thinking at this very moment? my fuckin tongue hurts
Are you a vegetarian? no
The last phone number you called? My Mom's Cell phone
The last words you said?: Bye

Have you ever:
Been on a plane: yes
Went swimming in the ocean: yes
Cried in public: yes
Let a friend cry on your shoulder:yes
Fell asleep in the shower/bath: no
Gone to Church: no
Read the Bible: half
Climbed a tree: yes
Gone snowboarding: no
Never slept during a night: yes
Sat in a restaurant w/o ordering anything?: yes
Wanted to die: yes
Driven a car: yes
Skipped school: yes
Been scared to get a shot: yes
Broke your arm: no
Been given stitches: no
Shopped at Gap: no
Thought you were in love: yes
Watched TV at 4 in the morning: Yes
Made prank phone calls: yes
Gone out with a guy you knew for 3 days?: no im not gay
Snuck out of your house: yes
Said I love you and meant it: sure
Stayed up all night on the phone with a friend?yes
Sweetest people you know: None =P