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One day I was sitting at home bored as usual. I was looking around my room and noticed that all the furniture I own is made out of wood. and I looked at my computer, and noticed it is the only all metal thing in my room (except my stereo). So I wondered if it was possible to build a wood case for it. As far as I know it has never been done. So I called my dad and asked him for any tips he would have. He told me what kind of wood I needed and what type of stain I needed, but that's all (big help he was). The next thing I did was call my sister and plead with her to take me to Lowes. Too make a long story short, I got everything I needed and built a wooden case for my comp, below are some pictures of the construction process.


001.jpg (3979 bytes)This is how it all started...


002.jpg (6082 bytes)Tearing apart my old case.


003.jpg (3254 bytes)Still tearing apart my old case.


004.jpg (5827 bytes)Still tearing apart my old case...


005.jpg (5995 bytes)Another angle.


006.jpg (4539 bytes)3 sides put together. They were hard to hold and screw strait too. Nobody would help me  :-(


007.jpg (4698 bytes)Another angle of the 3 sides.


008.jpg (4959 bytes)Got it all finished except the last side that wont go on until the comp is put in it.


009.jpg (4918 bytes)Another angle.


010.jpg (6967 bytes)Fitting the motherboard. That was one big nasty mess. I almost quit, but I remembered that I had to drill out several rivets on my old case to get it to come apart and I couldn't put it back together  :-)


011.jpg (5465 bytes)Damnedable Damnation!!!!  I cut the hole too far to the right.


012.jpg (5509 bytes)I finished cutting the front. if you look through to the back you can see that I also cut the hole for the power supply.


013.jpg (5972 bytes)Another view of the back, this one shows the power supply hole.


014.jpg (4092 bytes)Time to stain!


015.jpg (5870 bytes)The stain is finished. This is the front. The comp is actually this light, the rest of the pictures make it look dark due to bad lighting.


016.jpg (6207 bytes)The back after staining. Actually the rest of the comp looks more like this.


017.jpg (5633 bytes)Putting everything together. The motherboard really pissed me off. first it was too low, then too high, finally after 45 minutes of careful measurements and drills it fit right. Oh and the power supply is supposed to go over the motherboard but due to lack of planning on my part it didn't fit right so that's why its in front of the motherboard.


018.jpg (6414 bytes)Another angle.


019.jpg (6263 bytes)The motherboard and power supply are in.


020.jpg (3813 bytes)TADA!!!!! Its done. I lost the cover to my floppy disk drive and there will soon be 2 CD-ROM drives in it.


021.jpg (3304 bytes)Another angle.


022.jpg (3622 bytes)Yet another angle.


023.jpg (4860 bytes)And this is the last picture. Thank you for visiting and be sure to throw away your drink and popcorn containers on the way out.

P.S. I did not plan any of this. I did it all on a hit and go basis. I built it the same day I thought of the idea. I would also like to thank my dad and step mom for giving me the gift certificate to Lowes for my birthday that I used to buy (almost) everything. This whole project, after tax cost exactly $32.20. That included all the screws, sandpaper, stain, wood, and 2 paintbrushes.