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Glossary of Common Witchcraft Terms

A Witches Dictionary

Adept - An individual who, through serious study and accomplishments, is considered highly proficient in a particular magickal system. A person can be an adept at Egyptian magickal practices, but a total failure at practical kitchen magick.

Akasha - This is the “fifth element”, the omnipresent spiritual power that permeates the universe. It is the energy out of which the Elements formed.

Akashic records - In the early part of last century the famed psychic Edgar Cayce brought to general society the thought form of Akashic records. Supposedly, there is a giant database somewhere that can be accessed for information on subjects such as past lives, healing, and other magickal/spiritual practices. This record system cannot be accessed by material equipment, such as a PC networking with a larger computer. In this case, the mind of the psychic or Witch accesses the data through Universal connections.

Amulet - An object of protection. It is charged to deflect specific negative energy or thought form. They can be made of feathers, plants, beads, etc. The horseshoe & four-leaf clover are 2 examples of amulets.

Ankh - An Egyptian hieroglyph, the ankh is a cross with a looped top. It is a symbol for life, love, and reincarnation. When worn or carried, the ankh brings good health, promotes fertility, and strengthens the psychic powers.

Arcana - The two halves of a Tarot deck. The Major Arcana consists of 22 trumps depicting dominant occurrences in our lives. The minor Arcana consists of 56 suit cards (sometimes called the lesser Arcana) that assist in fleshing out the trump situations, or indicate smaller occurrences in our lives.

Asperge - To sprinkle with liquid, usually water. Asperging involves dipping a ritual tool of some type (such as a wand, athame, bunch of herbs, or a branch) into liquid, and shaking it onto the item to be blessed or consecrated. Circles, spaces to be consecrated, or ritual items are often asperged as part of the cleansing or blessing ceremony.

Asperger - A bundle of fresh herbs or a perforated object used to sprinkle water during or preceding ritual, for purification purposes.

Astral - There are many different definitions for this term. One way to define it is ‘another dimension of reality’. Sometimes referred to it as ‘dreamtime’, from the Australian Aboriginal people & their teachings.

Astral projection/travel - the process of separating your astral body from your physical one to accomplish travel in the astral plane.

Astrology - The belief and study of the effects which the movements and placements of planets and other heavenly bodies have on the lives and behavior of human beings.

Balefire - A fire lit for magickal purposes, usually outdoors. It is in reality what we would call a bonfire, derived from the word “boon” meaning a gift or extra. Even in modern day Ireland, balefires play a major role in holidays and folk celebrations. You don’t get to see too many of these today. In country settings its function was both magickal and practical. Balefires are traditional on Yule, Beltane, and Midsummer.

Bane - That which destroys life; poisonous, destructive, evil. Also negative habits.

Banish - To magically end something, or to exorcise entities. To rid the presence of.

Banishing magick - Using your will to make something go away.

Beltane (Bealtaine) - A Pagan festival celebrated on April 30th or May 1st. Beltane is also known as May Eve, Roodmas. Beltane celebrates the symbolic union, mating, or marriage of the Goddess and God, and links in with the approaching summer months. The first spelling is a centuries-old word in England. The second spelling is Gaelic, and is only used in Ireland, where it is pronounced ‘b’YOL-tinna’.

Bi-location - This is an interesting practice. You use a type of astral projection to travel in everyday reality, while retaining the capacity to be aware of your present surroundings. Other terms for this include over-looking or mind-travel.

Bind - To magickally restrain someone or something. (“Magickal Handcuffs”)

Blood of the Moon - A woman’s menstrual cycle. When this occurs on a full or new moon, it makes you more powerful than any other time of the month, but only if the power is acknowledged.

Boomerang Effect - The theorized effect of a psychic attack sent toward a stronger defense rebounding on the attacker-sometimes considered to fall under the three-fold rule.

Burning Times, The - The period of time between 1000ce through to the 17th century when it is said that over 9 million people tortured & burned by people who believed that they were what Christians believed to be “Witches”. Historians indicate that the majority of these people were women and children.

Cabala-Also known as Kabbala(h) or Quabala. Ancient Hebrew magickal system. Ceremonial magick derived from this work has had a great impact on Pagan and Wiccan practice and ritual.

Cakes and Ale - A communion that consists of a natural beverage (such as fruit juice) and cake, bread, or other similar items offered to each participant in a ritual.

Call - Invoking Divine Force.

Celtic Knot - The drawings and carvings of the Celts often resulted in elaborate intertwined lines known popularly as Celtic knots, which were said to be inspired by sacred black snakes.

Celtic Tree Calendar - Druidic system of reckoning the thirteen lunar months of the year by assigning each a sacred tree which represents the character of the month.

Chakras - The 7 main energy vortexes of the human body. Each is usually associated with a color. They are as follows:
Crown = White
Forehead = Purple (3rd eye)
Throat = Blue
Chest = Green
Navel = Yellow
Abdomen = Orange
Groin = Red

Channeling - This is a ‘New Age’ practice, achieved when you allow a disincarnate entity to “borrow” your body to speak through others either through automatic writing or verbally.

Charge, The - A message from the Goddess to her children. Written in modern form by Doreen Valiente (originally; although some people make small changes to it).

Charging - The act of empowering herbs, stones, or other magickal objects with one’s energies directed towards a magickal goal. Charging is synonymous with enchanting.

Charm - A talisman or amulet that has been “charmed” by saying an incantation over it and instilling it with energy for a specific purpose.


Cleansing - The removal of any negative energy, vibrations, or images from an object by applying positive psychic energy.

Coming of Age - At age 13 for boys, & at the time of a girl’s first menses, Pagan children are considered to be spiritual adults, & join with other Pagans to celebrate their new maturity with rituals &celebrations.

Cone of Power - 1. Psychic energy raised and focused by either an individual or group mind (coven) to achieve a definite purpose. The most interesting Cone of Power raised in recent history was that of the Witches of England who stood together, despite their differences, to turn Hitler back from the shores of their country.
2. A combination of Love, Creativity, and Spirit that forms the basis of a Witch’s power, which he or she raises to accomplish a desire.

Conscious Mind - The analytical, materially-based, rational half of our consciousness. The mind at work when we compute our taxes, theorize or struggle with ideas.

Consecration - Blessing an object or place by instilling it with positive energy.

Coven - A group of 13 or less Witches that work together as a group for positive magical venture or to perform magickal ceremonies.

Covenstead - The meeting place of a coven. It is often a fixed building or place where the Witches can feel safe and at home.

Craft, The - Wicca, Witchcraft, or Folk Magick.

Curse - Conscious drawing of negative energy toward a person, place, or thing. Curses are rare, and usually have no effect. Also known as psychic attack.

Days of Power - Although usually referred to as Sabbats, there are other days throughout the year that can be considered days of power. These days can be triggered by astrological occurrences, your birthday, a woman’s menstrual cycle (a.k.a. the Blood of the Moon), or your dedication/initiation anniversary.

Dedication - A ritual done when an individual accepts the craft as their path, and vows to study and learn so as to become as highly skilled as possible in their tradition. When you perform this ritual you are willfully preparing yourself to the acceptance of something that is new in your life, and promising to stick with it through all of the ups and downs on this new road.

Deosil (“jes-l”) - To move clockwise.

Divination - The use of magickal tools and symbols for the purpose of gathering information from the “Collective Unconscious” on the nature of people, places, things, and events in the past, present, or future.

Divine Power - The unmanifested, pure energy that exists within the Goddess and God. The life force, the ultimate source of all things.

Dowsing - The use of a pendulum or stick to find the actual location of a person, place, thing, or element. It may also be used to answer yes and no questions.

Drawing Down the Moon - Ancient ritual performed by witches during a Full Moon to empower themselves and unite their spirit with a particular deity, usually the Goddess(i.e. - invoking the Goddess).

Druidic - Refers to anything which has its basis in the practices or traditions of the Druids.

Druids - There is much speculation on their role in Ireland. The priestly class of Irish society, magicians, writers, poets, & royal advisors. Their power flourished from the 2nd century BCE to the 2nd century CE.

Dryads - Female Druids, the priestly class of Ireland. Scholars are divided on their role and function. This is also a term for tree dwelling spirits which the Druids believed inhabited the sacred trees.

Duality - The opposite of polarity. Duality separates two opposites such as good and evil and places those characteristics into two separate god-forms.

Earth magick - A form of practical magick where the powers and forces of Mother Earth are used to conduct magickal workings or celebrations. Usually items associated with the Earth and nature hold a particular significance in the ritual or spell.

Earth Power - Energy which exists within stones, herbs, flames, wind and other natural objects. It is manifested divine power and can be utilized during magick to create needed change.

Elder - Many Wiccan or Pagan organizations have a board of Elders, who over-see the operations of the church and its variety of functions. These people have usually gained their positions through a combination of their abilities, which may include education, experience, magickal adeptship and counseling.

Elemental - Archetypal spirit being associated with one of the four elements. (see Salamander, Undine, Gnome, and Sylph)

Elements - The four energies of our planet. Everything that exists contains one or more of these energies: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Many witches add Spirit to the category of Element. The Elements all have directions when working with magic: East=Air, South=Fire, West=Water, North=Earth, Center=Spirit.

Enchantment - Magical object that must be kept absolutely secret & hidden from human eyes; affects a hidden aura. Must be charmed first. Gems & magickal writings are good items to use for Enchantments.

Esbat - The time of the Full Moon which is celebrated monthly. The word is from the French esbattre meaning to gambol or frolic.

Equal-armed cross - A magickal symbol used by different practitioners to represent various things: the four quarters of the Circle, the four winds, the four directions, the four seasons, the four archangels, among others. Some practitioners feel that when drawn from top to bottom, right to left with the right hand, it represents healing energy or the drawing in of positive energy, while drawing from top to bottom, left to right with the left hand symbolizes the banishing of negative energy.

Evocation - To call something out from within.

Familiar - An animal with a spiritual bond with a Witch, often it is the family pet. They can also be entities created to protect your home.

Fascination - Also known as “Mind-Bending”; this is the act of using mental effort to control the mind of another person or animal. Although the technique of fascination runs a borderline when considering humans, it should not be totally trashed. Using it for a love spell would be unethical, and much like committing psychological rape. But if you found yourself in an unsafe situation where your person (or friend or family member) is in real physical danger, I wouldn’t have the guts to tell you not to use all the tools and skills available to you.

Fetch - A male witch who acts as messenger and general assistant to a coven’s High Priestess and High Priest. Also called the Temple Summoner.

Fire Festivals - First consisting of Beltaine and Samhain. Imbolgc and Lammas were added at a later date. These four festivals are associated with planting, harvesting, and hunting ceremonies.

Gaea/Gaia - Greek Goddess, now meaning Earth Mother or Mother Earth. Environmental action groups use this term almost as much as witches do, if not more these days.

Geimhreadh - (“G’yim-ray-ah”) Winter, one of the two recognized Irish Pagan seasons. It begins at Samhain.

Gnome - The term sometimes used to refer to an Earth Elemental.

God - The masculine aspect of deity.

Goddess - The feminine aspect of deity.

Goddess Mother - A Pagan or Wiccan Godmother.

Great Rite - In Wicca, the major ritual of polarity between a man and a woman. It can be either symbolic or ‘actual’-i.e., involving intercourse. In most traditions, the actual Great Rite is performed by the couple in private, and only between a married pair or established lovers.

Green Man - Another name for the God, as in his kingdom of the forest.

Grimoire - SEE “Book of Shadows” in Ritual Tools list

Group mind - The establishing of perfect love and perfect trust among a group of individuals.

Grounding - A method used by practitioners to stabilize the energies used during a magickal working.

Guardians - Ceremonial magickians use “Guardians of the Watchtowers” or “Guardians of the Four Quarters”. Some Witches use them, too. Some see these Guardians as creatures, such as lizards, dragons, etc. Others envision them as angels, or other beings.

Handfasting - The Pagan or Wiccan marriage ceremony. It is traditionally contracted for a nine-year period, and renewed if agreed upon by both parties.

Herbalism - The art of using herbs to facilitate human needs both magickally and medically.

Hexagram - A six-pointed star of two equilateral triangles. In occultism, it is not a specifically Jewish symbol, but represents the principle of ‘As above, so below’-harmony between the Macrocosm and the Microcosm.

Imbolc - A Pagan festival celebrated on February 2nd, also known as Candlemas, Feast of Pan and many other names. Imbolc celebrates the first stirrings of spring and recovery of the Goddess from giving birth to the Sun (God) at Yule.

Initiation - A process whereby an individual is introduced or admitted into a group, interest, skill or religion. Initiations may be ritual occasions but can also occur spontaneously.

Invocation - To bring something in from without.

Karma - The belief that one’s thoughts and deed can be either counted against them or added to their spiritual path during several lifetimes. In Sanskrit it means “action”. Follows the law of cause and effect.

Left-hand path - A term that points to those people who feel that they are justified in using magick for purposes that are not constructive to other human beings. It is a reference that one following this path is possibly a self-serving individual. Conversely, the right-hand path is considered positive in nature.

Litha - The Summer Solstice festival, June 21.

Lughnasadh, Lunasa (‘Festival of Lugh’) The autumn festival on July 31. It is a Gaelic word, the name of the month of August, and is pronounced ‘LOO-na-sa’.

Mabon - The Fall Equinox festival, September 22.

Macrocosm - The world around us.

Magic Circle - A circular boundary sometimes drawn in visionary blue flames or white light that protects a Witch from outside forces while conducting ritual magick.

Magick - Focusing your will & emotions to cause change in the world within & around you. Magick is neither good nor evil, positive nor negative. The use of the power determines the path it will take. Some consider it to be the change of any condition through ritual means. I use this spelling to differentiate between this definition (magick) & sleight-of-hand or stage illusions (magic); neither way is wrong.

Magickal systems - Can refer to Traditions, denominations, sects, or pantheons. It is a basic set of guidelines relating to specific Gods and Goddesses or cultural traditions.

Maiden - Coven’s right-hand woman. A skilled individual who assists the High Priest and High Priestess.

Manifesting magick - Using your will to make something happen.

Microcosm - The world within us.

Neo-Pagan - Means “New Pagan”; is not a popular term. Seems to be a direct result of New Age Lingo.

New Age - Usually refers to mixing metaphysical practices with a structured religion.

Pagan - Follower of a nature-based religion.

Ordains, the - A set of spiritual, practical, and coven laws that govern those of the Wicca.

Ostara - The Spring Equinox festival, March 21.

Pantheon - A group of Gods and Goddesses in a specific religion or mythical structure. Examples are: Greek pantheon, Roman pantheon, Egyptian pantheon, Teutonic pantheon, etc.

Pentagram - A circle surrounding a five-pointed upright star. Worn as a symbol of a Witch’s belief and used in magickal workings and ceremonies. Each point on the star stands for a different Element: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. Pentagrams are usually not worn inverted in the craft; many Witches consider this to be blasphemy of their faith. However, an inverted pentagram is used in some second-degree initiations, not to indicate evil, but to fulfill a function of growth.

Priest - A male dedicated to both the service of his chosen deity(ies) and humankind. A High Priest is male leader of a coven and plays the role of God in certain ceremonies.

Priestess - A female dedicated to both the service of her chosen deity(ies) & humankind. A High Priestess is the feminine leader of a coven and plays the role of Goddess in certain ceremonies. A solitary Witch can be a Priestess by dedicating herself to a particular God or Goddess.

Quarters - The four “sides” of a magick circle. North, South, East, and West. Each has an element usually associated with it. (for these, see Elements)

Reincarnation - The belief that one has lived before in another lifetime.

Ritual - A physically and/or mentally focused ceremony to honor or thank your chosen pantheon, or to perform a magical working.

Ritual Purification - The practice of cleansing the body and mind prior to performing a ritual.

Runes - A set of symbols that are used both in divination and magickal workings. There are several types of runes with different origins. A few are the Norse, Scandinavian and Germanic runes.

Sabbat - A great festival or observance of the Pagan year. There are eight Sabbats per year. A day of power and celebration. The word is from Greek sabatu meaning “to rest”.

Sacred Spiral - A magickal symbol. When drawn clockwise, the spiral brings things to you, such as healing or positive energy; when drawn counter-clockwise, it draws negative energy away from you. See also Spiral.

Salamander - The term sometimes used to refer to a Fire Elemental.

Samhain - The November-Eve ritual better known as Hallowe’en. It is a Gaelic word, the name of the month of November, and is pronounced ‘SOW’en’ (the 1st syllable to rhyme with ‘now’).

Scourge - A ritual whip symbolizing firmness, in balance with the Wand which symbolizes mercy. Most ritual scourges are quite harmless, made for example with silk thongs.

Scrying - A form of divination, performed by gazing at or into an object (such as a flame, a pool of water, or a mirror) to encourage psychic awareness.

Shamanic - Used to refer to anything based on the trance or semi-trance probing of the Unconscious, Collective or Individual.

Sigil - A magickally oriented seal, sign, glyph, or other device used in a magickal working. The most powerful sigils are those that you create yourself. Sigils can be used on letters, packages, clothing, on paper tucked in your pocket, etc.

Skyclad - In some traditions, for example Alexandrian, the act of celebrating or doing magickal works in the nude. Should not be confused with sexual contact. Many solitaries prefer to work skyclad, feeling that the absence of clothing leaves their energy unhindered during the ceremony.

Skyfather - Assigning deification to the sky as a male entity. Although shamanistic in its origin, it can be considered to complement Earth Mother perfectly and refer to it often. Skyfather is also used by several Native American beliefs.

Smudging - Waving a smoldering handful of herbs around a person, as a ritual cleansing gesture. An American practice adopted from Native Americans, though the Native American practice itself is said to have arisen only in the past hundred years.

Spell - A magical rite. An extension of mental and/or emotional energy, either spoken aloud, written, said to oneself, drawn, danced, etc. To be successful, it should be clear, concise, focused and emotional. The need must be present to bring any spell to a successful culmination.

Spiral - The sacred spiral plays an important part in magickal workings. It is the symbol of “coming into being”. A spiral dance celebrates the spiral symbolism.

Spirit - The overall energy that runs the universe in a harmonious way. A term used by some to refer to the creative powers that be.

Summerland - A pagan word for the place where the Spirit resides in the afterlife. Some people think of it as the Pagan equivalent to heaven. Most Pagans think of it as a resting place between incarnations.

Sylph - The term sometimes used to refer to an Air Elemental.

Taglock - An extension of the human body used to identify a person around whom a spell or ritual revolves. Common taglocks include a lock of hair, a fingernail clipping, an eye lash, or a drop of blood.

Talisman - An object that has been magically charged to bring something to its bearer. Such an item could be a gemstone to win a court case, or a drawing to put in your pocket that will bring good luck.

Tarot cards - A set of 78 cards which portray pictures & symbols used to connect a diviner with the collective unconscious. No one knows the specific origin of the cards; modern-day playing cards evolved from the Minor Arcana of the Tarot.

Tarologist - One who is adept at the art and science of handling the Tarot.

Third Eye - Area of your forehead just above the center of your brow. Many people consider it to be the “psychic center”, since it is believed that this area of the brain houses all components of psychic ability.

Temple Summoner - Coven’s right-hand man. Individual who assists the High Priest and High Priestess.

Transmigration -Belief that, when reincarnated, the soul takes on the body of a human, plant, or animal.

Triple Goddess - The one Goddess in all of her three aspects: maiden, mother, and crone. This theme of triple feminine deity has been found in nearly every known culture.

Undine - The term sometimes used to refer to a Water Elemental.

Vision questing - Using astral projection, bi-location, or dreamtime to accomplish a specific goal. Also call “Pathworking”.

Visualization - The practice of training your mind to “see” an object in your thoughts to bring it to you on the physical plane.

Webweaving - Networking with other magickal persons through conversation, in writing, or by computer to gather information to assist each other in their studies and life goals.

Wheel of the Year - The full circle of the seasonal year beginning with Samhein.

Wicca - One of the paths of witchcraft; the origin of this path is often debated, along with the “specifics” of being Wiccan, as opposed to being a Witch. Some consider it one & the same; others disagree.

Wiccaning - Ritual blessing for an infant born into the Craft. Some see it as asking the God & Goddess to bless the child; others as a form of “dedicating the child” to the Craft. The equivalent of a Christening.

Widdershins - To move counter-clockwise.

Working - As in “Magickal Working”. The process of using magick to reach a desired positive goal.

Yule - The Winter Solstice Festival, December 22.