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Void Designs

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.::DBZ ND::.

Update: Preview of New SR Layout
Date: 4/09/02
This is Rage here. Here is a preview of the new layout for Saiyjin Rage. It is done except for all of the pages being up and transferred.
SR Layout Preview
Update: New staff and...
Date: 3/29/02
This is Rage here. The new layout that we were making is done, but we are trying to transfer the pages to geocities. Also i have a new staff member, Majinxl, he is SR's graphics guy. He made the layout that we are getting up for SR. We are getting much done and when we get the layout up expect a lot of updating. Also i am having problems with the forum, so i am getting a new one soon.
Update: New Layout and Forum
Date: 3/29/02
This is Rage here. I got a new layout but it is just temporary until i get my other one up. I also got a new forum. I am getting content up fast.

  • Splash
  • Main
  • Affilation
  • Forum

  • Character Bios
  • Power Levels
  • Episode Guide
  • Movie Guide

  • Full Episodes
  • Movie Clips
  • Quiz
  • Cels

  • Layouts
  • Splashes
  • Banner
  • Button