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I have always been interested in comics, from the Sunday funnies to the graphic novel. I have always kicked around doing a comicbook, especially while in juniorhigh and highschool. Watching the way that the "big" comic companies were going, how they were treating their people, and getting more interested in the business of comic books as opposed to their creation, made me realize that I definitely did not want a career working for either of the big companies out there. The same issues were involved in the big animation companies as well.

I started investigating independant comic book companies and graphic novel publishers after highschool, and decided that the one-shot novel was more what I was interested in doing as opposed to the demands of a monthly series. As nice as that sounds, you will not find those things here.

Sometime while I was in the Army, I started doing little comics, typically one image editorial types commenting on the day-to-day world around me, and those things that just made no sense to the point that they were, well, comical. I had, as a kid, looked into the lives of Charles Schultz, Jim Davis, Gary Larson, and other big name Sunday funnies authors, but it wasn't until being in the Army that I started to seriously concider this direction for a career, or at least as a means to express myself. I am well aware that becoming an actual syndicated daily is something akin to winning the lottery, but would not mind running a monthly comic on-line. Here is the humble beginnings of such an endeavor.

My plan is to create twelve comics, a years worth of monthlies, and to test them out on a small yet varied group. If they are well recieved, I will investigate doing a monthly on-line as a subscription service.

This is my first comic, done sometime in 1998

Okay, so the font needs a little work, but the rest I am fairly proud of. One of the toughest things about doing this isn't the drawing, its coming up with ideas. That is why I am starting with a monthly...I couldn't imagine a day-to-day routine of coming up with this stuff.

The rest of the images here are rough sketches of a couple of ideas for future comics.
This comic is about a lovable interactive childrens' toy that really is the herald of an invasion of evil aliens

My daughter is always asking what Santa is going to bring her for Christmas. Over the years, I have become somewhat creative with the answer.

How I will distribute these works, once they are finished, is still up in the air. I am not satisfied with the idea if emailing the images, and I have yet to discover if a subscription arrangement is possible with my current webserver. Ah, the trials of technology.

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copyright 2002 Jason Sorrell