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Here's a little information on your new, favorite artist.

birthdate: July 27th, 1972

birthplace: Ft. Wayne, IN

education:Concordia Lutheran School, K-1

Washington Center Elem, 2-3

Lincoln Elem, 4-5

Shawnee Middle School, 6-8

New Haven Junior High, 8

New Haven High, 9

Heritage High, 9-12 (Graduate: 1991)

University of Maryland, one year-undeclared

Indiana-Purdue University of Ft Wayne, three years-Fine Arts (drawing)/Graphic Arts (illustration)

cuteness was an excellent camouflage for the things to come

On one of my favorite television shows, Titus, Chris Titus discusses how over 60% of the American population comes from families which are considered dysfunctional...meaning the one third of you that came from normal families are now the weird ones. My childhood fits within the new "norm". I used to think I had it pretty rough as a kid, but having heard about the experiences of others, I have learned that a) I had it easy thanks to my dad, and b) every kid has had it "rough" in their opinion...unless you're one of those "weird" kids that came from a normal family.

why oh why did I sign that line...
military experience: U.S. Army, 4 years, 2nd of the 3rd FA, Kirchgoens, Germany (hooah!)

I joined the Army and went to Germany in 1991, right after graduating. I wanted to go to Europe, I wanted the college money, and I wanted a job that kept me out of harms way. My recruiter told me that I had to be in a combat job to go to Europe and get the money, and that Artillery would keep me well behind the front-lines. He lied.

First of all, I could have been anything in the Army and went to Europe with the college money waiting for me on the other side of my tour. "Anything" included graphic arts, which they have in the Army. Second, my unit was right up front during Desert Storm, a rare thing for artillery in the old Army, but a tactically sound scenario in the new Army. I loved Germany, I saw more than most people do, partied every chance I had, skateboarded all over Europe, and in my spare time I did the military thing.

Before you run out and join the military, remember that recruiters get bonuses for filling combat requirements, that every possible job opportunity is within the military scope (from accountant to electric-guitar player), and to get off post and see what is out there as much as possible.


All of this going on, and I still found time to have two munchkins; Vanessa, and Gabrielle. Vanessa enjoys drawing, cartoons, Barbie, Ridley Scott's Alien series, running around all crazy, and convincing other small children of the reality of monsters, extra-terrestrials, etc.

Gabrielle is fond of walking, talking, asking "what's that" over and over again, testing the max capacity of her diapers, and coloring things, including herself.


Since then, there has been alot of clowning around; working different "joe-jobs", making some money through my art on occasion, and dealing with life. I've rubbed elbows with other struggling artists and some influential people in my field, and have been motivated by both friends and circumstances to pursue my career with ever more zeal.

people of influence
So, that is just about it...I am doing a few shows a year, looking for more and more places to display my work, and trying to get my name out there. I am working to expand the subject matter of my pieces while at the same time making a living and not compromising doing what I enjoy. That's about the speed of things to date. Hopefully this sates your thirst for the dirt about me.