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Songs of Power....

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This site is dedicated to You, my friend, who stand for:

* Friendship

* Honour

* Compassion

* Respect

* Love

The strength to work together for a common goal, to strive for the things mentioned above! Sometimes its hard to stríve all alone, and that is one of the times when friends can help.
There are to few of us who cares, but hopefully the numbers will grow.

The stories presented in here are from people who wants to write, without being a master. Stories to inspire, stories of sorrow, stories of hope...

Things published here are from the heart.

And they are here,

- For You -




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Welcome Friend, and stay as long as you please. This is a "forever under construction" site ...*smile* ....but we hope you will enjoy the content. When you have the inspiration, please write something and send it to us!



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