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This tribes History is not as long for it is a relatitvy new tribe in its own. over 1,000 turns ago, wandering Go-Backs, banished from their orginal tribes. Out of the band of eight, one leader arose. His name was Raere, a wild souled go-back who had lost his leadership challange in his previous lodge. They had made little tents and lean-to's but the storms grew too strong.

Luckily only one perished. Almong these wanders was a lone wolfrider by the name of GlimmerRock. She saw that this new tribe was in danger of dying off, she formed the Lodge for warmth and safety. The Go-Backs were greatful and allowed GlimmerRock to stay. She changed her name to Mureu and learned the go-back way. The tribe grew and had many children to keep the Tribe alive.

Mureu was shocked at the thought of having children without recognition but believed once she felt she was with child. The sire? Raere himself! Their child, a young girl named Freyi, was named Heir to the leadership role. But Raere and Mureu grew old but did not die.

A young male named Hakiru challenged the elderly Raere and won, banishing the old ruler and his lifemate away. Freyi, still young, was crush at the fact her parents left and challenged Hakiru herself. She lost but Hakiru did not banish her, on one condition. She become his Lifemate and bear him an heir. Freyi did not know how to survive on her own an accepted but soon died from a fever when she was with child. Hakiru was devastated for only a brief moment before taking another lifemate, Guilde, who had a child with another who had also died of the fever.

Hakiru used this youth to sculpt into another of him but young Yuros had other plans. He allowed Hakiru to teach him everything and then challanged, beat, and banished Hakiru. Yuros now was a much kinder leader and helped his fellow tribemates out whenever he could. Yuros and his on again off again lovemate Euri lived long and died of old age, which was very rare.

Then there aroused the question, who is the leader now?!? Neither of the pair had borne any children and had no living close relatives. A fight broke out within the group for leadership and there was a period of time, 50 turns, when they did not have a ruler.

One day, Kii stood on the risen platform and said he would be ruler and any who apposed would die. No one opposed and greatfully took his leadership. He lived a long life and held his own and somehow defeated all challengers. Until a young and strong Tarue challanged the elderly leader, saying he was handling the monester situation wrong.

They two fought long and hard but finally Tarue won and Kii died. Ture brought his lovemate, Pethyia, to his side and send forth warriors to find and kill the monster. They discovered one and tourted it once learning it could speak. Mountain Trolls lived nearby and were planning to attack, but it seemed the attack never came.

Tarue and Pethyia had a daughter, Marya, who was named Heir. Then, one fateful day, the trolls attacked the unexpecting tribe. They fought them back and sent many, old and young alike to fight them. Many died, including Tarue. When returning, Marya took his spot as leader, taking the braids and markings too.