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Circle of Souls

Skill System

-Black Magic-

Learned by Events, Shrines, Pentagrams, all involving Demons of increasing levels.


Learned by finding Knight Ghosts around the world.

-White Magic-

Learned by Events, Shrines, Pentagrams, all involving Angels of increasing levels.

(More to Come?)

Item Notes

Notes on Equipment

All Equipment is either purchased from shops or found in Megachests in every dungeon area.

Notes on Gil

Gil or Money is received by fighting, and finding it in chests.

Notes on Items

Items are either purchased from shops or found in chests.



Thus a story begins...

A person's soul is bound in fate. This fate is definate and meant specifically for that soul only... but sometimes... sometimes souls are so close in nature... so identical, that these fates can be exchanged, by chance or design. One may live the life of another, and one may alter that fate and change it forever...

Such identical souls, for lack of a better word, we'll call them soulmates. Now, on our planet, there is an unbalance, come upon us from ages past. The ancient rite of the circle of souls has been forgotten, the lore of it buried in the sands of time. Without knowledge of this rite, balance cannot be restored, and both soulmates can be destroyed for the sake of maintaining the universes precarious balance. Caught up in swirles of fate doomed to never see the true end of their lives.

However, all is not lost, for sometimes in another world, the Rite of the Circle of Souls has not passed away, a person from such a world may know the arcane lore, but not the entire purpose of casting the spell. If such a one casts the rite, that one may change the destructive winds of fate and set balance to the universe, or let the winds of fate run rampant upon the universe for all eternity, destroying that precarious balance forever...

Chapter 1 - Endings and Beginings

Set: Ship in the Pacific:

Enter: Jesse the Hero, NPCs (talk to all before ending first part)

Jesse: (Prologue)

It has been a few years since I could write a good story... ever since the block I haven't been able to sell anything.

With the last of the money that I had, I had decided to go on this cruise. It's an old style sailboat as you can see.. I thought that perhaps if I went on this cruise, that I might rediscover adventure, and thereby begin to write again... Alas, my journey is coming to an end. We have explored the Pacific thoroughly, from end to end, and yet... still I have not rediscovered the adventure within my soul...


Crew Member: (blocking stairway out to sea)

Sorry Jesse, you can't go through here... wouldn't want ya to fall off the boat again! hahahaha!


Hello there Jesse! Feeling a little pensive? I know how you feel... it's gonna be lonely on the ship without you to tease! Only a few days left huh? I'll just have to do something to keep myself in your memories huh? (wink)


Really??? You would do that?


Yeah... sure I would... hahahahahaha. You're so GULLIBLE!!!


Haha... I shoulda seen that coming... (she's always like this)


Wanna have some last minute fun?


Uh.. er.. um.. sure.. I guess.. haha (blush)

Mara: ..........

Jesse: ..................

Mara: .........................

Jesse: ...............................

Mara: ........................................

Can't keep a straight face!!! haha... You're too much Jesse!

Jesse: (she keeps getting me.. haha..

Well I don't mind too much...)

Crewman: (in bow)

I see nothing at sea Jesse! We should be in for an uneventful docking in about two days or so.


That's good to hear, I guess.

Crewman: (grumbles)

Just doing my job! (even if I don't get paid half of what that tramp Mara gets paid...)

(I wonder why? What's she got that I don't?)


Hey there Jesse! Find your inspiration yet? Can't see as why you haven't! Look around! The Sea's just full of inspiration! The beauty and softness, and the hardness too.

Ah, the Sea can be a cruel mistress, but she can also harden a man and make him stronger!


You sound like you're married.


Er, what was that? How could ya tell?

Jesse: (musing)

(I guess a man has to convince himself he's ok in hard times... haha)


Now I know ya won't go telling Mara bout that right? There's a good man...

Jesse: Uh.. yeah sure.


Well anyhow, the voyage is almost over. It's been a pleasure sailing with you my boy!

I'm sure life will deal you a wild card someday, and you'll be just dripping with that inspiration

you're after!

Captain: I'm sure life will deal you a wild card and you'll be drippin with inspiration!

Closing Event

Captain: (Night closes in)

Why don't you rest? Tommarow will be a busy day!

Not yet...

Not yet Captain... I still would like to look around.

Captain: Suit yourself.

Good idea!

Good idea. Thanks Captain!

(Jesse Exit the Area)


I have a feeling... the sea tells me something's gonna happen to that boy... I hope he'll be alright... he's a good fellow.

Set: Ship on the Pacific at Night


I'm gonna miss these people. Soon I have to go back to my old life... and empty handed too.. things couldn't get much worse than this!

(Walks over to rail)


What am I gonna do?

(Light rain begins)


Wow! It's really starting to pour... Didn't the crewman say that it would be clear for a few days???

(Looks around)

(Downpour increases)


Now wait a minute! This is turning into a small hurricane! Well not that bad but...

(Flash of light, enter slow dramatic music, warps to new screen overlooking ocean where a circle of stones appears floating above the ocean, boat's movement has halted)


What's that?

(steps up)


Who's there?

(steps up)
I feel... strange...

(character flash, sound effect, step up)


You want me to...

(flash of light)

But I'll...

(finish walking up, Flash of light, Enter circle of souls)


What? Is it calling me?

(flash character, sound effect)
What??? Wait a minute! I thought I was ready for adventure but this??!!

(flash of light, character flash, sound)
It's starting to pull me... I can't hold on!!!

(flash of light, series of flashes, dramatic stuff, and fade to black)

Chapter 2 - Something Funny Going On Here

Set: Another World: Arusatya Royal Family Retreat, Princess' Room

Enter: Saran Serenla, Marie Maryim

Woman's Voice:

don't know about this...

Man's Voice:

I know what you mean...

Woman's Voice:

What was she thinking when she did this, Saran?

Man's Voice:
I don't know... It's really hard to say what's going through her mind when she casts spells like this... but then again, I've never seen her cast a spell quite like that before.

Woman's Voice:

It was odd... like maybe I should have known how to cast that spell myself... yet I didn't. I don't even think I could repeat the complexity of it... Where did she learn how to cast a spell like that?
(black lessens enough to suggest you're peeking out without wanting to appear awake)

Jesse: (Where the hell???)

Man's voice:

How would I know? I'm just an Arusatya Royal Knight... all we know is sword magic, what some call Techniques... you, on the other hand, you're a magess, Marie. If anyone should know it would be you.

Woman's Voice:
Look... don't you blame me for this Saran Serenla! I may have been the Princess' Tutor in the Arts, but I swear I know nothing of that Spell... look, let's just stop arguing about it. I'm going to check on the princess.

(darkness closes suggesting your eyes are shut again, Marie steps to the bedside)

Woman's Voice:

Ah... she's concious. What a relief! You didn't think you could hide the fact that you're awake from me Princess?

Jesse: (Princess... who's she talking to?)

Woman's Voice:

Princess, is there something wrong? You seem to be perfectly fine, except for an oddity I can't quite understand... almost as if it was...

(Darkness fades and allows everyone to see room and characters clearly. Jesse is in a bed in a small, but plush building with a man and woman looking down at him)



Man's Voice:

There's something funny going on here... the Princess doesn't seem to be herself... are you sure her head wasn't hit Marie?

Woman's Voice:

Yes, yes, I'm sure... it's that abnormality that's troubling me though... it seems like it's in her very soul.

Who are you two, where am I, and what the hell are you talking about? I don't see anyone else here, and you sure as hell can't be talking to me.

Woman's Voice:
.... You don't remember us? We're your teachers and companions. He's Saran Serenla, Knight of Arusatya, and I am Marie Maryim, Magess. Do you not remember now?

I've never met you before in my life. No teacher I've ever had was my companion either for that matter!

This is troubling, Marie... if the King finds out what happened to the Princess... who knows what he'll do...


Why do you keep calling me that??? Do I look like a Princess to you? Let alone a...

WAIT!!! Saran... I'm recalling something... I once read in one of the old texts of a sacred ritual that used to be performed. The lore of it was lost, but there was enough information to explain something of it's effects... This ritual was used to switch souls across different dimensions and places, some that run parallel to our own... but... that can't be it... how would the princess know the lore of an ancient ritual that no one has known for over 400 years of recorded history???

Uh... in laymans terms please...


Well it's a possibility that the Princess here isn't our Princess any longer... if she performed this ritual... it would have exchanged their souls!

I have to beleive it... This is either a doozy of a dream or it's true... I heard that voice calling me, tearing me away... the Captain and Mara were right...

I may be forward in asking this but... were you perchance... a male in your world?


Of course! Were? As in was??? Wait a minute... I'm a... I'm a... a...

You needn't be quite THAT upset... it's not so bad being a woman... although... well never mind... Saran, we have to think of something.

Well I can't think of anything else to do but carry on. We originally taught the princess everything she knew... let's just begin again until we find a better answer...

I suggest we return to Castle Surusi and have a little talk with the Chancellor... it was his idea we come here, I seem to recall the princess mentioning that.


Saran... it all sounds well and good but what if she...


.... won't help us?



What is your name?

...... Jesse.

Ok Jesse. Would you please help us out? If you don't we're sunk! Please say you'll stay with us?



Sir, I don't know where you came from, and I can't say I really understand this mess, but let me offer this.

Perhaps there was a purpose behind this.. perhaps there are things you are meant to do that our princess

could not... I offer you my services and homage just as I did our princess. Please help us?
Yes! I offer you my own services and knowledges too! You may need us to get by in this new world. Maybe we can work together to benefit one another until we find a way to fix things. Please Jesse?


Ok... fine. Sounds good to me. To tell you the truth, I was looking for adventure in my world, but we're in an age where little can be found anymore. This sounds fun enough to me. Let's do it.


We thank you! Alright let's begin by getting you out of bed! Saran, please step out.

Right... you mean you're? Hahaha okay.

(Exit Saran from Princess' Room)


Uh... why did he just laugh?

Because Men don't belong in a room where women change.

Ah... well should I go?
Don't be silly! You're not a Man anymore really, sorry to say, and in any case, we need to get you dressed. If you hadn't noticed you're in your undergarments.


Chapter 3 - From the Royal Retreat to the End of Arusatya Forest

Set: Arusatya Royal Family Retreat, Princess' Room

Sprite Changes: Jesse in Traveler's clothes


Ah! That's better!

I feel like a pervert...

Oh.. don't think anything of it. You're just dressing to fit your outside appearance is all. Believe me, you may have to wear worse than the Princess' Traveling Clothes!



Hehe, anyhow let's go to the main chambers.

(Marie Joins your Party, Character can be moved, but cannot exit the Royal Retreat yet)

Set: Royal Retreat, Main Rooms

Objective: Talk to Saran

(Marie Rematerializes next to Jesse as an NPC)


Ah! There we are. You did a good job Marie!

Thanks... anyhow, there's a few more things to do before we leave. Jesse will have to begin Magic Training for one, so Jesse, why don't you look around for the pentagram? Once in the center of it, press (ACTION) to begin learning magic... oh... and be careful of the demon that appears. Keep talking and answering his questions. If all goes well you'll pass and learn your first spells!!!

Set: Royal Retreat
Objective: Find the Pentagram!

(After the Pentagram is found and it is stepped into, and the (ACTION) button is pressed, many sound effects and visual effects occur, and a demon appears outside of the Pentagram)

Demon Level 1:
So you wish to learn magic huh? Don't I know you?

Uh, no.

Demon Level 1:
Yeah yeah I do! You're that Arusatya Princess Brat that acted all smug when she came to see me last time.

No, I'm not. I'm someone else in her body.. I think..

Demon Level 1:
Ah... I see that now... your soul has some differences. I see you were a man! HAHAHAHA!!! Ah that's a kick! Did it hurt badly to lose your manhood???


Shut up!!! Look, I just have to learn magic here... I don't have to take this from you!

Demon Level 1:
HAHAHAHA!!! Well said! I like your style. Odd though... I didn't know that brat could perform such a powerful spell as the Rite... oh well.

Are you ready little lady? HAHAHAHA


....... Yeah sure....

Demon Level 1:
Then let the Magic begin!!!!!

(arcane chanting ensues)

(Jesse has learned Fire and Cure!)

Demon Level 1:
Well that oughtta hold ya! I sense you might have even more talent than the brat did! Have fun with your new magic, and be sure to create plenty of chaos with it!


Oh... by the way... be sure to find my brothers. They could be anywhere, in statues, other pentagrams, anywhere! You'll get more powerful with their abilities.

(Exit the Demon in a dramatic manner)

Whoa... that was bizzare! Time to get back to Marie and Saran.

Set: Royal Retreat

Objective: Talk to Marie and Saran and then leave.

Talk to Each:


Talk to Marie first!


Well done! I can feel the ability in you now! I'll join you now!

(Marie Joins your Party, Dematerializes)


Very well then! I have only to give you a few things. I feel awkward giving you what you already own, but then they weren't yours really... well I'd better just do it before I confuse myself any more. hahaha

(Jesse Receives A Light Sword)

Saran: The Princess was a fairly proficient swordswoman... no Rods or Staffs for her! I hope you find the skill in yourself as well!

(Jesse Receives 5 Potions and 1 Ether)

Saran: We'll need these for the trip. Hold onto them and use them when necessary, in battle or out.

Saran: Let's head towards Arusatya Forest now. We have to pass through there to get to the town and the castle.

(Saran Joins your Party, Dematerializes)

Set: World Map

Objective: Head to Arusatya Forest

Set: Arusatya Forest

Objective: Get through, complete some side quests.

Side Quests: Collect 10 Mythril Shards from chests around the forest (some hard to find, some easy), Give Mythril Shards to a spectre blocking the path to the Level 2 Demon Statue and Megachest.

Megachest Contents: Helpful Equipment for Party