10-31-05:: Well well well look what I found in the back of the angelfire storage blocks. Do you know people still come to this bloody site? I didn't. Anyway, since my social life is once again lacking, here we are. This site is too unorganized (or I'm too damn lazy to attempt to sort through the clutter) so I'm going to focus mostly on the other site. I'll keep this pooper up and maybe I'll attempt to fix the horrible evils of this site (what was I thinking?), then agian maybe not. I just thought I'd let everyone know I haven't died yet. Oh, and have you seen the counter? Damn...that's all I have to say. Oh, and someone asked me if I'm being medicated in the guestbook, no my love; I'm not. Life has much more color when you're naturally insane. Fare well mes amis.

Greetings. By some fluke of nature, you seem to have found your way to my site. My site doesn't contain much of anything, and you could probably find a better way to kill five minuets, but if you feel the need to page through the thing, please take a few seconds to sign the book. Yeah...well...I'm done. Stop looking at me I said I was done... Stop it... STOP.! That's better...


the best page on my whole site! Clickie me clickie me!
this is the spot that has to do with my life
all of my lovely rpg characters currently in use
everything you never wanted to know about a person you have never met
everything that makes you say what the fnik
this is...everything else...technically the other category

The Guest Book
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get this gear!
skitzophrenicrat got their NeoPet at http://www.neopets.com
skitzophrenicrat got their NeoPet at http://www.neopets.com

100 hits on December 18th, 2002. A good day for me, just another for you.
200 hits on January 4th, 2003. A good day for me, just another for you.
300 hits on January 27th, 2003. A good day fer me, just another for you.
400 hits on February 1st, 2003. A good day fer meh, just another fer you.
500 hits on February 7th, 2003. A good day fer meh, just another fer you.
600 hits on February 16th, 2003.
700 hits on March 3rd, 2003.
800 hits on March 21st, 2003.
900 hits on March 30th, 2003.
1000 hits on April 14th, 2003. Thank you.
1100 hits on April 28th, 2003.
1200 hits on May 14th, 2003.
1300 hits on May 18th, 2003.
1400 hits on May 29th, 2003.
1500 hits on June 10th, 2003.
1600 hits on June 30th, 2003.
1700 hits on August 9th, 2003.
1800 hits on September 6th, 2003.
1900 hits on October 2rd, 2003.
2000 hits on October 30th, 2003. Thank you again.
2100 hits on Decenber 2d, 2003.
2200 hits on January 5th, 2004.
2300 on January 20th, 2004.
2400 hits on March 1, 2004.
2500 hits on May 03, 2004. You all kick ass
2600 hits on September 11, 2004.
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