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OCTOBER 15 23:17
I'll make this short and sweet. We are on strike. For all members of the Shadow, you are ordered to NOT fight in the Holy War. For all visitors, I ask that you do not fight in the Holy War and you go on with your lives normally. There WILL be a war we must fight and our friends need to stand behind us. This is all. If anyone has any information on anything that they wish to share, please send it to myself. You all can access my e-mail address via this site and A Gathering.

May the Shadow Light your path
-Lupus Solus "Umbra Ops"


JANUARY 3 11:19
To all member of the Shadow and all honorary members:

The Spider is to be considered highly dangerous under every circumstance. Although her word is as good as any true warrior, non-evident connections will likely be considered non-existent. I am taking this time to make the Spider aware, if possible, of the contract that was drawn up by Memoria. It is to the effect of: the verbal contract between Lupus Solus and the Spider is to be considered null and void towards any person or persons who in turn attacks Kamille, Idande, Caerai, Mythlin, Memoria, Aranya, Lupus, Legennia, Damian, Willow, Kiara, Raven or any related individuals.

I believe that is all. For the full story from my perspective, aside from nitty gritty details that I choose not to share, please go to the site

May the Shadow light your path
-Lupus Solus "Umbra Ops"


JANUARY 3 11:19
Okay, okay, I am going to start on a serious note. A little while ago we had the misfortune of dealing with a prime example of the worst element. Jackass-bastard, as he is called to not incite horrible flashbacks, deciding to take it upon himself to change the order of existence. He simply went about it the wrong way. We have the memorial on our front page to Sierra and Kiara, those who died, and Willow who got badly injured. They dead shall rise, and you know that. We know that, more importantly. I would like to send an apology out to Mag for everything, and I hope you're doing ok. However, something has come of this whole mess: Kiara IS back, and her awakening restarted where it left off.

As for other Shadow happenings: Arturo needs to be schooled, jackass-bastard deserved what he got, Mem and I are very happy together (I hope) and we found Snitch's son. I think that's everything, so I'm going to go look at nice sharp things and drool.

May the Shadow light your path
-Lupus Solus "Umbra Ops"


OCTOBER 15 23:17
So here's the deal: I hope everyone enjoyed my last posting. I'm thinking of starting an actual newsletter. You know, to inform everyone of the crap that's going on. Listen up people, cause we've got big news. Apparently, a certain someone's father, who shall remain nameless (what? So what if he never gave us his name?), decided that NOW was the perfect time to spring some more demon fun on us. Look, I'm pissed off seeing some young'uns from Hell thinking they own this world. They don't. Frankly, neither do we, but we have far more claim. These demons are a bad element (well, duh). Sorry Kaylend, but your father's an idiot...all the guys who claim to be your father are idiots (how many is that now?). As far as I know, this is the major news for now...wait! There's more hilarity. According to reliable sources, our little Raiya is ALSO going stark-raving lunatic on us and will pretty soon probably attempt to kill my nephew. Uh uh little one, you can't go and play now. Unfortunately, I've become closer with my family in this life. You try and hurt them, and I hurt you, got it?

On a more serious note, something happened recently which deeply affected all who were told. I wish not to say what actually happened, for some people who should not know might find out via this site. To make a long story short, we are all, and I am specifically overjoyed to have you back Mem. I was worried there for a second, but you've got more fighting spirit than Kia...and that's what ultimately saved you.

Anyways, I think I'm done ranting for now.

May the Shadow light your path
-Lupus Solus "Umbra Ops"


SEPTEMBER 30 19:23
Lupus back again, with some news. Everyone seems to want to help my brother with his newsletter. He knows now what he does wrong, thanks to his siblings, Memoria and Dante. As for all you other people out there with good hearts, be sure to correct the mistakes BEFORE putting them into a newsletter or posting. Jeez. If you're out to fix all the mistakes made, don't jsut copy and doesn't work. Here is Caerai's e-mail, fixed so that everyone understands what's going on and everyone willing to help can take a lesson from the people who have an excellent knowledge of the used language...namely myself and my scribe! (the one who's JOB is to write things...paperwork ;)) :

DEATHS Daris: Killed Jaimy/Kana: Suicide

HAPPENINGS Daris is Kaylend's father and wants her back on Carapthia, but Kaylend does not want to go because she hates her father (he has been randomly possessing her...hard to do while dead, but whatever). Daris also spilled Kaylend's blood to raise Balitian (dark god of Brevis Terra). After that Daris was mostly inactive. He popped up from time to time, but he is now dead (apparently). Kaylend [lost] her dragon self and is now a [seraphina].
Kiara (not should have seen her face on that one) and Sierra merged, after a fashion. Camille changed the past (thus altering present and future), and instead of actually merging, this point in time was used as a catalyst for Willow to come to our axis. I (Lupus) was (and for now still am) assigned as Willow's protector. Willow is THE Voiceless Seraphina. (That Kiara/Sierra/Willow bit is actually OLD news, but Cae decided to let everyone know.) For some reason Cae decided to make this news, but Memoria and I are in fact "together". We love each other very much, but that's not news, and everyone knew that already.
We found Callis (duh, look at the site), and the jackass (Memoria wanted me to put that in) is dating our little black mage, Magika (look at the spelling carefully...EVERYONE spelled it wrong). Apparently the king of Terra is this Rashar Destroyer person. Also, we found why the dampening field was placed over New Zealand. It's hiding something (Cae won't tell us what exactly). There are four chaos gods on Terra now, that we know of. The Balance has been jumping between poles (good/evil/neutral).
Big news! Another Holy War is supposed to happen soon...that'd be the reason for Willow being here.
It's all be pretty quiet until De'Lashear showed up. We thought him to be our enemy, but he was really just homesick. No one harm him...he hasn't done anything to deserve it yet. Jaimy and Kana killed themselves by destroying their inhalers and inducing a severe asthma attack. They have actually been revived (according to our sources), so no worries.

May the Shadow light your path -Lupus


SEPTEMBER 23 19:33
Lessee...a BUNCH of stuff's been happening, so we're all busy to get everything back the way it fucking started. You mortals are so damned lucky I don't go on a killing spree regularly, or you'd all be dead, you know that? Meh, I don't rightly care. All I want is The Shadow to get back up and running, and to spend some time with my family and friends (love you Mem!).

Back to the practicing with weaponry. May all your days be...wait, I'm not Caerai. May the Shadow light your path.

p.s.-Mem, you happy now? Wouldn't have written this had you not 'cracked the whip'


AUGUST 3 02:42
Uh...what to say, what to say? Lessee...I'm Lupus. I'm the boss. I, according to Mem, run the world. Which, in some part is true. So, since you're here, you might as well contact me about stuff. Especially you *points finger*. You and I have a problem, and we need to take it up MY way *cracks knuckles* *growls*.

Well, that's enough. I'm gonna go play with some sharp pointy things, then get some good sleep.

May the Shadow light your path
-Lupus Solus
