From: nabahe keediniihii [] Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 1:45 PM Subject: Tentative anouncement about 2nd Ann. Prayer Walk..... February 16th, 2001 RE: Save Black Mesa Prayer Walk Tentative Date Set Greetings Supporters, Walkers, Runners, and Relatives, First of all, I wish you all the best in health and spirit. Previously, I had put out an email in regards to "Input of Discussion" for the 2nd Annual Save Black Mesa Prayer Walk. I did receive some response of support and a few commitments to take an active part in the Walk if it was to be planned and organized. I must say that with the amount of mailing that I sent out about requesting 'input in the discussion,' I only had very few responses. I had thought more people would be interested, but I realize why many turned out last year for this Prayer Walk. Many of you had heard of the threats of an actual physical evictions to possibly take place because of an 'official deadline.' Perhaps, there is less interest this year because there is no official intent of threats except a recent newspaper article that had stated, "Evictions of Navajos are Unlikely," according to the Feds. Despite this new reassurance of a continuation for the Dineh resistors to remain, the genocidal and corporate expansion are continuing. The Peoples in Resistance still face daily threats of intimidations, livestock confiscations, continued closure of water sources, a severe penalties against gathering firewood or medicinal plants, and constant surveillance of activities among resistors and their supporters. There are, of course, numerous ways to support, and we all know that the ultimate way of supporting is through humbleness and prayer. Similarly, the traditional Dineh elders have always reiterated that the only way to protect these sacred, ancestral lands is through ceremonies and making prayers to the Holy Places or to the Sacred Shrines. Activism in the form of protests or vigils are an important aspect of resistance for our movements, and it has been an effective way to remind the capitalist and corporate 'enemy' that we have not surrendered. Spiritual gatherings or walk/runs are powerful as well. This form of spiritual resistance is more familiar to our indigenous elders and spiritual leaders, and such methods has been most effective in sending a powerful message to the oppressor because we don't carry banners or rely on publicity. Again, myself and a few others who've committed to walk are, again, suggesting that you make considerations in supporting and/or experiencing through this kind of prayer walk by sending Prayers With Every Step for the protection of the last, culturally-intact environment and society on Turtle Island (North America). We might have less people involve this time or maybe, many will show up, again. However, my experience with spiritual walks has been triumph or have done it with a handful of walkers. A fellow walker and a Dineh brother who is a veteran of the Vietnam War and Wounded Knee 1973 said one time, "The day the Walk is to begin and I'm the only one there, I wouldn't care. If I have to, I will walk all the way by myself because the sacred items has to reach its destination." Tentatively, I will be begin organizing for the walkroute planning and for logistics starting early May of 2001. I am proposing that the Walk will begin at the foot of the Sacred Mountain, Dooh'go'h'Osli'd (San Francisco Mountain), outside of Flagstaff, Arizona around the second week of June 2001. Hopefully, we will complete the Prayer Walk on the Upper Big Mountain Plateau near or on the Summer Solstice, June 20th-21st, 2001. At the completion of this Walk, we will have Dineh and Hopi Peoples in Resistance gather with us to pray that Peabody Western Coal Company will not succeed with their expansion, and ask all the Great Spirits to continue its sacred protection of the Earth. The next and final announcement will be sent out in the latter part of April 2001. I might reduce my mailing list at that time, and will only forward schedules to those interested or those who will actively be involve in the Walk. I hope that you will make time to come and support in whatever way you can, or that you, your organizations, family and Nation will consider getting involve in this continuing discussion. Thank you very much for your time. In the Spirit of Chief Barboncito, Bahe Respond to: Or leave a detailed message on the Black Mesa Indigenous Support voice mail: (520) 773-8086, "Attn: Bahe, regarding Prayer Walk." _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at