© 1995 SENAA International



Vol. 1; No. 3                                            2 November 1995

                            MEETING SCHEDULE

Next Executive Council Meeting:  Thursday, 23 November 1995; to be held
                                 at 1314 Wildwood Lake Road
                                    Cleveland, Tennessee
First Quarterly Business Meeting:  Thursday, 7 December 1995; to be held
                                   at 1314 Wildwood Lake Road
                                      Cleveland, Tennessee

                        POWWOW IN DALTON, GEORGIA

  A powwow  is scheduled to be held   current project can give the items
at the Dalton, Georgia, fairgrounds   to  Al  or  Steve Swilling,  or to
9-12 November 1995.   The event  is   Jackie  or  Virginia  Johnson.
sponsored  by  the Harvest Outreach     Items of Native American  design
homeless   shelter,   operated   by   are not a necessity. Anything that
Ms. Sheila Reid.                      can be sold will be appreciated.
  SENAA members  who wish to donate     Items  should  be  submitted  by
any items that can be  raffled  off   Wednesday, 8 November.
or sold to help raise money for our       *            *           *


  SENAA's  first social event  will   or her favorite  food(s)  to share
take place on Saturday, 16 December   with fellow members.
1995,  at  1314 Wildwood Lake Road,   SENAA's   Social   Committee  will
Cleveland, Tennessee;  beginning at   furnish  soft  drinks,  tea,  etc.
12:30 p.m.                                Thanks for your support.
  The luncheon will be pot-luck, so         *        *        *
everyone is urged to  prepare  his


2 November 1995              SENAA Newsletter                          2


  Clearlake  Oaks,  Calif.  (AP) --     Eight  deputies were  caught  in
    Sunday, 15 October 1995:          the crossfire between the factions
                                      Wednesday, but escaped injury.
                                        A federal grand jury is investi-
 The small Lake County Pomo Indian    gating Brown's management  of  the
tribe is divided by Old West-style    Pomo   Palace   casino.  Opponents
gunfire  as  members  fight  among    accuse  him  of diverting profits,
themselves   over  control of  the    committing   election  fraud   and
reservation and its casino.           other wrongdoing. Brown denies the
 "The cowards are even shooting at    allegations.
little  kids,"  Betty Thomas  said    Last week, the tribe turned over
Friday,  pointing  to bullet holes    50 boxes of financial records sub-
in her home at Elem Indian Colony.    poenaed by the grand jury. Federal
  Ten  of  her neighbors have been    officials  have  said   they  were
wounded in gunfights  in the  past    moving  to  suspend  the   tribe's
week.  Four   people   have   been    gaming license.
arrested  on various charges,  and      Shots  aimed   at   transformers
about   half  of  the   200  tribe    knocked   out   electricity,   and
members have fled the reservation.    Pacific Gas & Electric  supervisor
  "It's been like  the  Old West,"    Stephen Martinez said he would not
said    Lake   County    Sheriff's    send  in a  repair crew  until the
Captain Gary Buchholz.  "These are    area is safe.
criminals  who  are fighting  over      Residents  said  the  two  armed
money;  shooting  at each other in    bands each have about a dozen men.
ambush.  This is not an  honorable    Some have semiautomatic weapons.
thing."                                 However,   Martha Morinda   said
  Both sides agreed to a temporary    Friday   she  is  not  joining the
truce Friday night  after a 3-hour    exodus from the reservation.
meeting with outside mediators.         "It's been  like  hell," Morinda
 The dispute centers on control of    said,  "but  I'm staying,  because
the  reservation's  casino,   Pomo    this is my house.  This is where I
Palace, which opened two years ago    was born and raised."
on  the   52-acre  reservation  90      California Attorney General  Dan
miles north of  San Francisco.  It    Lungren said the feud demonstrates
has been closed for a week because    a need for  regulation  of  Indian
of the violence.                      gaming.
 The feud turned violent in recent      "These are not just a few rounds
months when the tribe's  executive    that  have  been shot  off.  We're
council  filed  suit  against  its    talking  about  multiple  rounds,"
chairman, Thomas Brown.               Lungren said.  "I  hope  we  don't
  Last weekend, one faction of the    have to have  any  more  bloodshed
200-member tribe  sought  to  oust    before  people  start to take this
another  from its  leadership role    seriously."
in a disputed election.                The dispute can be heard by resi-
  That led to a fistfight  8 Oct.,    dents of  Clearlake Oaks,  about a
which led to gunfire.  Authorities    mile from the reservation.
have since counted  more than  100      "I  sit  here  every  night  and
bullet holes in homes.                listen  to  the  automatic  rifles
 Police called on four neighboring    at the reservation,"  Mike Pearson
sheriff's departments for help and    said.
are patrolling the  area  by  air.           *         *         *

2 November 1995              SENAA Newsletter                          3

                            OUR NATIVE TONGUE

Syllabary                          Pronunciation            English

              Du-ya                Doo-yah                  Bean

              Di-gu-nu        (E.) Dee-goo-noo
           or Du-ya Ga-du     or   Doo-yah Gah-doo          Bean Bread

              Wo-gv-li             Woe-guh-lee              Beer

              Ga-du                Gah-doo                  Bread

              Go-ka-s-ta           Goak-stah                Cigarette

              Se-lu                Say-loo                  Corn

              Go-we                Ko-wee                   Coffee

              U-nv-di              Oo-nuh-dee               Milk

              Tso-lv          (E.) So-luh
              Tsa-lu          (W.) Jah(Chah)-loo            Tobacco

              A-ma                 Ah-mah                   Water

              A-qwa-du-li     (E.) Ah-gwa-doo-lee
          or  A-qwa-du-li-ha  (E.) Ah-gwa-doo-lee-ha        I want
          (State what you want first, then that you want it)

                         A-ma a-qwa-du-li  (I want water)
                         Di-gu-nu a-qwa-do-li  (I want bean bread)
                     or  Di-gu-nu a-qwa-do-li-ha  (I want bean bread)

              Tsa-du-li        (E.) Sah-doo-lee
           or Tsa-du-li-ha-tsu (E.) Sah-doo-lee-ha-soo       Do you want
          (Again, say the item first, then ask if they want it)

                          Go-we Tsa-du-li  (Do you want coffee?)
                          Se-lu Tsa-du-li (Do you want bead bread?)
                      or  Tso-lv Tsa-du-li-ha-soo (Do you want tobacco?)

              Ha-wa-sa             Hah-was-zah              Please

              O-s-da               O-stah                   Good

 2 November 1995              SENAA Newsletter                          4

                               NARF UPDATE

  Final negotiations  between  the    statewide  entity under the  TIC's
Hamilton County  Sheriff's Depart-    guidance.
ment  and  the   Tennessee  Indian      At   this   writing,  the  final
Commission  (TIC)  were  completed    agreement is being retyped, and is
at  an  October  meeting,   making    unavailable,  but sources indicate
official  the  TIC's  adoption  of    that  future  NARF applicants  may
the Native American Reserve Force.    have to meet the same requirements
  TIC  official  Harley Grant  has    as any other TIC member.
also expressed a desire to undergo      On another front,  research  has
training and become a commissioned    revealed  that the rumor  that the
NARF officer.                         Tennessee River Gorge Trust (TRGT)
  NARF  will  still  operate under    will  sell  Williams' Island is an
and  be  trained  by the HCSD, and    unfounded one.  The Trust couldn't
will continue to protect  Moccasin    sell the island if it wanted to.
Bend   and   other  local   Native      Sources say that major contribu-
American   burial  and  historical    tors  have indicated that,  should
sites;  but a  reliable source has    the TRGT choose not to  renew  its
indicated  that  there is a strong    lease,  they would  personally see
probability  that other  Tennessee    that Williams' Island is preserved
counties   may   follow   Hamilton    and protected.   Also, it is their
County's lead  and form other NARF    wish  that  NARF  be  the island's
teams,  eventually  making  NARF a    protecting force.
                                           *          *          *

                            REDBIRD'S DILEMMA
                         by,  A-wo-ha-li U-ne-ga

  As  Yo-na U-dan-ti, a  Tsa-La-Gi      "Is  there  nothing,  then, that
di-da-nv-wi-sgi,   sat  meditating    you love?" asked Yo-na.
one day,  a young woman approached      "Oh, yes.  I love my baby and my
him and stood quietly by.             husband  with all  my heart,"  she
  "Si-yo, Do-tsu-wa*(Redbird)," he    replied.
greeted her, noticing her troubled      "Then there,"  said  Yo-na,  "is
face.  "Why are you so sad?   What    your  love  for  the  Creator;  in
can I do to help?"                    in  the love and care you give  to
 "I am so worried," said Do-tsu-wa    your family."
"I have searched my heart,  and to         *           *           *
my  shame,  I do not  find  that I    *Pronounced "Doe-soo-wah"
love the Creator,"  whereupon  she    © 1995; Thomas A. Swilling
wept bitterly.                          All Rights Reserved

© 1995;  White Eagle Publications; Cleveland, Tennessee  37311
  All Rights Reserved.