© 1995 SENAA International




Vol. 1; No. 12                                             1 August 1996

                            MEETING SCHEDULE

Next Executive Council Meeting:  Thursday, 29 August 1996; to be held at
                                 1314 Wildwood Lake Road
                                 Cleveland, Tennessee  37311
Next General Meeting:  Thursday, 5 September 1996; to be held at
                       1314 Wildwood Lake Road, Cleveland, Tennessee.

      *              *              *              *              *
        [Reprinted from The Cherokee One Feather 26 June 1996]
   Cherokee-- As the Olympic Torch              The torch arrived on the
Relay  wound  its way  through the    reservation at 2:16 p.m., 26 June,
rugged  Smoky Mountains of western    following  its run  through Maggie
North Carolina it entered the only    Valley, 15 miles east of Cherokee.
Indian Nation on its route  in the    It  left  the reservation at about
eastern United States  on  26 June    3:50 p.m.    The  torch  left  Los
    "We are  very pleased  to have    Angeles  27 April  and  arrived in
Cherokee  included  in the 15,000-    Atlanta   on   19 July.   The  run
mile     Torch    Relay    route,"    through  Cherokee was on day 61 of
acknowledged Principal Chief Joyce    the 84-day cross-country trek.
C. Dugan  before the event.   "And         "We are looking forward  to a
we find it fitting  that  a tribal    large  turnout  of spectators  for
member,    Gary  Mancy,   will  be    the   event    since   there   are
honored  to  accept the torch when    thousands of visitors  in Cherokee
it arrives on the reservation near    at that time  and we expect tribal
near Soco Gap.                        members  to  turn  out   in  great
    "The  Cherokee  people,  whose    numbers also," Chief Dugan said.
ancestors  once  owned   the  land         Cherokee's  participation was
where the  Olympic city of Atlanta    coordinated    by   Wilbur   Paul,
now stands,  look  forward  to the    Superintendent  with the  Cherokee
torch being carried  for  one hour    Agency  of  the  Bureau of  Indian
and 34 minutes  on  tribal  land,"    Affairs.
she said.                                  *       *      *       *

 1 August 1996                SENAA Newsletter                          2

        [Reprinted from The Cherokee One Feather, 26 June 1996]

      On Monday, 17 June 1996, the    types of plants  and  animals grew
Warren       Wilson        College    naturally  and  which were good to
Archeological     Field     School    eat  and  which provided materials
officially opened  for the summer.    for  their clothes,  utensils  and
The project  is the first in North    weapons.   In Cherokee, the use of
Carolina   which  is   working  in    this  type  of information  can be
conjunction with the  Eastern Band    seen in the  waddle and daub house
of Cherokee Indians  to define and    behind the Museum.
teach   cultural  sensitivity   to       In collaborating with this type
future archeologists.  David Moore    of  project  the  tribe  can  also
from  the   North  Carolina  State    provide    the    link     between
Archeologist office is heading the    traditional  practices   and   the
school.   Students   from   Warren    lifestyle we have today.  Names of
Wilson  College   will   work   on    food plants,  craft materials  and
excavating       house      sites,    stories  about  plants and animals
identifying      features      and    are  just some  of the information
archeological materials.              which  archeologists cannot obtain
     The Eastern Band of Cherokees    from their work but which presents
hopes  this  endeavor  will be the    a more  balanced  image  of Native
first of many to bring the work of    American lifestyle.
archeologists    home    for   our       The Cultural Resources division
community.   By  giving access  to    hopes to bring this information to
these  materials,   practices  and    Cherokee in a variety of ways. The
information,   we  hope   Cherokee    state  office  of  archeology  has
people  will gain an understanding    been invited to participate in the
of   what  types  of   homes   our    Fall  Festival  Kids'  Day.    The
ancestors  lived in,  the types of    information gained from the Warren
foods  we ate  and the areas where    Wilson   Field  School   will   be
we lived.                             presented through  the One Feather
       This type of information is    and  other  publications  and  the
important to providing a record of    information  will  provide a basis
the lives of those who came before    for  a  history  project   of  our
us.  The importance of their lives    tribe.
is  the  type  of  answer  we  all      We hope this project will be the
search for;  the  meaning of  life    start of many similar projects. If
and our place in that life.  Those    you  have  ideas  on  ways to make
people  who  came before us taught    this information available, please
us how to live in this place, they    call    the    Cultural  Resources
learned  to  judge seasons and how    division at (704) 497-2771.
to plant crops,  they learned what         *       *       *       *

                       WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS

      That's right, new members --    David Morgan,  Billy Morgan,   and
ten  new  members, as a  matter of    Roger Williams joined us on 3 May.
fact. Three of the ten  have  been      Those who joined on 11 July are;
with us since May. The other seven    Barbara Morgan-Patterson, Patricia
joined  our family  at   the  July    Goins, Nina Morfield, Marty Adams,
general meeting.                      Rich Dinsmore,  Virginia Dinsmore,
       We  cordially  welcome  the    and Ben Dinsmore.
following  new  members  into  the
SENAA family:                              *       *       *       *

1 August 1996                SENAA Newsletter                          3


    Friday afternoon, 19 July, was    either of the two state options.
an eventful one for SENAA.              The first option was that, for a
   While Treasurer  J.R. Davis was    fee of roughly $250,000, the state
raising funds  at  Stuart School's    would  "clean  the  place up."  In
rummage  sale,  SENAA's President,    other words,  they  would make the
and  Vice President  were  meeting    village site and the burials there
with  Jim Sharp,  owner  of  Sharp    disappear,    so   it   could   be
Developments, to learn the fate of    developed.
Autumn Ridge,  a  Native  American        The second option was that the
village  and  burial site that has    state  would  buy  the property at
been  of  great  concern  to SENAA    fair market value,  then lease the
since Autumn of '95.                  land  back  to Sharp for 20 years,
    At the meeting, after relating    until archeological technology has
State Archeologist  Nick Fielder's    advanced more.
disturbing offers of legal options         The fact that Mr. Sharp chose
Mr. Sharp  then  told of his plans    to  keep  the  property and set it
for the site.                         aside  voluntarily  says  much for
    Mr. Sharp stated that he plans    his character.  The site, for him,
to  set the  entire  village  site    has  between  $300,000 and 400,000
aside  as  "green space."   Access    potential.  That is no small token
streets to the  remainder  of  the    of  his  respect  for our heritage
property will surround the site.      and  for  our  ancestors' right to
    With approval of archeologists    remain  where  they are buried and
and   SENAA  representatives,   he    rest in peace.
plans  to  "till  the  soil  about           It's interesting, too, that
three inches deep and sow grass on    when  his crew  was developing the
the entire area," and "I may plant    first  phase  of  the property, on
a few  trees  in areas where it is    the   southeast   end,   Mr. Sharp
determined  there  are no burials,    forbade his crew to even walk onto
if  that's  okay  with [the Native    the  village site,  and  left word
Americans]."                          that  no one  except SENAA members
    SENAA officers agreed that Mr.    were allowed on the site.
Sharp's  proposal  was the best of       Because of Mr. Sharp's gracious
all options so far, second only to    contribution  to  the preservation
deeding  the  property back to the    of  our  heritage,  we owe him our
Cherokees, and offered to maintain    heartfelt thanks.
the  site  once  it  was sown  and          Let us also remember all the
landscaped.   Mr. Sharp   said  he    fervent prayers to the Creator for
would see to its maintenance.         Autumn Ridge's  protection  and be
    Obviously, SENAA officers were    keenly aware  that  those  prayers
elated  at  the   wonderful  news,    were answered.   Let us each say a
especially considering the options    special prayer of thanksgiving for
proposed by the state.   Mr. Sharp    Creator's help and watchcare,  and
had  the  opportunity  to make his    for rewarding our faith.
money  back  off  the property via         *       *       *       *

                      SENAA FUND RAISER SUCCESSFUL

       Our first car wash, held on    got a bit  of  sun, and fun  while
Saturday, 27 July, went well for a    raising needed funds.
first  effort.   Held  at the  TSC      Participating in the event were:
Tractor   parking  lot   on  Keith    J.R. Davis,  Pam Triplett,   Cheri
Street in Cleveland,  participants    (See FUND RAISER, Page 4)

1 August 1996                SENAA Newsletter                          4

FUND RAISER (from page 3)
Lawson,  Kelly Davis, Brian Davis,       While some of the funds will be
Ginny Dinsmore, Rich Dinsmore, Ben    used    for    normal    operating
Dinsmore,  Patricia  Goins,  Steve    expenses,  the  remainder  will be
Swilling, and Al Swilling.   Lunch    distributed to church  and  relief
for the participants was  prepared    organizations  to   maximize   its
and furnished by Tulie Swilling.      potential for good.
     SENAA has two more car washes      Much thanks for everyone's help,
scheduled  at  the  same site  for    to Rich Dinsmore  for  helping put
10 and 24 August.  Let's pray that    the word out,  and  to Creator for
each  will be more successful than    for making it successful.
the one preceding it.                     *       *       *       *

                       AT CLEVELAND SUMMERFEST '96
                             by, Al Swilling
       [Reprinted from the Bradley News Weekly; 3-9 August 1996]

  No summer festival in Cleveland,    degree in  Electronic Engineering,
Tennessee, would be complete,  nor    took  him  from  his  tribal  home
would it  accurately  portray  its    11 years  ago,  he  still  follows
residents,  if  it  didn't include    in the traditions of his people as
Native  Americans,  since  Bradley    a Tigua singer.  Taught the sacred
County  was the last official home    and  social songs  of his tribe by
east of the  Mississippi River for    the elders,  he is keeping alive a
the Cherokee people at the time of    vital  part  of  his  heritage for
the Trail of Tears.  And, as such,    future generations.
has not only a deep  tradition  in          In the interest of educating
the area   but  also deep roots in    other races  and indigenous tribes
the population.                       about  cultural differences  among
     Asked by Lois Osborne, of Red    Native Americans,  Frank  has been
Clay State Park,  to represent the    active in schools and other arenas
Native American  heritage  of  the    presenting     entertaining   edu-
area at SummerFest, Frank Villegas    cational    programs   on   Native
and his beautiful wife Jerry, were    American heritage and issues.
on hand Friday, 26 July,  to  talk        "It's surprising," said Frank,
about   and   demonstrate   Native    "how many people  think  that  all
American  cultures and weaponry of    tribes  have  the same customs and
the tribes who once dominated this    traditions.  That's part of what I
land.  Hand arrows propelled by an    try to do -- teach them that there
atlatl    and   a   blowgun   were    are    some     very     important
skillfully  demonstrated   by  the    differences  in  the  customs  and
couple.                               traditions  of the various tribes,
    Other cultural items were also    so  they can better appreciate the
on  display;   such  as  handwoven    huge variety  that the many Native
Native American baskets, a rattle,    American  tribes  have  to   offer
traditional  Cherokee style flute,    American society. It would be nice
and  a  drum,  which  were used to    if  someone  said,    'Hey,   he's
illustrate their imformative talks    Tigua,' or  'Hey, she's Cherokee,'
about Native American cultures.       instead   of  just   saying,  'Oh,
      Frank, of the Tigua tribe of    they're Indians.'"
Pueblo, is a native of New Mexico,          Area residents have probably
where he was brought up as a Tigua    seen  Frank  at   Red  Clay  Park,
dancer. Though a career change and    donating   his   time    to   give
educational pursuits,  including a    (See SUMMERFEST, Page 5)

1 August 1996                SENAA Newsletter                          5

SUMMERFEST (from page 4)
interpretive  lectures  about  the      Together and individually, Frank
area.  Though not Cherokee,  he is    and Jerry  are  active in the many
perhaps  as  informed as anyone of    issues   concerning   and   facing
the history of the Cherokee people    Native  Americans  in general  and
in and around Bradley County;  due    their tribes in particular.   They
in part, perhaps,  to his Cherokee    are   only   a   small   part   of
life companion Jerry.                 continuing efforts nationwide,  by
  Employed at a local dental firm,    the   tribes,    Native   American
Jerry,  grew up in the Chattanooga    organizations  and  individuals to
and   Cleveland   area  after  her    raise public awareness.
family  migrated  here from  North       Though Frank and Jerry were the
Carolina.   She is also devoted to    only Native American performers at
educating the  public about tribal    SummerFest,   there   were   other
customs,  culture and heritage  of    Native    American-like    vendors
her  people.   Much  of  her  time    present.
apart   from   her job   is  spent       Using a play on the spelling of
speaking  to  civic  and community    her  name  was  "Engraved Glass by
organizations,  especially women's    Sioux;"   a  display  of   quality
groups,  about  women's  roles  in    engraved glass items.
Native     American     societies;        Around the corner from Sioux's
addressing and helping  to  dispel    display was a canvas tepee,  where
the many misconceptions.              "Ray   Bald   Eagle"   and  "Ty-Na
    In addition to her lectures on    Wounded    Dove,"    dressed    in
women's    issues,    Jerry   also    nondescript   buckskin   clothing,
educates   her   audiences   about    displayed   their  collection   of
cultural  differences among Native    Native  American   style  jewelry.
American tribes;  sharing  Frank's    Behind their tepee  were  a  small
concern    for    generic   ethnic    pony and a wolf/dog.
stereotyping.                               There  was  even  a  "Native
    When asked about the age group    American"  clown  among  those who
she and Frank represent, Jerry was    roamed the area,  which  just goes
quick to respond, "Mother earth is    to show:  fun knows no boundaries.
ageless,  therefore  her  children
are ageless."                              *       *       *       *

                            AUGUST BIRTHDAYS

    "Happy Birthday" to the following SENAA members, who are celebrating
birthdays in August:
Lynn Triplett . . . . . . 2 August    Al Swilling, II . . . . .15 August
Rebecca M. Warren . . . . 3 August    Rich Dinsmore . . . . . .28 August
Crystal Meeks . . . . . . 4 August    Ben Dinsmore . . . . . . 30 August

   NOTE:  SENAA's records are incomplete on some members.  To be sure we
don't inadvertently leave someone out,  all members  are asked to submit
their birthdates to SENAA VP Al Swilling at (423) 479-2827.
    (The year of your birth will be kept confidential, if you wish.)

1 August 1996                SENAA Newsletter                          6

                            OUR NATIVE TONGUE

Syllabary       Tsa-La-Gi         Pronunciation         English

                I-gi-nv-tli       Ee-gee-nuh-tlee  (My) Brother

                A-we-tsi          Ah-way-chee
                A-ge-yu-tsa       Ah-gay-yoo-chah  (My) Daughter

                E-li-si           Ay-lee-see            Grandmother

                E-du-du           Ay-doo-doo       (My) Grandfather

                Gi-ni-do-da     Gee-nee-doe-dah   (His) Grandfather

                U-ni-si           Oo-nee-see            Grandparent

                U-dv-sa-nv-hi    Oo-duh-sah-nuh-hee     Old Man

                A-ga-yv-li-ge-i  Ah-gah-yuh-lee-gay-ee  Old Woman

                I-gi-do           Ee-gee-doe            Sister

                Ga-tli-ha         Gah-tlee-hah          Sleep

                A-tsu-tsa         Ah-choo-chah     (My) Son

                U-we-tsi-dv-hi    Oo-way-chee-duh-hee (Another's) Son

                            GUIDE ME JEHOVAH
      (Can Be Sung to the Tune of "What A Friend We Have In Jesus")
                  (See Page 7 for English Paraphrasing)

1. S-qwa-ti-ni-se- s-di, Yi-ho-wa, e - la-di-ga - i - sv - i;
2. Nv -  wo-ti-gah-nu -  go-gv -i  A - nv-wo-sgi-sdu - i- si;
3. Ga -  la-si-nv - u -  wa-tla-v  Tso-da-ni- u - we -yv - i

  Tsi- wa -na-ga-li- yu- a- yv.  Tsa-li-ni-gi-di-  ni -hi.
   A- tsi -lv-no  u -lo-gi -lv    I -gv-yi- a- i-  se-sdi.
 Sgi- yo - hi-sda-ne-lv-qwo-no,   A-qwe-li-hi-sdi-sgv - i;

Verse Endings used with "What A Friend..." tune:
  Ni - go  (Ni - go)  hi - lv  (hi - lv)  Sgi -sde -li-sge-sdi- yo-go.
 Sgi -sde (Sgi -sde)  li- sgi  (li- sgi)  Di - sge- ga-hna- wa- di-da.
 Sgi- sde (Sgi -sde)  li- sgi  (li- sgi)  To -  hi- de-sgi- sa-sta-nv.

  Ni - go  (Ni - go)  hi - lv  (hi - lv) Sgi - sde -li-sge-sdi- yo-go.
 Sgi -sde (Sgi -sde)  li -sgi  (li- sgi)  Di - sge- ga-hna- wa- di-da.
  Ni - go  (Ni - go)  hi - lv  (hi - lv)  Do -  da- gv- no- gi-sta-ni.

Original Verse Endings:
  Ni - go   hi - lv,  Ni - go   hi - lv  Sgi - sde -li-sge-sdi-yo-go.
 Sgi -sde   li- sgi  Sgi -sde   li- sgi   Di - sge- ga-hna- wa- di-da.
  Ni - go   hi - lv   Ni - go   hi - lv   Do -  da- gv- no- gi-sta-ni.

1 August 1996                SENAA Newsletter                          7

                            GUIDE ME JEHOVAH
                         [English Paraphrasing]

1. Take me and guide me,  Jehovah,    3. Help  us  when  we come  to the
   as  I  am walking  through this       Jordan  River  (death)  and  we
   barren  land.  I  am weak,  but       will sing thy praise eternally.
   thou art mighty.  Ever help us.

2. Open unto us thy healing waters
   Let  the   fiery  cloud   (Holy
   Spirit)   go   before   us  and
   continue thy help.

                         by the Associated Press
         [Reprinted From Chattanooga Free Press; 25 July 1996]

 Adairsville, Ga. -- Some Cherokee          "Typically a land base for a
Indians in Oklahoma want to return    group   of   Indians    would   be
to   their   ancestral   home   in    considered  if  it  is  around the
northwest  Georgia   to   build  a    area  where   they  live.   It  is
$4 million dollar bingo parlor.       indisputable  that  the  Cherokees
     The planned location is about    originated from that area and were
50 miles southeast of Chattanooga.    removed  from  it  and their lands
  Both local and federal officials    taken,  but I think a tribe asking
say  there  are  problems with the    for land  this far away from their
plan  by  the  Keetoowah [Band], a    own  location  becomes   a  harder
group of about 8,000 living in and    problem," Gonzales said.
around Tahlequah, Oklahoma.              "All this by way of saying that
   The federally recognized tribe,    we've  got  a  lot of  research to
which  has  no  land  of  its own,    do."
wants   to    buy   32  acres   in          Usually such a request would
Adairsville  in  northwest Georgia    take  a year or two  for a ruling,
and  have  that  placed in federal    Gonzales said,  and  in this case,
trust,   which  would  essentially    "it  could  be  even  longer  than
establish it as a "quasi-sovereign    that."
nation"   unaccountable  to  state        Only after the land was placed
laws, according to Ralph Gonzales,    in  trust  for the  Keetoowah Band
spokesman for the Bureau of Indian    could  they  apply  for  a  gaming
Affairs in Washington.                license,  and  federal law on that
      The plan the Keetoowahs have    subject,  Gonzales said,  requires
filed  with the BIA says they want    that "the state and the tribe have
to  build  on the Adairsville land    to enter into a compact before the
because  it is near the New Echota    gaming can begin."
State Historic Site,  seat  of the          The governor's office had no
Cherokee  government   before  the    immediate reaction to the plan.
Cherokees  were  uprooted  in 1838
and sent  on the  "Trail of Tears"
to Oklahoma.                               *       *       *       *

1 August 1996                SENAA Newsletter                          8

                        SENAA'S FIRST ANNIVERSARY

  The Southeastern Native American    at  the  Westwood  Baptist  Church
Alliance  will celebrate its first    pavilion at 2200 Peerless Road NW,
anniversary on 12 September 1996.     in  Cleveland, beginning at noon.
      To celebrate, we will hold a    Members  will  be  notified of any
pot-luck social,  with friends and    changes in time or location.
loved-ones invited.   The  date is           Plan to come and bring your
tentatively scheduled for Saturday    favorite dish to share.
14 September,  and will take place         *       *       *       *

                          by, Michelle Sheldone
               [Reprinted from Family Circle, Sept. '96]

   Not since the Black Hawk war of    February  1993  the  Sac  and  Fox
1832,  when the Sac and Fox Indian    nation  bowed  to her pressure and
Nation  fought  for its land,  had    voted against the site.
the Oklahoma tribe battled. But in        Word of Thorpe's success moved
1992,   75-year-old  tribe  member    quickly   through   the   informal
Grace Thorpe launched a new fight.    network  known  as  the   Moccasin
The  enemy:   the  Department   of    Grapevine.  In  1993,  she founded
Energy, which had persuaded tribal    NECONA   (National   Environmental
leaders  to  allow construction on    Coalition of Native Americans)  to
tribal land  of a storage site for    fight  nuclear  dumping on  Indian
highly radioactive material.   The    lands.   Thanks to her efforts, 20
government was  offering  a carrot    nuclear-free   zones   have   been
that could be worth  $2.8 million.    established on reservations and 14
"They knew we needed money,"  says    of  17 tribes   that  had   sought
Thorpe.   All 50 states had turned    nuclear  waste  zoning  have with-
down the proposal.                    drawn their  applications.  "She's
     "I thought about all that has    done   an  excellent  job,"   says
happened  to  our people  over the    Oklahoma state senator Enoch Kelly
years,"  says Thorpe,  daughter of    Haney.
legendary   Olympian  Jim  Thorpe.          Known as Notenoquah, or Wind
"Every  treaty  we  have made  has    Woman,  Thorpe  also convinced the
been broken.   I couldn't let this    International Olympic Committee to
happen."   To  bolster  her cause,    return  the  two gold medals  that
Thorpe    used    research    that    her father won in 1912, which were
indicated  exposure  to  radiation    stripped from him  because  he had
raises  the  risk  of  cancer  and    played  semiprofessional baseball.
genetic deformities.   She learned    This   year   she  convinced   the
that the  hundreds of  radioactive    Olympic Torch Run  to  stop at the
rods   to  be   stored   had   the    Oklahoma site where her father was
destructive  power of  200 nuclear    born. Thorpe arrived for the event
bombs.     Armed     with     this    in her car,  with  a license plate
information,  she began a petition    that reads, NO NUKES.
drive  against  the  facility.  In         *       *       *       *

© 1996; White Eagle Publications, Cleveland, Tennessee 37311
  All Rights Reserved.