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Things I've Learned From Practicing Wicca

Things I've Learned From Practicing Wicca
By: Semjaza

-Hair is flammable. Very flammable.
Everyone knows this, right? I'm a pyromaniac as much as the next teenager, but when the incense is kind of spacing you out and you lean over the illuminator candles to light the other altar candles and you hear a loud snap and the smell of burning hair. . . This generally means your hair is on fire. Usually, the most intelligent course of action is to dump whatever liquid is in the chalice onto your head. Given my luck, the liquid is also flammable. Hats are always a good investment.

-Always close the circle.
Believe me, this IS a good thing to do. It's ok if you mess up an entire ritual if you can laugh it off, but always ground the circle in some way. So, I was in a rush one day and just left the circle open. Not a good plan, I can tell you. All night, something was knocking on my door. When I answered it, no one was there. How rude.

-Summoning entities from other realms just to chat is not wise.
How would you like it if these annoying creatures kept calling you, and just wouldn't go away. You might get a tad angry, or you might get seriously pissed off. And if they just wanted to complain about their jobs. . . you get the idea. Or they might.

-It's better to look through window than to open a door.
If you open the door, who knows what might come in. If you just look through a window, you can point and laugh and suffer much milder consequences.

-Don't hold skyclad rites in a public place.
Apparently, this is called indecent exposure. Whoops.

-Don't tell off beings from higher/lower realms.
They will come and get you. Or, they'll just point and snicker behind your back. But you never know.

-Athames (ritual knives) are not sharp for a reason.
I don't own an athame. I just thought this could be good advice for those of us out there whose chances of tripping increase 100% by carrying something pointy.

-Henbane is not a chicken repellant.
Seriously. It's not good for you, nor is it good for chickens.

-"Abracadabra" isn't what you think it is.
It translates roughly (from what language I'm not sure) as "I bless the dead." Creepy, huh.

-Cherubs really aren't that sweet.
They're really huge angels with glowing eyes and sharp swords. Ever read "Rose is Rose?" There was a cherubim in that comic. Personally I think they're cool, but my favourites will always be seraphim. *ducks enormous blade that comes crashing down out of the sky* I guess they heard me.

-Faeries can be dangerous.
Trust me, anything that cute must have really sharp teeth.

-Some incense flavors shouldn't be mixed.
Envision squirrels on acid, month-long headaches, weird spirits that sing Brittney Spears, and the Exorcist all rolled into little packets of incense. Now envision mixing those packets.

-Tarot cards shouldn't be wrapped in underwear.
Unless it's silk, then feel free to do so.

-Invoking Hecate in the middle of a 4-way stop isn't healthy.
Even though Her presence is felt at the crossroads doesn't mean it pleases Her to be invoked by a Witch with "Toyota" stamped across their forehead.

-Keep the sacred space free of toe-stubbable objects.
"I call upon Isis, goddess of -Shit that hurt!" isn't a nice invocation.

-"Up my ass."
Is not the correct response when the Priestess asks where your broom is.

-Wax is not edible.
I really hope that this is self-explanatory.

-Trying to change the weather can have hazardous results.
You wouldn't want to do a rain dance and suddenly get hit on the head by the down-pour of spatulas, would you?

-Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to knock yourself out to access the collective unconscious.
Or maybe this was just my belief, as I can't tell the difference between unconscious, and subconscious.

-There is no such thing as a High Coffee-table of Magick.
Sigh. There should be.

-Socks do not make good gris-gris/mojo bags.
The bad smell associated with the socks will add negativity to your rite.

-Making voodoo dolls in Family Studies (sewing) class is not reccomended.
Poor Teddy *sigh* Pincushion of the Gods. And then gleefully used to give that nasty girl a bad itch.

-Phlegm is not a spell component.
I believe elaborating is not necessary.

-Chickens don't make good minions.
Chickens are evil and will attack you if you turn your back on them. Trust not the chicken.

-Sometimes spirits manifest in incense smoke.
Please refrain from inhaling them. Poor Pazuzu, right up my nose. Oh, that was weird.

-The following things and candle wax do not mix: expensive carpets, musical instruments, little brothers, your favourite sneakers, portraits of long lost ancestors, and irate High Priestesses.

-When attempting to explain why witches were persecuted, avoid the words "horny little goat men." We still haven't lived that one down.

Please ask before using this material. Copyright 2001, 2002, Semjaza Site: Crimson Twilight