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The Nocturne (Yeah, a big page of plain text. Just what everyone wants to see...)

Based off of a deeply-rooted ancient local lore: Two kingdoms, separated by mountains, divided by war. A noble, who would later become the king, and his sweetheart, who was promised to another in that neighboring kingdom. Of course there's more to this legend, names and such, but to make a long story short, the lady was torn from him and taken away, much to their heartbreak. As the men rode off with the woman through the mountains separating the kingdoms, the man watched until they were out of sight, and pressed his ear to the ground until he could no longer hear the horse's trotting steps.. Then blinded himself, knowing he'd never see his love again, and vowing never to look upon another.

Every eight or so years, girls (and girls only!) were selected in mid-childhood (often by choice, or in family honor... It wasn't uncommon to have an entire line of participants from one family), and instructed in blinded combat, using blindfolds.

Blindfolds were worn during training only, until one ascended to Nocturne, when the blindfolds were never to be removed for the duration of their term. Such people often came from noble lineage, but -never- royalty.

Training continued until their mid-teens (or until the next choosing), sharpening their senses and abilities, where the higher-ranking of the chosen were selected for the highly honorable title of Nocturne, a position which was often held until the next group of defenders ascended. The ascention was a huge deal for the community, welcomed by a day and night of gathering, feasting, and socializing, and the much-awaited yearly reading of the legend that created them. During the ceremony, the recipients of the title also received a golden ring, engraved with their initials- a rather grim symbol, meant for identification if any were found dead.

Being a Nocturne wasn't easy- The girls could not marry, were subject to the bidding of their commander and seemingly never-ending training (involving a great variety of weapons and styles), and of course, deprived of sight for their entire term. Anyone who violated their loyalty or dared unblind themselves were often put to death or banished. Those that were replaced were discharged with highest honor in the community, and often went on as part of the community's goverment. However, most chose quieter, non-combat-oriented lives after their terms.

One that served their eight years and wished to remain a defender had the option of a blinding ceremony where one was physically self-blinded, often by flame, their eyes scarlessly burned. Such a choice, sacrificing one's sight (although it didn't happen often), was the highest possible honor awarded.

Even the young ones, with their childish habits, seemed to quickly grasp the importance of such a role when they were chosen. Expected to mature before their years, they seemed to hold little value in fun and games, and the especially dedicated ones became strictly perfectionist.

Tending to be a little on the timid or antisocial side, most were often the ones seen standing solitary by a wall, lurking in the shadows of social events, or loyally standing guard long past their assigned hours. Perhaps it was the long days of self-reflection, or the deep, almost religious pride in their practices. Always quiet, solemnly so, though no one would really know why- the Nocturne would never tell when asked. An enigmatic wisdom seemed to surround them, much to the annoyance of a few.

Humble, of mild manner and kind heart, most kept to themselves, often gaining a reputation as loners. Some were more social, but still kept many secrets, never speaking in excess. Overall, they were peaceful, quiet, unintentially mysterious, and fiercely protective, taking great pride in their abilities and their honorable occupation.

During one's training, often eight to ten years, girls learned a large variety of skills, beginning with basic hand-to-hand abilities, graduating to techniques and weapons from numerous foreign regions.

Scholarship in most other subjects - maths, sciences, and literatures, based on a learning system for the blinded - was also highly thought of. Besides being physically able and exceptionally clever, by the time the girls' training had ended, their senses were -extremely- sharp, especially their hearing and a type of 'sixth sense'... Sensing others' actions, locations, intentions, thoughts, and feelings. Also sensitive to temperature, tension, and oddly enough, light.

Disadvantages often came from extreme pressure (due to their perfectionist tendencies), working together in groups, and situations that required visible strategy. Such tasks were often carried out by the city's general army.

Magic became frowned upon as the line of Nocturne evolved, perhaps part of their pride. As it was known to them, magic seemed a weapon of weakness - What one could not do physically, magic seemed the alternative. A Nocturne's sense of self-reliance made magic hard to learn and even harder to control.

Almost impossible were the types of magic that required precise aiming, mental images of the targets, and eye-contact to maintain success. In rare cases, mild curative magic was known, but in limited content, usually only for one's self or one's close allies.
(Thus, much to the OOC dismay of some, magic was rare.)

The first Nocturne originated during prosperous ancient times (think Rome, Greece), usually in eastern or Meditteranean lands, and after the first few hundred years, became renowned throughout worlds for their legendary story. The Nocturne became sources of folk tales and legends throughout lands. The greedy often tried to buy such a position, after seeing what fame and honor it brought, but were, of course, denied, as they must begin young and uncorrupted.

A few other townships and communities throughout the lands began using Nocturne as a system of honor and defense, usually schooled by a few original Nocturne who retired from their position and traveled to teach the ways to other regions. Most other kingdoms were becoming absorbed in large armies and power by force, so the Nocturne were not largely influential on larger places. But in the eastern and meditteranean areas, in respectable communities, they stood guard, and protected their posts, upholding the tradition as their ancestors had, with as much, if not more, pride in their lineage.

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