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Welcome To My VR World Page
Hello And Welcome
All the worlds on this page are all built and updated by me (Roger) this is a small look into 3D Chat rooms.
How i Started
I am a 3d graphics artist and love building all that is 3d >:)
I use lightwaves to build all 3d obj worlds etc..... than i convert to wrl if i am doing a 3d chat that is lol.
i have been using lightwaves since it first came out on the old and dated Amiga 500 this is when i first got into 3d creation.
And have always used lightwaves (LW) this i find easy to use its like a walk in the park for me >:)
The first encounter i had with 3d Chat was a place called Worlds 3d (Pay site if you want to get best from it) i was on that for about 2 years.
In the 2 years i was on it i became a HOST for the world and played a roll of meeting and greeting the new comers.
That was way back in 1997, now days i am in CyberTown (but not to hot on all the rules etc.) so i decided to create a whole new world.
Tiger City is the name, this world will be like Cybertown but more to Real life,you can see a VRML version of Zone 1 the link is in side box---->
The nextgen one uses a whole new graphic engine like quake, and the avs can have upto 50 gesture's.
Yes you guest it not blaxxun avs made with av studio, TC avs are so kewl you will love it
Mmmm wear to start? OK tiger will be the first on-line 3d chat to brake the boundaries of normal 3d chat worlds.
What will be different?
Tiger will have 255 zones in all
it will also have its own VR telephone network that connects to all 255 zones
Tiger will be the first to have a fully working TV / Film Studio (camera's that work and will record)
due to the TV network if you buy a TV in tiger city when you take it home to your VR house it will work >:)
I.E. you will see what the tv studio is pumping out.
Tiger city will have real 24h night and day ( IN GMT) and a real weather system .
and vr cars you drive and have to fill up with VR gas
all this and more..... i am just scratching the tip of the iceberg lol
Tiger City if all goes well will be on-line in late august (that's if all coding is done)
but while you wait for the nextgen of TC have a look at the basic VRML version of Zone 1 this will give you a idea of the scale and size :)
All the very best
ps (Thanks Shadow for pointing out the typo's)