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I do have some time to myself on the PC(rather than just constant updating) and in that time I doa ll sorts of things. Here's a bunch of my hoaxes, they're mostly Sonic hoaxes(Because I send them off the The Sonic Stadium) but I may do hoaxes from other game series too. Actually, if you look at the second hoax, it's done in with Sonic sprites in the style of Mortal Kombat.
For those who don't know what hoaxes are, they're picture of regular game that have been changed by a fan to represent soemthing else, usually these are done in the style of jokes(As mine are) but there are some self-insert hoaxes(Where the creator adds him/herslef into the hoaxes). I will update this as I make more hoaxes, so don't think that I'm limiting this page to this small amount. ENJOY!

Whisps of Ugliness
My first ever hoax WAS a 3D hoax, and this was one of my finest 3D hoaxes EVER! Most of the joins are seamless and I spent alot of time on this one(Mainly because I wasn't working on any sites at the time) but it just shows that if a beginner can do a 3D hoax this good, why aren't the pro's trying? This is well-known in a few boards and is actually my Signiture-Hoax!

Punch of Bread
This is actually a more recent hoax, although it's quite high up in my hoax sheet, as you can tell by the Sonic Advance sprites. I did a Mortal Kombat uppercut on Sonic resulting in Yuji(Toasty)Naka giving the famous MK speech of 'Toasty'! The background is actually the fight scene on Angel Island in Sonic Advance but I inverted the colours.

Give in to the Dark-Slide
A hoax of Tails as Luke, Sonic as Darth Vader and Knuckles as the Emperor. I even took the Death Egg as the Death Star(In the background). A good fight scene, which took a bit of work for Knuckles' face to look Emperor-y but who would win? The young Fox or the mechanical Hedgehog?

Great Egg of Fire
A hoax of Robotnik trying to outdo Sonic in collecting the emeralds? Well, how else would he obtain them? Here he is in his own special stage, where he must collect Egg Spheres with his little moustache on them. I enjoyed this one, and alot of people like it.

Flying-Bot, Flying-Bot in the air, who is the goriest over here?
Knuckles getting the bad-end of a Dragonfly bot. I like this one alot. You can call me all the nasty names under the sun for killing Knuckles so cruely and I wouldn't care, not when the quality of pain is this good. I think this would cost in losing all your lives instantly because it's gonna take a good doctor to heal those wounds.

Robotnik's mid-life crisis is serious
A hoax of Robotnik on the plane AND driving it! Not very imaginative or hard to do, but still good clean fun. Robotnik is probably going to jump off in a minute. Wouldn't jump forward, otherwise you'll become a cropper in the propeller! Alternatively, he'd become a cropper on the ground. All's fair in mass suicide.

Robotnik's Painball!
The Fatal Balancing Act of 1993!
Oh, c'mon! How is Eggman balancing on that small little point of the bumper? Doesn't matter though, because the Sonic gang gonna show him who's the King of Roll! Knuckles has gone for the longer but-oh-so painful route as the other two decided jumping gets the job done quicker.

When a fart goes too far...
Sonic has decided to expel the gases from the curry he had last night and left Tails behind, which is kind. Still, at least Tails isn't going to die when the Chilli-Petrol runs out. To be honest, Sonic's probably cringing in pain(Well can you imagine how much it hurts with fire coming out your backside!?) still, he seems to be going the direction of the wind...or is there a tornado close by?

Burning In The Middle Of Yer Plane!
Why would a Flying Fox need you Spike-boy?
Tails decided that he'd had enough of Sonic stealing the limelight so he 'fixed' the Tornado(The name of Sonic's plane) and abondoned ship! Well who needs transportation if you can fly? Tails actually, he seems a bit far away from anywhere!

Cross-eyed Chao!
Robotnik obviously had enough of grouping beans so he decided to go the next step up, Chao! These little dudes have the ability to fly, swim, run and have limbs! Scratch and Grounder happy to make a comeback to the Sonic series are later deleted for annoying the creator.