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Game Archives

F-Zero: Nintendo's high speed racer, first taking use of Mode 7 technology, is one of the fastest racers to date.

Lemmings: One of DMA's greatest accomplishments was this cutesy puzzler. It didn't matter that the lemmings were cutesy concidering everyone played it to kill them anyway.

Mario: The first person to EVER be in a platforming game. Alot of copies were to follow suit, but only one has gotten to the standard of Nintendo's Italian Mascot.

Mortal Kombat: The fighting game that started the gore in console games, caused an uproar all over. But we loved it.

Sonic the Hedgehog: The only person to really rival Mario, and overtook him at times too! Sonic is the fastest thing alive, no question.

Wolf Team: One of the best developers on the unfortunately doomed Mega CD. Some of the best in Side-scrolling shooting and QTE gaming!

Yu Suzuki/AM2: Yu Suzuki, owner of AM2, has to be one of the best games developers EVER! We can all sit back and remember the days when we payed pound after pound on Hang On and AfterBurner in the arcades!

Zool: One of the other top 2D platforming kings. Unfortunately, Gremlin went bust and Zool came to terrible end. If only it could be revived...