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Welcome to the Classic Consoles Archive!

Classic Consoles!
There are those who simply find Retro-gaming annoying. "It's crap because the graphics are poor and it's outdated." Well maybe if they stopped thinking about the present games for a moment, they may realise that the oldest consoles had more decent games than the latest ones! Especially since, with the conversion to 3D, classics like New Zealand Story and Speedball are being left behind! Still, as 3D does look better and gives you an entirely new dimension to play in, new gaming is just as brilliant as retro-gaming.
Old games are still the focus-point for many companies when producing consoles or games. Those with a background already can learn from their good and bad points, such as Sega and Nintendo (Sony never learn). I'm afraid that modern games CANNOT replace old ones, no matter how graphically superior, simply because old games were built on gameplay. Who can match the pure delight of New Zealand Story? NOTHING!
Games also play better in 2D than 3D. Bubble Bobble has proved this as a 3D version would be too bland to be a must-have title. But on the Amiga it's priceless. All these old gems would be forgotten if it wasn't for people like me, who slaved their childhood away (Okay, I have a social life, I didn't slave away my childhood, it's an expression) to play the good, the bad and the damnright unplayable! Retro-gaming is something every gamer should do to keep healthy, gamings like food. Play too many new games without retro-gaming and you'll get engrossed with the single minded opinion that all old games are crap (As many people do).

Amiga 500+
Golden Oldie!
The oldest of all my consoles (Even though it's more of a Personal Computer). This was released to be the PC of it's time. Considering actual PC's were worse than this, this was a very expensive, but useful update to the Personal Computer Industry. Soem even came with a small hard drive. This also had later models such as 600, 1200 and 1600. The bigger the model, the better the gear so the more expensive. There was also the Amiga 500, which the 500+ is just a small update from. This came with a mass array of classics such as New Zealand Story, Speedball 2, Rainbow Islands and Mortal Kombat (The original Mortal Kombat on the Amiga was the best home conversion).

Mortal Kombat: Click here for more information
Lemmings: Click here for more information
Zool: Click here for more information
New Zealand Story: Information coming soon.
Bubble Bobble: Information coming soon
Speedball 2: Information coming soon
Dizzy: Information coming soon

Master System and Game Gear
The age-old consoles that did well.
Despite how much people say the Game Gear died an early death, the Game Gear faired well against the Game Boy. It wouldn't have been making games up till 1996-97 if it had died quickly! It ate up batteries for breakfast! People blamed the colour screen, but this had nothing to do with it. It had a backlight. The Game Boy Advance was missing this and people got angry, but if there was a back-light, then the batteries would last all of 5 minutes like the Game Gear.
As for the Master System, it was a common fact that it was superior to the NES. It had brilliant games and stayed alive until 1995! The NES was a tough competitor though.

Sonic the Hedgehog: Click here for more information
Donald Duck Lucky Dime Caper: Information coming soon.
Enduro Racer: Information coming soon.

Nes and Game Boy
Nintendo's chance to try to restore gaming...
Nintendo were going to have a tough time. Gaming was nearly non-existant by the release of the NES and they must have been worried about losing money. Luckily, they had past experience with the Game And Watch handhelds so they knew what they were doing. The NES was the first and had the original Mario Bros games and a small host of sequels upon it. It was the first console that started to reclaim gaming to it's past taste.
However, the Game Boy is still the biggest game system ever! Sure it looked like a breeze block and had a fuzzy black and white screen, but because the games were so enjoyable, and the batteries lastest for absolutely ages! The newest incarnation is the Game Boy Advance which is 32bit...the handhelds are getting greater.

Mario Bros: Click here for more information
F-Zero: Click here for more information
Donkey Kong: Information coming soon.
Legend of Zelda: Information coming soon.

Mega Drive/Genesis
Sega's most popular console...
Even though people hate to admit it at times, the Mega Drive, though inferior technologically, was a much more popular console. It was also the first console to land Sonic into the mass-gaming equation. No matter what people say, the Mega Drive's exterior was nicer than the SNES's and it had a large variety of must have games, rivaled only by Nintendo's own games. It later had a second nicer looking incarnation with a CD add-on, a Master system converter and a 32 bit extension known as the 32X.

Sonic the Hedgehog: Click here for more information
Mortal Kombat: Click here for more information
Virtua Fighter: Click here for more information
Streets Of Rage: Information coming soon.
Ristar: Information coming soon.
Shining Force: Information coming soon.

Mega CD
Sega's first 32 bit CD games console...
Although it failed due to lack of public interest, the Mega CD was well ahead of it's time. Maybe it wasn't as powerfula s the later 32 bit machines, but it loaded brilliantly fast. You could hardly see the loading times. Also, people overlooked the hard drive built into the console. It's when the public stopped getting the full information that the Mega CD died. Shame really.

Sonic the Hedgehog: Click here for more information
Wolf Team: Click here for more information

When Nintendo realised they were no longer alone in the console business...
Nintendo started worrying when the Mega Drive started lapping up alot more popualrity, so Nintendo had to rival it with something. Enter the SNES, a technically superior but less popular console out of all in the mass console race. It was about this time that Nintendo and SEGA started forming rivalry's with one another, Nintendo VS SEGA, Mario VS Sonic. Although Sonic and SEGA turned out more popular during the entire battle, Nintendo weren't short of decent games as Shigeru Miyatmoto proved that he still had it, no matter what console he worked for.

Mario: Click here for more information
F-Zero: Click here for more information
Legend of Zelda: Information coming soon.
Starfox: Information coming soon.

The first solo cosole with a hard drive...
Yup, no matter how much crap Microsoft keep saying about the X-Box being the first console with a hard drive, the hardcore gamers will know for certain that it was the Saturn, although the MCD had one, it was an add-on. This boasted great graphics and superb 3D effects but already lost before they had a chance to kick PlayStation were it deserved to feel it. If only Yuji Naka had made Sonic Extreme (Originally the first 3D paltform adventure) instead of making Sonic R! Still, nobody can forget the amazing Nights and the now copyrighted A Life sytem within it (Now in Sonic as Chaos)

Sonic the Hedgehog: Click here for more information
Virtua Fighter: Click here for more information
Nights: Information coming soon.
Panzer Dragoon: Information coming soon.

Nintendo 64
The best four player console EVER!
Yup, the N64 is one of the best multiplayer console ever! Why? Because Nintendo's multiplayers were done with so much clarity that they're hard to fault, that's why. With the oppertunity to double the consoles power with the 4MB thing, this improved the graphics even more and also allowed Rare to puch the console further than it's limits with Perfect Dark!

Mario: Click here for more information
Starfox: Information coming soon.
Goldeneye (Rare section): Information coming soon.
Perfect Dark: Information coming soon.

Sega's last console for a while.
People are such hypocrits! Everyone blagged crap saying how poor the Dreamcast was (Even though it WAY beat PS2 in games) yet, as soon as Sega kille dit off and started porting classic games such as Crazy Taxi over, everyone bought them instantly! This is one reason why you won't see me buying consoles from any second grade manufacturers *cough*Sony and Microsoft*cough* and because soem people didn't like it, and the Saturn flopped, suddenly Sega found themselves in more debt. Still, this was a brilliant console with only one flaw, it has to be constantly maintained or the dust will destroy the laser.

Sonic the Hedgehog: Click here for more information
Mortal Kombat: Click here for more information
Shenmue: Click here for more information
Phantasy Star Online: Information coming soon.
Soul Calibur: Information coming soon.

From the only console manufacturer who knows what it's doing.
With Sega out of making console for a while, Nintendo have got the burden of having to tend for everyone who appreciates quality games on quality consoles. But with Shigeru Miyamoto workign still and Yuji Naka spending most, if not all, of his money and time into the Gamecube releasing even Sonic onto the system, The GameCube's got it made. Also the addition of the Triforce arcade board (BY Nintendo, Sega and Namco together) running on GC technology, GameCube's got all and everything it needs to win this console race.

Mario: Click here for more information
Sonic the Hedgehog: Click here for more information
Mortal Kombat: Click here for more information
F-Zero: Click here for more information
Virtua Fighter: Click here for more information
Starfox: Information coming soon.
Phantasy Star Online: Information coming soon.
Soul Calibur: Information coming soon.