The Redwind II
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Welcome to the Redwind II... my personal website

Well, considering that Geocities screwd me over by dis-allowing Front Page 2000 on their server, the original Redwind Site never got updated, so I figured I might as well get a new server and start a new site... and because I'm extremely dull and unoriginal, I ended up deciding to entitle the new site Redwind II... weak huh?  Oh well, just like last time, this site was created primarily for the purpose of my COB204 CIS class, but at the same time will also be updated at a semi-regular occurance.  So take a look around, and tell me what you think.  Feel free to sign the Guest Book or email giving me a heads up.  .

~~~~~~~~~~A Brief Little 411 about Me~~~~~~~~~~

Gotta give a little description of myself, eh?   Gosh, this part's always a pain... oh well.  For starters, my name is Benny V.  I am presently on my forth year at James Madison University (JMU) in Harrisonburg VA.  How long am I going to be here??? I'll get back to you people on that one, we're thinking more short term right now at college as opposed to long term.  Graduation will only happen if I last long enough to not get kicked out of here in the first place...  At JMU, my concentration is Computer Information Systems in the College of Business.

While JMU is a great place, my REAL home is Northern (the REAL Northern) Virginia, in the Vienna/Fairfax area.  I went to Marshall High School, and graduated in the Spring of 2000.  At Marshall, I did three years of boys gymnastics, two of which years I was referred to Team Marshall by all the other schools because well, I WAS the ONLY person on the team.  Luckily though, after I graduated from Marshall, one of my friends, Charlie kept the torch going by joining gymnastics and represented the one-man team at the districts and states tournaments. 

Outside of school, I was a pretty dedicated martial artist (which is a helluva lot more than I can say about myself now) and I jumped around from specific styles for various reasons.  I started off doing Karate when I was really, really, really young... took a couple of years off, jumped into Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido for five years on and off between two different schools, and then started getting into Kung Fu.  The first Kung Fu school that I attended was a southern style called, Hung Fut, and was taught by Sifu Tai Yim.  Eventually at some point in time after 2+ years of attending, Tai Yim's school relocated to a larger building further away from my house, and while I would have liked to have continued training under Sifu Tai Yim, I had not the time to juggle my school work and drive two hours a day to go to the school.  After some time, I decided to try attending another martials school, and ended up choosing a Wushu (northern Kung Fu), called Chinese Martial Art's Institute.  The positive side to attending CMAI was that I had a couple of friends who attended the school and the I felt better suited to the specific style, however, the negative aspect was that I was in my Junior year in high school and was involved with a lot of school activities that had conflict with the time commitments.  Eventually I slipped out of the school, but hopefully someday I'll get around to getting back into the swing of martial arts again.

Anyways, there's more in the life story sides martial arts, sports, school and all....  And since I'm not the best at putting experiences into words, you can check out the Photo Gallery to get a better look at my kind of life.  If you're interested in hiring someone for a summer job, I posted up my resume which you can view by clicking HERE.  All in all, I hope you get a fair understanding of me and whatnot.  

OHYA... One more thing...  This website is made by ME... and that means my sense of sarcasm is all over the place on this page... So any comments that may seem rude or offensive aren't meant to be... its all just jokes, mocks and inside things... ESPECIALLY THE RACIST REMARKS TOWARDS THE ASIANS (take a look at the top of the page... I AM ASIAN), and other people.  It's just me, I ain't absurd like that =P

Thanks for coming, and enjoy!

/- Recent Stuff Worth Mentioning -\

September 4th

Wowsky, it's been a while since I got a chance to update.  umm.. let's see.. School start'd up again... year 4 at college... I WILL NOT use the word senior.. because I am FAR from graduating... oh well... uh, not much else to say... so here's the updates: Added a few new Quotes in that section, Photo Gallery added a few pictures in the 703 Crowd, and Family section.  Also, I found a bunch of pics from a few years ago that I thought I had lost, so hopefully I'll finally get that Ikenberry gallery up and runn'n... 


oh and here's a cute pic my sister Luat took while she was going cross country in China a few years back, it kind of explains the whole Asians and Bikes thing... well.. it doesn't explain it.. but it's a pic of an azn on a bike.... jes take a look at it already.  Click the image to see the full image on a different page.



that's all for now, tootles fat boy


June 12th

Well, Looky here... Redwind II is up and running... hope it all works well


Photo Album

Links to some of my  Friend's Websites

I have a small photo album set up momentarily.  It contains pictures of my friends and family just like the one to the left.

And Remember Boyz and Girlz... Kung Fu is good... but the GUN IS BETTER....                                 unless you're Jet Li....



This page was last updated on 09/04/03 by ... ... ... ME!!!!!! 

If you have any questions, concerns, rants.. THEN SUCK IT TREBEK!!!

Otherwise you can email me at

Whatsup B?...                                Waaazzzupppppppp!!!                                             WUSABI??????

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