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"Bah! I'll never get this done!" You cry in frusration as your computer crashes. That's the third time this week! Guess what, buddy, you just lost all of your hard work, and too bad that resume needs to be turned in tomorrow (Your old boss fired you because she saw you eating a can of tuna that was not "dolphin safe." Go figure). That is, if you want a job, of course. You get up and get a cup of coffee, as you see this is going to be a very long night. When you enter the room again, you see that your computer has been turned on to a strange message saying "Welcome to the Kingdom of the Red Firefly." You have only enough time to sit and stare dumbly at the screen, wondering what happened, when suddenly you are falling through the floor of the room (Actually, it is more like "swallowed" by the floor, but anywho). You really must be tired, because you find yourself wondering how anyone could fit a rollercoaster into your house. You are sliding down a tube of iridescent colors that looks alot like a virtual reality simulator, your hair whipping behind you. I guess now the coffee is beginning to kick in because now you're just a tad bit scared. You close your eyes and grit your teeth and suddenly you land sprawling on the grass in some unknown world.

Celestial Ice Dragon from Skyhaven Adoptions

"What in the..." (Don't say that word! Shame on you!)You look around you, bewildered. You landed in a forest with (obviously) lots of very tall trees. But these aren't just any trees. If you took the tallest redwood ever known to man and compared it to these trees, they'd be taller by about three times. "Geez!" You say in awe, looking up at them. Suddenly, you look up too far and break your neck and die (just kidding). Where were we? Oh yes! "Geez!" You say in awe, looking up at them, their beautiful majesty overcoming your minor confusion.

"Hello, traveler!" a voice calls out behind you and scares you out of your wits. You sit bolt upright and look at the...creature. It seems to be a dragon with blue wings and horns. It's eyes are a deep sapphire blue that overwhelm you with their beauty. You look away, unable to look into those eyes very long.

It sees your reaction and lets out a deep rumble that seems to be a laugh. "Do not be frightened! The world of Faersyn is one of happiness and mirth, not anger and fear. My name is Blue Ice, and you may find other creatures in the forest, some may belong to the Lady, some may not. Now follow the road to the Castle of the Red Firefly if you would like to meet the lady who resides there." He lifts a blue claw to point toward a large hill surrounded by a moat. Perched atop the big hill is a castle made of white stone. The towers and walls tower above everything, even the gargantuan trees that grow in the forest. You stand up, suddenly remembering common courtesy, but no sooner do you stand up, your knees give way, and you are on the ground again. You look up at the dragon and suddenly he disappears. You only have time to blink an eye and you are gone too. Next thing you know, you are sitting on the same white stone steps that you were just observing from afar a couple minutes ago. The dragon appears before your eyes and continues to the entrance.

"Well? Are you coming?" He asks with mild impatience. You hastily manage to stand up on wobbly legs and make your way slowly to the entrance. "I will allow you entry to any room in the Castle of the Red Firefly, if you wish." He offers. You nod your head in agreement. "Now where would you like to go next?" He asks.

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August 14, 2002 - Hello everyone! If you, by chance, happen to see this message, I would like to let you know that you are welcome to sign the guestbook *hint hint* and give me some suggestions, and also please visit my awards room here. In the tower, you will find some awards for webpage excellence that I am very proud of!


Backgrounds by Sweetwater Valley