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Reborn Again

We've all heard the story of how Serena created the great kingdom of Crystal Tokyo. Now this kingdom was so great that it spanned across the entire star system. The extension of the kingdom to include the entire galaxy was considered the golden age of Crystal Tokyo and that was brought about by Rini. Rini abolished all evil from the far corners to bring the universe into a time of true peace. During that time, Crystal Tokyo became the center of the galaxy. Peace reigned for many, many years. Rini passed the throne on to her daughter and her daughter passed in on to her daughter (and so on). As the time passed, the peace in the galaxy made even Sailormoon and Queen Serenity lazy. Consequently, when the enemy struck full force, they were not prepared. The great Crystal Tokyo was destroyed, and the Sailormoon (Chbi Chibi) watched as her beloved kingdom, people, and even mother was destroyed. Distraught, she went back in time to the legendary first Sailormoon (If you'll remember, Serena was already a legend to Rini). Chibi Chibi was unaware whether she intentionally did so or not, but she ended up during Serena's hardest battle, the one versus Galaxia. While observing and helping Serena, Chibi Chibi learned to be brave, and how to help her own time. She returned to the future and gave her life to end the enemy that had invaded her galaxy. Unfortunately, though the enemy was defeated, they had already wreaked such damage that the world were no longer able to reach one another. Separated and in such a state of chaos, the people returned to the ways of the past and on every planet individuals had they're own worldwide wars. Some, however, remembered the great Queen Serenity, Sailormoon, and all the other scouts that gave their lives to save them from the evil. These people refused to fight, but instead declared that they would uphold the peace and love that the scouts fought for. The warring factions still respected the scouts as well, and though they left the worshippers in peace, did not end their own wars. Consequently, it was these people that relearned the secrets of space travel and such. All along these people also told the stories they remembered of the great scouts (Many of them were actually residents at the respected castles and knew many of the old stories.) These people became somewhat of priests and the great Sailormoon, protector of the innocent, and the neverending mother, Queen Serenity, begame their gods. These people existed on almost every planet and together they relearned the old technology and reconnected across the skies. Peace was not perfect, but a balance was restored. The legends of Sailormoon and Queen Serenity remained. Luna & Artemis As always, Pluto was forbidden to join the war. When Chibi Chibi returned, she sent Luna and Artemis to Pluto to sleep until they were needed again. Until the evil arose again and the Sailormoon of Creation was reborn and needed to be awoken, this being their eternal job. Earth It was thought to be destroyed along with Crystal Tokyo. It nearly was, however, after Sailormoon's sacrifice it was hidden by Pluto so that is could heal. The stone of the earth (the one Darien has) was replaced so that the earth could heal and Diana was appointed guardian while the Earth was hidden.

Character List

The Chapters
